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Option Base 1
Private Const crossoverpos As Double = 0.9
Private Const momentumpos As Double = 0.1
Private Const gm As Integer = 30
Private Const ds As Integer = 200
Private Const vnum As Integer = 8
Private Const bnum As Integer = 3
Private Const cnum As Integer = 5
Private Const CMAX As Integer = 150
Private population(1 To gm) As Chromosome
Private temppopulation(1 To gm) As Chromosome
Dim vstring(1 To vnum) As Vessel
Dim bstring(1 To bnum) As Berth
Dim cstring(0 To cnum) As Crane
Dim Bestvalue(0 To ds) As Chromosome
Dim Bestfitness(0 To ds) As Double
Dim Maxvalue As Chromosome
Dim Maxfitness As Single
Dim sumfitness As Single
Dim rd1, rd2 As Integer
Dim father(1 To gm / 2) As fudai
Dim kd As Integer
Dim fd As Integer
Dim bd As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim zd As Integer
Dim aa As Integer
Dim cd As Integer

Dim Berthstart()

Private Type Vessel
     Vindex As Integer
     VContainer As Integer
     Vlength As Integer
     Vvolume As Integer
     VCnum As Integer
     Atime As Single
     Vcranel As Integer
     Vcrane2 As Integer
     Vcrane3 As Integer
End Type

Private Type Berth
   Bindex As Integer
   Blength As Integer
   Bvolume As Integer
End Type

Private Type Crane
   Cindex As Integer
   Ceff As Integer
   Bvolume As Integer
End Type

Private Type Chromosome
  Pot(1 To (vnum + bnum - 1) * 3) As Integer
  BO(1 To (vnum + bnum - 1) * 3) As Integer
  fitnessvalue As Double
  value As Double
  selectPos As Double
  crossPot1 As Integer
  crossPot2 As Integer
  yjselect As Boolean
  gedian(1 To (bnum - 1)) As Integer
  upperbound As Double
  lowerbound As Double
  Border(1 To bnum, 1 To vnum) As Integer
  Bvnum(1 To bnum) As Integer
  VCorder(1 To vnum, 1 To 3)
  Atime(1 To vnum) As Single
  Stime(1 To vnum) As Single
  Ftime(1 To vnum) As Single
  Ttime(1 To vnum) As Single
  Servtime(1 To vnum) As Single
  Waitingtime(1 To vnum) As Single
  Berthwait(1 To bnum) As Single
  w(1 To bnum) As Integer
  BStime(1 To bnum) As Single
  kongxian(1 To bnum, 1 To vnum) As String
  wukongxian(1 To bnum, 1 To vnum) As String
  sumtime(1 To bnum) As Single
  sum As Single
End Type

Private Type fudai
     a As Integer
     b As Integer
End Type
Private Sub initialize()

For k = 1 To gm
   pd = 1
   bd = 1: kp = 1
    For i = 1 To (vnum + bnum - 1) * 3 Step 3
          tg = True
          population(k).Pot(i) = Fix(Rnd * (vnum + bnum - 1)) + 1
          If i > 1 Then
                 For j = 1 To i - 3 Step 3
                     If population(k).Pot(j) = population(k).Pot(i) Then
                     tg = False
                     Exit For
                     End If
                 Next j
          End If
         If tg = True Then Exit Do
       If population(k).Pot(i) <= vnum Then
          population(k).Pot(i + 1) = pd
          population(k).VCorder((population(k).Pot(i)), 1) = pd
          population(k).Border(bd, kp) = population(k).Pot(i)
          population(k).Bvnum(bd) = population(k).Bvnum(bd) + 1
          kp = kp + 1
         pd = pd + 2: bd = bd + 1: kp = 1
         population(k).Pot(i + 1) = 0
       End If
     Next i
Next k
End Sub

