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Option Explicit

Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000 Private Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000 Private Const FILE_SHARE_READ = &H1 Private Const FILE_SHARE_WRITE = &H2 Private Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3 Private Const CREATE_NEW = 1 Private Const INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1 Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2 Private Const IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE = 512 Private Const OUTPUT_DATA_SIZE = IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE + 16

'GETVERSIONOUTPARAMS contains the data returned 'from the Get Driver Version function Private Type GETVERSIONOUTPARAMS bVersion As Byte 'Binary driver version. bRevision As Byte 'Binary driver revision bReserved As Byte 'Not used bIDEDeviceMap As Byte 'Bit map of IDE devices fCapabilities As Long 'Bit mask of driver capabilities dwReserved(3) As Long 'For future use End Type

'IDE registers Private Type IDEREGS bFeaturesReg As Byte 'Used for specifying SMART "commands" bSectorCountReg As Byte 'IDE sector count register bSectorNumberReg As Byte 'IDE sector number register bCylLowReg As Byte 'IDE low order cylinder value bCylHighReg As Byte 'IDE high order cylinder value bDriveHeadReg As Byte 'IDE drive/head register bCommandReg As Byte 'Actual IDE command bReserved As Byte 'reserved for future use - must be zero End Type

'SENDCMDINPARAMS contains the input parameters for the 'Send Command to Drive function Private Type SENDCMDINPARAMS cBufferSize As Long 'Buffer size in bytes irDriveRegs As IDEREGS 'Structure with drive register values. bDriveNumber As Byte 'Physical drive number to send command to (0,1,2,3). bReserved(2) As Byte 'Bytes reserved dwReserved(3) As Long 'DWORDS reserved bBuffer() As Byte 'Input buffer. End Type

'Valid values for the bCommandReg member of IDEREGS. Private Const IDE_ID_FUNCTION = &HEC 'Returns ID sector for ATA. Private Const IDE_EXECUTE_SMART_FUNCTION = &HB0 'Performs SMART cmd. 'Requires valid bFeaturesReg, 'bCylLowReg, and bCylHighReg

'Cylinder register values required when issuing SMART command Private Const SMART_CYL_LOW = &H4F Private Const SMART_CYL_HI = &HC2

'Status returned from driver Private Type DRIVERSTATUS bDriverError As Byte 'Error code from driver, or 0 if no error bIDEStatus As Byte 'Contents of IDE Error register 'Only valid when bDriverError is SMART_IDE_ERROR bReserved(1) As Byte dwReserved(1) As Long End Type

Private Type IDSECTOR wGenConfig As Integer wNumCyls As Integer wReserved As Integer wNumHeads As Integer wBytesPerTrack As Integer wBytesPerSector As Integer wSectorsPerTrack As Integer wVendorUnique(2) As Integer sSerialNumber(19) As Byte wBufferType As Integer wBufferSize As Integer wECCSize As Integer sFirmwareRev(7) As Byte sModelNumber(39) As Byte wMoreVendorUnique As Integer wDoubleWordIO As Integer wCapabilities As Integer wReserved1 As Integer wPIOTiming As Integer wDMATiming As Integer wBS As Integer wNumCurrentCyls As Integer wNumCurrentHeads As Integer wNumCurrentSectorsPerTrack As Integer ulCurrentSectorCapacity As Long wMultSectorStuff As Integer ulTotalAddressableSectors As Long wSingleWordDMA As Integer wMultiWordDMA As Integer bReserved(127) As Byte End Type

'Structure returned by SMART IOCTL commands Private Type SENDCMDOUTPARAMS cBufferSize As Long 'Size of Buffer in bytes DRIVERSTATUS As DRIVERSTATUS 'Driver status structure bBuffer() As Byte 'Buffer of arbitrary length for data read from drive End Type

'Vendor specific feature register defines 'for SMART "sub commands" Private Const SMART_ENABLE_SMART_OPERATIONS = &HD8


'IOCTL commands Private Const DFP_GET_VERSION = &H74080 Private Const DFP_SEND_DRIVE_COMMAND = &H7C084 Private Const DFP_RECEIVE_DRIVE_DATA = &H7C088

Private Type ATTR_DATA AttrID As Byte AttrName As String AttrValue As Byte ThresholdValue As Byte WorstValue As Byte StatusFlags As STATUS_FLAGS End Type

