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标题:c++ 语言 这个code 无语法错误 为什么跟我表达的意思不一样 求大神指点
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注 册:2019-6-28
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c++ 语言 这个code 无语法错误 为什么跟我表达的意思不一样 求大神指点
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int runMenu()
    cout << endl;
    cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" << endl;
    cout << "      The amazing story generator     " << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" << endl;
    cout << " [0] end testing the program          " << endl;
    cout << " [1] display 'about' information      " << endl;
    cout << " [2] read and store data from field   " << endl;
    cout << " [3] generate a random story line     " << endl;
    cout << " [4] save a story line to file        " << endl;
    cout << " [5] load saved story lines from file " << endl;
    cout << "which option would you like (0-5):    " << endl;
int main()
    cin >> option;
    if (option == 0)
        cout << "bye" << endl;
        return 0
    else if ((option == 1) | (option == 'I'))
    return 0;


c++ 萌新 问的问题可能比较低级 望见谅 谢谢
还有一个问题 最近老是碰到 路径不对是怎么个回事??
求解决方法 谢谢!!
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: c++ 语言 表达 cout option 
2019-06-28 15:40
快速回复:c++ 语言 这个code 无语法错误 为什么跟我表达的意思不一样 求大神指 ...

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