Private Sub servicetime()
Dim a1 As Integer
Dim b1 As Integer
Dim c1 As Integer

For a1 = 1 To gm
     population(a1).value = 0
     population(a1).sum = 0
     For b1 = 1 To bnum
        population(a1).sumtime(b1) = 0
        population(a1).Berthwait(b1) = 0
      For c1 = 1 To population(a1).Bvnum(b1)
         vindex1 = population(a1).Border(b1, c1)
         population(a1).Ttime(vindex1) = vstring(vindex1).VContainer / (cstring(population(a1).VCorder(vindex1, 1)).Ceff + cstring(population(a1).VCorder(vindex1, 2)).Ceff)
population(a1).Atime(vindex1) = vstring(vindex1).Atime
       If c1 = 1 Then
            population(a1).Stime(vindex1) = population(a1).Atime(vindex1)
            population(a1).Ftime(vindex1) = population(a1).Stime(vindex1) + population(a1).Ttime(vindex1)
               If population(a1).Atime(vindex1) > Berthstart(b1) Then
                  kx = population(a1).Atime(vindex1) - Berthstart(b1)
                  population(a1).kongxian(b1, c1) = (Str(kx) & " " & "0" & " " & Str(vindex1))
                  population(a1).BO(b1) = population(a1).BO(b1) + kx
               End If
               vindex2 = population(a1).Border(b1, c1 - 1)
                 If population(a1).Atime(vindex1) <= population(a1).Ftime(vindex2) Then
                    zd = zd + 1
                    population(a1).Stime(vindex1) = population(a1).Ftime(vindex2)
                    population(a1).Ftime(vindex1) = population(a1).Stime(vindex1) + population(a1).Ttime(vindex1)
                    population(a1).Waitingtime(vindex1) = population(a1).Stime(vindex1) - population(a1).Atime(vindex1)
                    population(a1).wukongxian(b1, c1) = (Str(population(a1).Waitingtime(vindex1)) & " " & Str(vindex1) & " " & Str(vindex2))
                    population(a1).Berthwait(b1) = population(a1).Berthwait(b1) + population(a1).Waitingtime(vindex1)
                    population(a1).Stime(vindex1) = population(a1).Atime(vindex1)
                    population(a1).Ftime(vindex1) = population(a1).Stime(vindex1) + population(a1).Ttime(vindex1)
                    population(a1).kongxian(b1, c1) = (Str(kx) & "" & Str(vindex2) & "" & Str(vindex1))
                    population(a1).BO(b1) = population(a1).BO(b1) + kx
               End If
       End If
              population(a1).Servtime(vindex1) = population(a1).Ftime(vindex1) - population(a1).Atime(vindex1)
              population(a1).sumtime(b1) = population(a1).sumtime(b1) + population(a1).Servtime(vindex1)
     Next c1
     population(a1).sum = population(a1).sum + population(a1).sumtime(b1)
   Next b1
   population(a1).value = population(a1).sum
Next a1

End Sub
Private Sub cranerevise()
For a2 = 1 To gm
  If population(a2).Berthwait(1) > population(a2).Berthwait(2) Then '1>2
     If population(a2).Berthwait(3) > population(a2).Berthwait(1) Then '312
        For i1 = ((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + population(a2).Bvnum(2) + 2) * 3 + 3) To (bnunl + vnum - 1) * 3 Step 3
population(a2).Pot(i1) = 4
population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i1 - 2)), 2) = 4
        Next i1
        For i2 = 3 To population(a2).Bvnum(1) * 3 Step 3
            population(a2).Pot(12) = 2
            population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i2 - 2)), 2) = 2
        Next i2
     ElseIf population(a2).Berthwait(2) > population(a2).Berthwait(3) > population(a2).Berthwait(2) Then '132
        For i1 = 3 To population(a2).Bvnum(1) * 3 Step 3
           population(a2).Pot(i1) = 2
           population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i1 - 2)), 2) = 2
        Next i1
        For i2 = ((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + population(a2).Bvnum(2) + 2) * 3 + 3) To (bnum + vnum一1) * 3 Step 3
           population(a2).Pot(i2) = 4
           population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i2 - 2)), 2) = 4
        Next i2
     ElseIf population(a2).Berthwait(2) > population(a2).Berthwait(3) Then '123
        For i1 = 3 To population(a2).Bvnum(1) * 3 Step 3
           population(a2).Pot(i1) = 2
           population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i1 - 2)), 2) = 2
        Next i1
        For i2 = ((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + 1) * 3 + 3) To (((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + population(a2).Bvnum(2) + 1) * 3)) Step 3
            population(a2).Pot(i2) = 4
            population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i2 - 2)), 2) = 4
        Next i2
     End If
     If population(a2).Berthwait(3) > population(a2).Berthwait(2) Then '321
        For i1 = ((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + population(a2).Bvnum(2) + 2) * 3 + 3) To (bnum + vnum - 1) * 3 Step 3
            population(a2).Pot(i1) = 4
            population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i1 - 2)), 2) = 4
        Next i1
        For i2 = ((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + 1) * 3 + 3) To (((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + population(a2).Bvnum(2) + 1) * 3)) Step 3
            population(a2).Pot(i2) = 2
            population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i2 - 2)), 2) = 2
        Next i2
     ElseIf population(a2).Berthwait(2) > population(a2).Berthwait(3) > population(a2).Berthwait(1) Then '231
        For i1 = ((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + 1) * 3 + 3) To ((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + population(a2).Bvnum(2) + 1) * 3) Step 3
            population(a2).Pot(i1) = 2
            population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i1 - 2)), 2) = 2
        Next i1
        For i2 = ((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + population(a2).Bvnum(2) + 2) * 3 + 3) To (bnum + vnum - 1) * 3 Step 3
            population(a2).Pot(i2) = 4
            population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i2 - 2)), 2) = 4
        Next i2
     ElseIf population(a2).Berthwait(1) > population(a2).Berthwait(3) Then '213
        For i1 = ((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + 1) * 3 + 3) To (((population(a2).Bvnum(1) + population(a2).Bvnum(2) + l) * 3)) Step 3
             population(a2).Pot(i1) = 4
             population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i1 - 2)), 2) = 4
        Next i1
        For i2 = 3 To population(a2).Bvnum(1) * 3 Step 3
             population(a2).Pot(i2) = 2
             population(a2).VCorder((population(a2).Pot(i2 - 2)), 2) = 2
        Next i2
     End If
  End If
Next a2
End Sub
Private Function CompuateValue(No_chorm As Integer)
CompuateValue = CMAX - population(No_chorm).value
End Function
Private Sub Selection()
sumfitness = 0
For k = 1 To gm
    sumfitness = sumfitness + population(k).fitnessvalue
Next k
population(1).lowerbound = 0
    For i = 1 To gm
    If i <> 1 Then
       population(i).lowerbound = population(i - 1).upperbound
    End If
    population(i).selectPos = population(i).fitnessvalue / sumfitness
    population(i).upperbound = population(i).lowerbound + population(i).selectPos

