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标题:求教一道有关二叉排序树的操作 程序,。。
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求教一道有关二叉排序树的操作 程序,。。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

////////////////////// 树节点的表示形式:
typedef struct BTree
    int data;
    struct BTree *lchild, *rchild;
enum{ unsucess, sucess };

typedef int status;
void insert(tree &a,int k);

void create(tree &a);

void deleteT(tree a,int x);

void deleteR(tree a);

void display(tree a);

status search(tree a, int x);

///////在完成插入操作 时,首先要在二叉排序树中找到是否存在该节点,下面的的操作就是完成此功能。
status search_1(tree t, int x,tree f,tree &p);//t is tree, p is last visted  node,f is t parents and is null at begin,;

status insert_1(tree t,int x);//

////////         创建二叉排序树下面的代码没问题,但如果删除二叉排序树的叶子节点后,display()改二叉排序树,确得不到预期结果。
///////         如果要删除非叶子节点时,display()可以实现,所以请大家帮忙找下问题的原因。

int main()
    tree a=NULL;
//     cout <<"enter you want to search number: ";
//     int y;
//     cin >>y;
//     cout <<search(a,y)<<endl;
    cout <<"enter the num you want to delete: ";
    int x;
    cin >>x;
    deleteT(a, x);
    cout <<"output the last nums : "<<endl;
    cout <<" enter you want insert num: ";
    int z;
    cin >>z;
    cout <<"output the new num: " <<endl;
    cout <<endl;
    return 0;

status search(tree a, int x)
//    findtag tag;
    { //tag=unsucess;
        return unsucess;
    if(a->data ==x)
        //tag = success;
        return sucess;
    else if(a->data <x)
        search(a->rchild ,x);
        search(a->lchild ,x);
void create(tree &a)
    cout <<"enter the numbers you want to input: ";
    int n;
    cin >>n;
    cout <<"enter the data: ";
    int key;

    for(int  i =0; i<n; i++)
        cin >>key;
        //cin >>key;

void insert(tree &a,int k)
    tree b =new btree;
    b->data = k;
    b->lchild =b->rchild =NULL;
    if( a==NULL)
    else if(a->data ==k)
        return ;
    else if(k <a->data)
        insert(a->lchild ,k);
    else insert(a->rchild ,k);


void display(tree a)
        return ;
    cout <<a->data <<"\t";
void deleteT(tree a,int x)
        return ;
    if(a->data ==x)
        if( !a->lchild && !a->rchild )
            tree q= a;
            delete q;
        else deleteR(a);
    else if(a->data< x)
        deleteT(a->rchild ,x);
        deleteT(a->lchild, x);

void deleteR(tree a)
    tree q=NULL;
        return ;
//     if( !a->lchild && !a->rchild )
//     {
//         q= a;
//         delete q;
//     }
   else    if( !a->rchild )
        delete q;
    else if( !a->lchild )
        q =a;
        delete q;
        tree s= a->lchild;
        a->data= s->data;
        if(q !=a)
            q->rchild =s->lchild;
            q->lchild =s->lchild;
status search_1(tree t, int x,tree f,tree &p)
    if(!t)  // empty tree;
        p=f; return false;
    else if( t->data ==x)
        return true;
    else if(t->data <x)
        search_1(t->rchild,x ,t, p);
        search_1(t->lchild ,x ,t, p);

status insert_1(tree t,int x)
 tree q=NULL;
  if( !search_1(t,x,NULL,q) )
        tree s =new btree;
        s->data =x;
        s->lchild =s->rchild =NULL;

            t =s;
        else if( q->data <x)
            q->rchild =s;
            q->lchild =s;

        return true ;
  else false;

2009-08-03 12:57
快速回复:求教一道有关二叉排序树的操作 程序,。。

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