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自学Thinking in C++,第四章程序疑问,求解
//: C04:CLib.h
// Header file for a C-like library
// An array-like entity created at runtime
typedef struct CStashTag {
int size; // Size of each space
int quantity; // Number of storage spaces
int next; // Next empty space
// Dynamically allocated array of bytes:
unsigned char* storage;
} CStash;
void initialize(CStash* s, int size);
void cleanup(CStash* s);
int add(CStash* s, const void* element);
void* fetch(CStash* s, int index);
int count(CStash* s);
void inflate(CStash* s, int increase);
//: C04:CLib.cpp {O}
// Implementation of example C-like library
// Declare structure and functions:
#include "CLib.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
// Quantity of elements to add
// when increasing storage:
const int increment = 100;
void initialize(CStash* s, int sz) {
s->size = sz;
s->quantity = 0;
s->storage = 0;
s->next = 0;
int add(CStash* s, const void* element) {
if(s->next >= s->quantity) //Enough space left?
inflate(s, increment);疑问1:这里是扩大储存空间的,那么上面一句不是应该把">="改为"<"
// Copy element into storage,
// starting at next empty space:
int startBytes = s->next * s->size;
unsigned char* e = (unsigned char*)element;
for(int i = 0; i < s->size; i++)
s->storage[startBytes + i] = e[i];
return(s->next - 1); // Index number
void* fetch(CStash* s, int index) {
// Check index boundaries:
assert(0 <= index);
if(index >= s->next)
return 0; // To indicate the end
// Produce pointer to desired element:
return &(s->storage[index * s->size]);
int count(CStash* s) {
return s->next; // Elements in CStash
void inflate(CStash* s, int increase) {
assert(increase > 0);
int newQuantity = s->quantity + increase;
int newBytes = newQuantity * s->size;
int oldBytes = s->quantity * s->size;
unsigned char* b = new unsigned char[newBytes];
for(int i = 0; i < oldBytes; i++)
b[i] = s->storage[i]; // Copy old to new
delete [](s->storage); // Old storage
s->storage = b; // Point to new memory
s->quantity = newQuantity;
void cleanup(CStash* s) {
if(s->storage != 0) {
cout << "freeing storage" << endl;
delete []s->storage;
} ///:~
//: C04:CLibTest.cpp
//{L} CLib
// Test the C-like library
#include "CLib.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Define variables at the beginning
// of the block, as in C:
CStash intStash, stringStash;
int i;
char* cp;
ifstream in;
string line;
const int bufsize = 80;
// Now remember to initialize the variables:
initialize(&intStash, sizeof(int));
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
add(&intStash, &i);//add函数传递是一个struct类型指针和一个数组指针,这里传递了整型变量"i"到add函数,然后在add函数中强制转\\换为unsigned char类型,而且是一个数组,这个做何解,难道是给storage数组传递从第一个数依次到第八数(int型位数为八位)?求解?
for(i = 0; i < count(&intStash); i++)
cout << "fetch(&intStash, " << i << ") = "
<< *(int*)fetch(&intStash, i)
<< endl;
// Holds 80-character strings:
initialize(&stringStash, sizeof(char)*bufsize);
while(getline(in, line))
add(&stringStash, line.c_str());
i = 0;
while((cp = (char*)fetch(&stringStash,i++))!=0)
cout << "fetch(&stringStash, " << i << ") = "
<< cp << endl;
} ///:~
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 自学 allocated quantity library created 
2011-11-03 01:51
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2011-10-8
另外,这个函数编译通过后为什么会产生segmentation fault这样的错误呢?
2011-11-03 02:41
快速回复:自学Thinking in C++,第四章程序疑问,求解

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