Private Type DRIVE_INFO bDriveType As Byte SerialNumber As String Model As String FirmWare As String Cilinders As Long Heads As Long SecPerTrack As Long BytesPerSector As Long BytesperTrack As Long NumAttributes As Byte Attributes() As ATTR_DATA End Type


Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "CreateFileA" _ (ByVal lpFileName As String, _ ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, _ ByVal dwShareMode As Long, _ lpSecurityAttributes As Any, _ ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, _ ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, _ ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DeviceIoControl Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal hDevice As Long, _ ByVal dwIoControlCode As Long, _ lpInBuffer As Any, _ ByVal nInBufferSize As Long, _ lpOutBuffer As Any, _ ByVal nOutBufferSize As Long, _ lpBytesReturned As Long, _ lpOverlapped As Any) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _ (hpvDest As Any, _ hpvSource As Any, _ ByVal cbCopy As Long) Private Type OSVERSIONINFO OSVSize As Long dwVerMajor As Long dwVerMinor As Long dwBuildNumber As Long PlatformID As Long szCSDVersion As String * 128 End Type

Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "GetVersionExA" _ (LpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long

Private Sub Form_Load()

Command1.Caption = "Get Drive Info" End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim di As DRIVE_INFO Dim drvNumber As Long 'For drvNumber = PRIMARY_MASTER To QUARTIARY_SLAVE For drvNumber = 0 To 0 di = GetDriveInfo(drvNumber) List1.AddItem "Drive " & drvNumber With di Select Case .bDriveType Case 0: List1.AddItem vbTab & "[Not present]" Case 1: List1.AddItem vbTab & "Model:" & vbTab & Trim$(.Model) List1.AddItem vbTab & "Serial N" & vbTab & Trim$(.SerialNumber) Case 2: List1.AddItem vbTab & "[ATAPI drive - info not available]" Case Else: List1.AddItem vbTab & "[drive type not known]" End Select End With Next End Sub

Private Function GetDriveInfo(drvNumber As IDE_DRIVE_NUMBER) As DRIVE_INFO Dim hDrive As Long Dim di As DRIVE_INFO hDrive = SmartOpen(drvNumber) If hDrive <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then If SmartGetVersion(hDrive) = True Then With di .bDriveType = 0 .NumAttributes = 0 ReDim .Attributes(0) .bDriveType = 1 End With If SmartCheckEnabled(hDrive, drvNumber) Then If IdentifyDrive(hDrive, IDE_ID_FUNCTION, drvNumber, di) = True Then GetDriveInfo = di End If 'IdentifyDrive End If 'SmartCheckEnabled End If 'SmartGetVersion End If 'hDrive <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE CloseHandle hDrive End Function

Private Function IdentifyDrive(ByVal hDrive As Long, _ ByVal IDCmd As Byte, _ ByVal drvNumber As IDE_DRIVE_NUMBER, _ di As DRIVE_INFO) As Boolean 'Function: Send an IDENTIFY command to the drive 'drvNumber = 0-3 'IDCmd = IDE_ID_FUNCTION or IDE_ATAPI_ID Dim SCIP As SENDCMDINPARAMS Dim IDSEC As IDSECTOR Dim bArrOut(OUTPUT_DATA_SIZE - 1) As Byte Dim cbBytesReturned As Long With SCIP .cBufferSize = IDENTIFY_BUFFER_SIZE .bDriveNumber = CByte(drvNumber) With .irDriveRegs .bFeaturesReg = 0 .bSectorCountReg = 1 .bSectorNumberReg = 1 .bCylLowReg = 0 .bCylHighReg = 0 .bDriveHeadReg = &HA0 'compute the drive number If Not IsWinNT4Plus Then .bDriveHeadReg = .bDriveHeadReg Or ((drvNumber And 1) * 16) End If 'the command can either be IDE 'identify or ATAPI identify. .bCommandReg = CByte(IDCmd) End With End With If DeviceIoControl(hDrive, _ DFP_RECEIVE_DRIVE_DATA, _ SCIP, _ Len(SCIP) - 4, _ bArrOut(0), _ OUTPUT_DATA_SIZE, _ cbBytesReturned, _ ByVal 0&) Then CopyMemory IDSEC, bArrOut(16), Len(IDSEC)

di.Model = StrConv(SwapBytes(IDSEC.sModelNumber), vbUnicode) di.SerialNumber = StrConv(SwapBytes(IDSEC.sSerialNumber), vbUnicode) IdentifyDrive = True End If End Function

