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Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16
来 自:东土大唐
等 级:版主
威 望:74
帖 子:9048
注 册:2011-11-11
以前我们的程序都没涉及负数 这次做一个排序的程序 且能处理负数。
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我们用汇编来实现 这里的关键是判断负数和显示负数:
; program name:            Sort
; producer:                yrjd
; program function:        Sort a series of numbers and show it
; produce data:            2012-10-11  Thursday
assume cs:code, ds:data, ss:stack

stack segment para stack 'stack'
  db    30 dup (?)
stack ends

data segment
NumArray     dw 56, 57, 4767, 4, 543, 76, 44, 0fffch, 0eefch, 0
Index        dw ?
NumString    db 128 dup('$')
rPrompt      db 'The sum is : ', '$'
EndPrompt    db 'Press any key to continue', '$'
data ends

code segment
start:                  ; Segment register initialize 段寄存器初始化
                        mov    ax, stack
                        mov    ss, ax
                        mov    sp, 30              
                        mov    ax, data
                        mov    ds, ax                       

                        ; Sort 排序
                        mov     cx, 9
                        mov    si, 0
                Sort:   mov    bx, NumArray[si]
                        mov    di, si
                        mov    Index, si
                        add    di, 2
            InSort:     cmp    di, 18
                        ja    GetSingle
                        cmp    bx, NumArray[di]
                        jng     Ctnu
                        mov    bx, NumArray[di]
                        mov    ax, di
                        mov    Index, ax
                Ctnu:   add    di, 2
                        jmp    InSort
           GetSingle:   push    di
                        mov    di, Index
                        push    NumArray[si]
                        push    NumArray[di]
                        pop    NumArray[si]
                        pop    NumArray[di]
                        pop    di
                        push    NumArray[si]
                        add    si, 2
                        loop    Sort      
                        push    NumArray[si]
                        mov    cx, 10
                        mov    di, 0          
    StoreString:        mov    dx, 0
                        pop    ax
                        call    dis
                        loop    StoreString
                        ; Prompt and Output the result  提示并输出结果
                        lea    dx, rPrompt
                        mov    ah, 09h
                        int    21h
                        lea    dx, NumString
                        mov    ah, 09h
                        int    21h
                        call   crlf
                        ; Output End Prompt 输出结束提示
                        lea    dx, EndPrompt
                        mov    ah, 09h
                        int    21h
                        ; View the result and Return DOS 查看结果并返回DOS
                        mov    ah, 01h
                        int    21h
                        mov    ah, 4ch
                        int    21h   

                        push    bx
                        push    cx
                        push    dx
                        push    si
                        push    ax

                        ; Judge negative     判断是不是负数
                        mov    bx, ax
                        cmp    ax, 0
                        jnl    Positive
                        mov    cx, 0ffffh
                        sub    cx, ax
                        inc    cx
                        mov    ax, cx
                        ; Get each bit digit 分解结果的各个位的数字
            Positive:   mov    si, 0
            GetBit:     mov    cx, 10
                        call   divdw
                        add    cx, 30h
                        push   cx
                        inc    si
                        cmp    ax, 0
                        jz     CmpAgain
                        jmp    GetBit
            CmpAgain:   cmp    dx, 0
                        jz     GetEnd
                        jmp    GetBit
            GetEnd:     cmp    bx, 0
                        jnl    Positive1
                        mov    bl, '-'
                        mov    bh, 0
                        push   bx
                        inc    si
            Positive1:  mov    cx, si
            GetResult:  pop    ax
                        mov    NumString[di], al
                        inc    di
                        loop   GetResult                       

                        mov    al, ' '
                        mov    NumString[di], al
                        inc    di                      

                        pop    ax                      
                        pop    si
                        pop    dx
                        pop    cx
                        pop    bx
                       ; The function of  Carriage-Return Line-Feed 回车换行
crlf:                   mov    dl, 0dh
                        mov    ah, 02h
                        int     21h
                        mov    dl, 0ah
                        mov    ah, 02h
                        int    21h

divdw:                ; not overflow  division   实施不溢出除法获取除10的余数
                        push    si
                        push    di
                        push    ax
                        mov     ax, dx
                        mov     dx, 0
                        div     cx
                        mov     si, ax
                        pop     ax
                        div     cx
                        mov     cx, dx
                        mov     dx, si                 

                        pop     di
                        pop     si                

code ends
end start

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[ 本帖最后由 有容就大 于 2012-10-11 15:10 编辑 ]


2012-10-11 15:05
Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16
来 自:东土大唐
等 级:版主
威 望:74
帖 子:9048
注 册:2011-11-11
还是完成一个作业先  实现查找功能 可以实现负数的查找
图片附件: 游客没有浏览图片的权限,请 登录注册


