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标题:美国Terra Domain 公司招聘编程人才
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美国Terra Domain 公司招聘编程人才

Terra Domain Consulting为美国境内合法注册的独资公司,从事水平钻探行业已有数年之久,公司所提供的有关地质导向(geosteering)及其相关软件的服务具有良好的性价比,可确保井位达到产量最丰富的储层岩石,使水平钻探过程处于最理想的状态,大大减少客户水平钻井时出现的重大失误。公司总裁提姆•狄恩(Tim Dean)是一位在石油行业有着30余年经验的地球物理学家,1975年以优异的成绩毕业于美国伊利诺州诺克斯学院(Knox College),获得学士学位,之后又在美国亚利桑那大学选修地球物理学专业研究生课程。他研发出用于预测近岸地压的VSP反射技术以及适用于地面震动的软件和方法,包括产层厚度预测新技术,并在气体远景分析振幅-支距(AVO)震动方法应用上做了大量的工作,1989年被派往颇具发展前景的奥斯汀•乔克公司,成为那儿第一位参加水平圈闭钻探的地球物理学者,并独家开发了能够准确预测生产结果的地震工作站分析方法。蒂姆使用针对MWD伽马射线数据的集合投影法研究开发出了水平井地质导向方法。此方法已被应用在数以千计的水平钻井作业中,为水平钻井成功有效的应用留下了深远影响。从1992年开始蒂姆自立门户,成立Terra Domain咨询公司,主要在石油水平钻井领域从事咨询工作。现又投身于太阳能事业,为下一代洁净能源提供软件方面的支持。




Terra Domain Consulting is a privately held consultancy in the United States specializing in technical support in the area of horizontal drilling and solar energy. We provide highly cost effective, expert geosteering services and related services and software which allow our clients to drill their horizontal wells in an optimum way by reducing costly drilling errors and ensuring that the well is positioned in the most productive reservoir rock. TDC is owned and operated by Tim Dean, a geophysicist with thirty years of experience in the petroleum business.

Tim Dean received a Bachelors degree in geology with honors from Knox College in 1975 and attended graduate school at the University of Arizona in geophysics.  He was given the assignment of being the first geophysicist in the promising Austin Chalk horizontal drilling play in 1989 and developed innovative seismic workstation interpretation methods that accurately predicted production results.  Tim conceived and developed a horizontal well geosteering method using geometrical projection of MWD gamma ray data.  This method has been applied on thousands of horizontal wells and had a significant impact on the success and efficiency of the horizontal drilling method.  Since 1992 Tim has been working as an independent consultant primarily involved in horizontal drilling in the petroleum business.  Now Tim diverts his expertise to the solar industry, providing services to facilitate a clean energy that shall benefit the future world.  

We're therefore looking for talented and creative individuals with good scientific programming skills in C++, C# and multi-physics modeling in geosciences and solar energy.  The requirements are as follows:

-have significant experience in programming scientific or technical projects
-be proficient in English
-have a bachelors or masters degree in geoscience, physics or related science
-have time to devote to any project assigned by the company
-be good at working in a team and independently

If you think you're qualified, please send your resume or CV to hr at terradomain dot cn. Please include your name, age, city and a list with brief descriptions of the programming you've done before.  We will only accept attachments in PDF.
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 美国 Terra Domain 地球 
2008-06-27 14:53
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