Private Function IsWinNT4Plus() As Boolean

'returns True if running Windows NT4 or later Dim osv As OSVERSIONINFO

osv.OSVSize = Len(osv)

If GetVersionEx(osv) = 1 Then IsWinNT4Plus = (osv.PlatformID = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) And _ (osv.dwVerMajor >= 4) End If

End Function

Private Function SmartCheckEnabled(ByVal hDrive As Long, _ drvNumber As IDE_DRIVE_NUMBER) As Boolean 'SmartCheckEnabled - Check if SMART enable 'FUNCTION: Send a SMART_ENABLE_SMART_OPERATIONS command to the drive 'bDriveNum = 0-3 Dim SCIP As SENDCMDINPARAMS Dim SCOP As SENDCMDOUTPARAMS Dim cbBytesReturned As Long With SCIP .cBufferSize = 0 With .irDriveRegs .bFeaturesReg = SMART_ENABLE_SMART_OPERATIONS .bSectorCountReg = 1 .bSectorNumberReg = 1 .bCylLowReg = SMART_CYL_LOW .bCylHighReg = SMART_CYL_HI

.bDriveHeadReg = &HA0 If Not IsWinNT4Plus Then .bDriveHeadReg = .bDriveHeadReg Or ((drvNumber And 1) * 16) End If .bCommandReg = IDE_EXECUTE_SMART_FUNCTION End With .bDriveNumber = drvNumber End With SmartCheckEnabled = DeviceIoControl(hDrive, _ DFP_SEND_DRIVE_COMMAND, _ SCIP, _ Len(SCIP) - 4, _ SCOP, _ Len(SCOP) - 4, _ cbBytesReturned, _ ByVal 0&) End Function

Private Function SmartGetVersion(ByVal hDrive As Long) As Boolean Dim cbBytesReturned As Long Dim GVOP As GETVERSIONOUTPARAMS SmartGetVersion = DeviceIoControl(hDrive, _ DFP_GET_VERSION, _ ByVal 0&, 0, _ GVOP, _ Len(GVOP), _ cbBytesReturned, _ ByVal 0&) End Function

Private Function SmartOpen(drvNumber As IDE_DRIVE_NUMBER) As Long

'Open SMART to allow DeviceIoControl 'communications andrReturn SMART handle

If IsWinNT4Plus() Then SmartOpen = CreateFile("\\.\PhysicalDrive" & CStr(drvNumber), _ GENERIC_READ Or GENERIC_WRITE, _ FILE_SHARE_READ Or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, _ ByVal 0&, _ OPEN_EXISTING, _ 0&, _ 0&)

Else SmartOpen = CreateFile("\\.\SMARTVSD", _ 0&, 0&, _ ByVal 0&, _ CREATE_NEW, _ 0&, _ 0&) End If End Function

Private Function SwapBytes(b() As Byte) As Byte() 'Note: VB4-32 and VB5 do not support the 'return of arrays from a function. For 'developers using these VB versions there 'are two workarounds to this restriction: ' '1) Change the return data type ( As Byte() ) ' to As Variant (no brackets). No change ' to the calling code is required. ' '2) Change the function to a sub, remove ' the last line of code (SwapBytes = b()), ' and take advantage of the fact the ' original byte array is being passed ' to the function ByRef, therefore any ' changes made to the passed data are ' actually being made to the original data. ' With this workaround the calling code ' also requires modification: ' ' di.Model = StrConv(SwapBytes(IDSEC.sModelNumber), vbUnicode) ' ' ... to ... ' ' Call SwapBytes(IDSEC.sModelNumber) ' di.Model = StrConv(IDSEC.sModelNumber, vbUnicode) Dim bTemp As Byte Dim cnt As Long

For cnt = LBound(b) To UBound(b) Step 2 bTemp = b(cnt) b(cnt) = b(cnt + 1) b(cnt + 1) = bTemp Next cnt SwapBytes = b() End Function

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 序列号 物理 Const Private 磁盘 
2004-05-20 17:07
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:61
注 册:2004-5-20


2004-06-01 16:19

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