Next i

For zc = 1 To gm
w = Rnd()
  For j = 1 To gm
     If w > population(j).lowerbound And w < population(j).upperbound Then
     population(zc) = population(j)
     End If
  Next j
Next zc
End Sub
Private Sub Crossover()
For j = 1 To gm
    population(j).yjselect = False
Next j

For i = 1 To gm / 2
      rd1 = Int(Rnd * gm) + 1
      If population(rd1).yjselect = False Then Exit Do
    population(rd1).yjselect = ture
      rd2 = Int(Rnd * popsize) + 1
      If population(rd1).yjselect = False Then Exit Do
    population(rd1).yjselect = ture
    father(i).a = rd1
    father(i).b = rd2
Next i

For k = 1 To gm / 2
    bd = 1: pd = True
    Do While bd <= (bnum + vnum - 1) * 3 - 2
      If population(father(k).a).Pot(bd) <> population(father(k).b).Pot(bd) Then
         bd = bd + 3: pd = True
         Exit Do:  pd = False
      End If
If pd = True Then
        crossPot1 = Int(Rnd * 4) + 1
          crossPot2 = Int(Rnd * 8) + 1
          If crossPot2 > crossPot1 And crossPot2 - crossPot1 <= 2 Then Exit Do
        For h = (crossPot1 - 1) * 3 + 1 To (crossPot2 - 1) * 3 + 1 Step 3
            exchange = population(father(k).a).Pot(h)
            population(father(k).a).Pot(h) = population(father(k).b).Pot(h)
            population(father(k).b).Pot(h) = exchange
       Next h
       For l = (crosspot1一1) * 3 + 1 To (crossPot2 - 1) * 3 + 1 Step 3
        m = 1
        Do While m <= (bnum + vnum - 1) * 3 - 2
           If population(father(k).a).Pot(1) <> population(father(k).a).Pot(m) Then
              m = m + 3
              If l = m Then
                 m = m + 3
                 For p = 1 To (bnum + vnum - 1) * 3 - 2 Step 3
                     If population(father(k).b).Pot(l) = population(father(k).b).Pot(p) Then
                         If l <> p Then
                               reexehange = population(father(k).a).Pot(m)
                               population(father(k).a).Pot(m) = population(father(k).b).Pot(p)
                               population(father(k).b).Pot(p) = reexehange
                               Exit Do
                         End If
                     End If
                Next p
             End If
           End If
       Next l
         For n1 = (crossPot1 - 1) * 3 + 1 To (crossPot2 - 1) * 3 + 1 Step 3
             For n2 = 1 To (bnum + vnum - 1) * 3 - 2 Step 3
                 If population(father(k).a).Pot(n1) = population(father(k).a).Pot(n2) Then
                    If n1 <> n2 Then
                        rrexchang1 = n2
                    End If
                 End If
                 If population(father(k).b).Pot(n1) = population(father(k).b).Pot(n2) Then
                    If n1 <> n2 Then
                        rrexehang2 = n2
                    End If
                 End If
             Next n2
          Next n1
          If rrexehang1 > 0 And rrexehange2 > 0 Then
             temp = population(father(k).a).Pot(rrexehang1)
             population(father(k).a).Pot(rrexchang1) = population(father(k).b).Pot(rrexchang2)
            population(father(k).b).Pot(rrexchang2) = temp
          End If
End If
Next k
End Sub
Private Sub Momentum()
    For i = 1 To gm
       w = Rnd()
       If w <= momentumpos Then
          moml1 = Int(Rnd * 8) + 1
           moml2 = Int(Rnd * 8) + 1
           If moml1 <> moml2 Then Exit Do
          rebridge = population(i).Pot((moml1 - 1) * 3 + 1)
          population(i).Pot((moml1 - 1) * 3 + 1) = population(i).Pot((moml2 - 1) * 3 + 1)
          population(i).Pot((moml2 - 1) * 3 + 1) = rebridge
       End If
    Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Berthstart = Array(0, 1, 2)
For aa = 1 To cnum
    cstring(aa).Ceff = 20
Next aa