图片附件: 游客没有浏览图片的权限,请 登录注册

; program name:            Search
; producer:                yrjd
; program function:        Search a number in an array
; produce data:            2012-10-12  Friday
assume cs:code, ds:data, ss:stack

stack segment para stack 'stack'
  db    128 dup (?)
stack ends

data segment
NumArray      dw 0ffd3h, 75, 9877, 43, 0fffdh, 0, 653, 776, 41a1h, 666
SearchNum     db 32
    NumLen    db ?
    ActNum    db 32 dup (?)
InputPrompt   db 'Please input the Number you want to search: ', '$'
NotFound      db 'Can not find the number!', '$'
HasFound      db 'It has found the number!', '$'
EndPrompt     db 'Press any key to continue', '$'
data ends

code segment
start:                  ; Segment register initialize 段寄存器初始化
                        mov    ax, stack
                        mov    ss, ax
                        mov    sp, 128              
                        mov    ax, data
                        mov    ds, ax                  

            ; Prompt and Input the search number  提示并输入要查找的数
                        lea     dx, InputPrompt
                        mov     ah, 09h
                        int     21h
                        lea    dx, SearchNum
                        mov    ah, 0ah
                        int    21h
                        call    ConvertToHex
                      ; Compare and show the result
                      ; 比较并输出结果
                      mov    cx, 10
                      mov    si, 0
                      mov    al, 0
        SearchFor:    cmp    di, NumArray[si]
                      jz    AddCount
             next:    add    si, 2
                      jmp    s
         AddCount:    inc    al
                      add    si, 2
            s:        loop    SearchFor
                      call   crlf
                      cmp    al, 0
                      jz    CannotFound
                      lea    dx, HasFound
                      mov    ah, 09h
                      int    21h
                      jmp    OK
      CannotFound:    lea    dx, NotFound
                      mov    ah, 09h
                      int     21h           
                      ; Output End Prompt 输出结束提示
         OK:          call    crlf
                      lea    dx, EndPrompt
                      mov    ah, 09h
                      int    21h
                      ; View the result and Return DOS 查看结果并返回DOS
                      mov    ah, 01h
                      int    21h
                      mov    ah, 4ch
                      int    21h
                      ; The function of  Carriage-Return Line-Feed 回车换行
crlf:                  push    ax
                       push    dx
                       mov     dl, 0dh
                       mov     ah, 02h
                       int     21h
                       mov     dl, 0ah
                       mov     ah, 02h
                       int     21h
                       pop    dx
                       pop    ax
                      ; Convert the string to a Hex number 把输入的字符串转化为十六进制数 
 ConvertToHex:        push    ax
                      push    bx
                      push    cx
                      push    dx
                      push    si
                      mov    cl, NumLen
                      mov    ch, 0           
                      mov    si, 0
                      cmp    BYTE ptr ActNum[si], '-'
                      jnz    PushBCD
                      dec    cl
                      mov    si, 1
          PushBCD:    mov    dl, BYTE ptr ActNum[si]
                      sub    dl, 30h
                      mov    dh, 0
                      push    dx
                      inc    si
                      loop    PushBCD
                      mov    cl, NumLen
                      mov    ch, 0
                      mov    bx, 10
                      mov    si, 0   
                      mov    di, 0
                      cmp    BYTE ptr ActNum[0], '-'
                      jnz    GetHex
                      dec    cl
       GetHex:        pop    ax
                      push    cx
                      cmp    si, 0
                      jz    AddEach
                      mov    cx, si
       MulTen:        mov    dx, 0
                      mul    bx
                      loop    MulTen
          AddEach:    add    di, ax
                      inc    si
                      pop    cx
                      loop    GetHex
                      cmp    BYTE ptr ActNum[0], '-'
                      jnz    ConvertOK
                      mov    ax, 65535
                      sub    ax, di
                      inc    ax
                      mov    di, ax
        ConvertOK:    pop    si
                      pop    dx
                      pop    cx
                      pop    bx
                      pop    ax
code ends

end start


2012-10-13 14:23
Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16
来 自:东土大唐
等 级:版主
威 望:74
帖 子:9048
注 册:2011-11-11
判断一个年份是否是闰年 范围公元1-9999
assume cs:code, ds:data, ss:stack

stack    segment para 'stack'
             db    128 dup (?)
stack    ends

data    segment
EndPrompt    db 'Press any key to continue...', '$'
InputPrompt  db 'Please input the year:', '$'
IsLeapYear   db 'This is a leap year!', '$'
NotLeapYear  db 'This is not a leap year!', '$'
AskContinue  db 'Do you want to continue?(Y/N):', '$'
YearString   db 10
    YSLen    db ?
    YSAct    db 10 dup ('$')
YearValue    dw 0
data    ends