For bb = 1 To vnum
    vstring(bb).VContainer = 100
Next bb

vstring(1).Atime = 0: vstring(2).Atime = 2: vstring(3).Atime = 5: vstring(4).Atime = 6
vstring(5).Atime = 11: vstring(6).Atime = 12: vstring(7).Atime = 16: vstring(8).Atime = 18

Call initialize: Call servicetime: Call cranerevise
population(1).fitnessvalue = CompuateValue(1)
Bestvalue(0) = population(1): Bestfitness(0) = population(1).fitnessvalue
For kd = 2 To gm
    population(kd).fitnessvalue = CompuateValue(kd)
    If population(kd).fitnessvalue > Bestfitness(kd) Then
       Bestvalue(0) = population(kd): Bestfitness(0) = population(kd).fitnessvalue
    End If
Next kd

For zd = 1 To ds

    Call Selection
    Call Crossover
    Call Momentum
    For d1 = 1 To gm
        For d2 = 1 To bnum
            population(d1).Bvnum(d2) = 0
        Next d2
    Next d1

    For cd = 1 To gm
        pd1 = 1: bd1 = 1: kp1 = 1: gd1 = 0
         For dd = 1 To (vnum + bnum - 1) * 3 Step 3
             population(cd).Pot(dd + 1) = 0: population(cd).Pot(dd + 2) = 0
             If population(cd).Pot(dd) <= vnum Then
                population(cd).Pot(dd + 1) = pd1
                population(cd).VCorder((population(cd).Pot(dd)), 1) = pd1
                population(cd).Border(bd1, kp1) = population(cd).Pot(dd)
                population(cd).Bvnum(bd1) = population(cd).Bvnum(bd1) + 1
                kp1 = kp1 + 1
                pd1 = pd1 + 2: gd1 = gd1 + 1: bd1 = bd1 + 1: kp1 = 1
                population(cd).Pot(dd + 1) = 0
             End If
         Next dd
    Next cd
   Call servicetime
   Call cranerevise

  population(1).fitnessvalue = CompuateValue(1)
  Bestvalue(zd) = population(1): Bestfitness(zd) = population(1).fitnessvalue
  For fd = 2 To gm
    population(fd).fitnessvalue = CompuateValue(fd)
    If population(fd).fitnessvalue > Bestfitness(zd) Then
       Bestvalue(zd) = population(fd): Bestfitness(zd) = population(fd).fitnessvalue
    End If
  Next fd
Next zd

Maxfitness = Bestfitness(1)
Maxvalue = Bestvalue(1)

For bbb = 2 To ds
     If Bestfitness(bbb) > Maxfitness Then
        Maxfitness = Bestfitness(bbb): Maxvalue = Bestvalue(bbb)
     End If
Next bbb

Print "最优值为:  "; CMAX - Maxfitness; "     ";
For ddd = 1 To (bnum + vnum - 1) * 3
    Print Maxvalue.Pot(ddd);
Next ddd
For aaa = 1 To ds
     Print "第"; aaa; "代最优值为"; CMAX - Bestfitness(aaa); "    "; "最优个体为:";
     For ccc = 1 To (bnum + vnum - 1) * 3
        Print Bestvalue(aaa).Pot(ccc):
     Next ccc
     For bbb = 1 To vnum
         Print "船"; bbb; "服务时间:"; Bestvalue(aaa).Servtime(bbb); "等待时间:"; Bestvalue(aaa).Waitingtime(bbb)
     Next bbb
Next aaa
End Sub
2013-05-27 19:25
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2013-5-27
2013-05-29 10:38

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