code     segment
start:        ;; Initialize the segment register 段寄存器初始化
              mov    ax, stack
              mov    ss, ax
              mov    sp, 128
              mov    ax, data
              mov    ds, ax
              ;; Prompt user to input a year 提示用户输入一个年份
InputYear:    mov    dx, offset InputPrompt
              mov    ah, 09h
              int    21h      
              ;; Input a year as string  以字符串形式输入年份
              lea    dx, YearString
              mov    ah, 0ah
              int    21h          

              call    CheckYear
              call    crlf
              cmp    ax, 0
              je    InputYear              

              mov    YearValue[0], 0
              call     ConvertStr      
              call    JudgeLeap    
              call     crlf       

              ;; Ask the user whether to continue
              ;; 询问是否继续
              lea    dx, AskContinue
              mov    ah, 09h
              int    21h
              ;; Input the choice
              ;; 输入你的选择
              mov    ah, 01h
              int    21h
              call     crlf
              cmp    al, 'Y'
              je    InputYear
              ;; Prompt end and return 程序结束并返回
              mov    dx, offset EndPrompt
              mov    ah, 09h
              int    21h
              mov    ah, 01h
              int    21h
              mov    ah, 4ch
              int    21h
crlf:         ;;  Carriage-Return Line-Feed 回车换行
              push    dx
              push    ax
              mov    dl, 0dh
              mov    ah, 02h
              int    21h
              mov    dl, 0ah
              mov    ah, 02h
              int    21h
              pop    ax
              pop    dx
              ;; Check the legitimacy of the input (inside four number characters)
              ;; 检查输入的合法性(在四个数字字符内)
CheckYear:    push    cx
              push    si
              cmp    YSLen, 4
              ja    InputError
              mov    cl, YSLen
              mov    ch, 0
              mov    si, 0

 CheckNum:    cmp    byte ptr YSAct[si], '0'
              jb    InputError
              cmp    byte ptr YSAct[si], '9'
              ja    InputError
              inc    si
              loop    CheckNum
              mov    ax, 1
              jmp    CheckEnd
InputError:   mov    ax, 0

 CheckEnd:    pop    si
              pop    cx
              ;; COnvert the Year's string to Year's Value
              ;; 把年份的字符串转换为数值
ConvertStr:   push    ax
              push    bx
              push    cx
              push    dx
              push    si
              push    di
              mov    cl, YSLen
              mov    ch, 0
              mov    si, cx
              dec    si
              mov    di, 0
              mov    bx, 10       

 DealEach:    push    cx
              mov    al, BYTE ptr YSAct[si]
              sub    al, 30h
              mov    ah, 0
              mov    dx, 0
              cmp    di, 0
              je    AddEach
              mov    cx, di          
    MulTen:   mul    bx
              loop    MulTen
  AddEach:    add    YearValue[0], ax
              dec    si
              inc    di
              pop    cx
              loop    DealEach
              pop    di
              pop    si
              pop    dx
              pop    cx
              pop    bx
              pop    ax
JudgeLeap:    ;; Judge whether is the leap year
              ;; 判断是否为闰年      
              push    ax
              push    bx
              push    cx
              push    dx
              push    si
              push    di
              mov    ax, YearValue[0]
              mov    dx, 0
              mov    bx, 4
              div    bx
              cmp    dx, 0
              jne    NotLeap
              mov    ax, YearValue[0]
              mov    dx, 0
              mov    bx, 100
              div    bx
              cmp    dx, 0
              je    Div400
              lea    dx, IsLeapYear
              mov    ah, 09h
              int    21h
              jmp    OK
    Div400:   mov    ax, YearValue[0]
              mov    dx, 0
              mov    bx, 400
              div    bx
              cmp    dx, 0
              jne    NotLeap
              lea    dx, IsLeapYear
              mov    ah, 09h
              int    21h
              jmp    OK
  NotLeap:    lea    dx, NotLeapYear
              mov    ah, 09h
              int    21h
    OK:       pop    di
              pop    si
              pop    dx
              pop    cx
              pop    bx
              pop    ax
code    ends

end    start
图片附件: 游客没有浏览图片的权限,请 登录注册


2012-10-26 12:54
Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16
来 自:东土大唐
等 级:版主
威 望:74
帖 子:9048
注 册:2011-11-11
以下是引用hu9jj在2012-10-26 14:28:52的发言:


哈哈 俺的‘可视化’是打引号的。


2012-10-26 17:05

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