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共有 721 人关注过本帖
标题:求高手 迷宫课设 帮忙纠错
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等 级:新手上路
帖 子:10
注 册:2010-1-29
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求高手 迷宫课设 帮忙纠错


typedef     struct   StackNode
    int    data;
    struct  StackNode   *next;

}  StackNode,   *StackPtr;                      /*    结点类型,指针类型     */

typedef    struct
    StackPtr   top;
    int    size;

}  Stack;                                                /*     栈类型       */

typedef    struct                                   /*        迷宫类型       */

    int   x,y;                          //表示点的方位
    int   Live;                         //Live=1,该点可走,Live=0,该点不可走,Live=2表示该点是解
    int   direction;                 //direction 表示当前点探索的方向,direction 初始10表示该点未探索任何方向
    int   count;                      //count表示当前点探索方向次数

}  MazeType;


typedef    struct

    int    next;

}  MoveDirection;

#if !defined( NULL )
#define NULL ( 0 )

#define   M    10
#define   N    10
#include     <stdio.h>
#include  <cstdlib>

/*     1.栈的实现     */

void   InitStack( Stack  &s )
    s.top = NULL;
    s.size = 0;


void    Push( Stack  &s,  int  e )
    StackPtr    p;
    p = ( StackPtr ) malloc ( sizeof( StackNode ) );
    if(!p)      exit( -1 );
    p->data = e;
    p->next = s.top;
    s.top = p;


int      StackEmpty( Stack &s )
    if( s.top == NULL )     return 1;
    else    return 0;


int    GetTop( Stack &s,  int &e )
    if( s.top == NULL )   return  0;
    e = s.top->data;
    return  1;


int    Pop( Stack  &s )
    StackPtr  p;
    if( s.top == NULL )   return  0;
    p = s.top;
    s.top = p->next;
    free( p );
    return  1;


void   DestroyStack( Stack &s )
    free( s.top );


/*    1.栈的实现如上    */

/*     2.迷宫实现     */

void    InitMaze( MazeType   &maze )                             //初始化迷宫,为方便操作,迷宫外设了一圈围墙
    int  j;
    int  i;
    for( j = 0; j <= N-1; j++ )
        maze[ j ].Live = 0;
        maze[ j ].x = j;
        maze[ j ].y = 0;
        maze[ j ].direction = 10;
        maze[ j ].count = 1;
        maze[ (M-1)*N+j ].Live = 0;
        maze[ (M-1)*N+j ].x = j;
        maze[ (M-1)*N+j ].y = M-1;
        maze[ (M-1)*N+j ].direnction = 10;
        maze[ (M-1)*N+j ].count = 1;

    for( i = 1;i <= M-2;i++ )
        maze[ i*N ].Live = 0;
        maze[ i*N ].x = 0;
        maze[ i*N ].y = i;
        maze[ i*N ].direction = 10;
        maze[ i*N ].count = 1;
        maze[ i*N+N-1 ].Live = 0;
        maze[ i*N+N-1 ].x = N-1;
        maze[ i*N+N-1 ].y = i;
        maze[ i*N+N-1 ].direnction = 10;
        maze[ i*N+N-1 ].count = 1;

    }                                                                                            //初始化围墙部分
    printf( "Input Maze:0 stand for no way, 1 stand for clear\n" );
    for ( i = 1;i <= M-2;i++ )
        for( j = 1;j <= N-2;j++ )
            maze[ N*i+j ].x = j;
            maze[ N*i+j ].y = i;
            scanf( "&d", maze[ N*i+j ].Live );
    if( maze[ N+1 ].Live == 0 )
        maze[N+1].Live = 1;
        printf( "Sorry,(1,1) must be initialized alive\n" );

    if( maze[ 8 * ( N+1 ) ].Live == 0 )
        maze[ 8 * ( N+1 ) ].Live = 1;
        printf( "Sorry,(8,8) must be initialized alive\n" );



void  Answer( MazeType &maze,  Stack &s )                        
    int  e;
    while( !StackEmpty( s ) )
         Pop( s, e );
         maze[ e ].Live = 2;
    DestroyStack( s );


int   MazeSolve( MazeType &maze,  Stack  &s,  MoveDirection  &MD )   
{                                                                                    /*    求解M*N的迷宫       */
    int  k = 2;
    int  m;
    int  next_number;
    int  Gone;
    int  cur;
    int  Arrival = 88;                        

    InitStack( s );
    Push( s, N+1 );
    while( !StackEmpty( s ) )
        GetTop( s,cur );
        while( maze[ cur ].count <=3 )
            if( cur == Arrival )   {   Answer( maze,s );     return 1;  }                       //Arrival 目的地编号
            if( maze[ cur ].direction!=10 )      k=maze[ cur ].direction;
            m=MD[ k ].next;
            maze[ cur ].direction = m;
            next_number = Number( maze[ cur ].x, maze[ cur ].y, m);
            maze[ cur ].count++;
            if( maze[ next_number ].Live == 1 )
                Gone = m;
                Push( s,  next_number );

        if( maze[ cur ].count == 4 )      Pop( s );
        else    k = Transform( Gone );

    DestroyStack( s );
    return  0;


void  Print( MazeType &maze )                             //打印结果
    int  count = 0;
    int  k = 1;
    while( count <= M*N-1 )
        switch( maze[count].Live )
        {                                                     //0代表不通,1代表通,*代表解
            case 0: printf("0");
            case 1: printf("1");
            case 2: printf("*");

        if( k%N==0 )   printf("\n");



/*      2. 迷宫实现如上     */

//3. 方向实现如下

void    InitMoveDirection( MoveDirection  &MD )               //North=0,South=1,West=2,East=3
    int  k;
    for( k = 0;k <= 2;k++ )
        MD[ k ].next = k+1;
    MD[ 3 ].next = 0;


int    Transform( int Gone )                      //Gone表示来的方向
{                                               //函数的功能是返回与Gone相反的方向
    if( Gone%2 == 0 )   return  Gone+1;
    else    return  Gone-1;


//3. 方向实现如上

int    Number( int x, int y, int direction )              //根据移动方向和当前点位置确定下个点编号
    switch ( direction )
        case  0:    return  N*(y-1)+x;
        case  1:    return  N*(y+1)+x;
        case  2:    return  N*y+x-1;
        case  3:    return  N*y+x+1;


int     main()
      int  key;
      Stack  s;
      MoveDirection  MD[ 4 ];
      MazeType   maze[ M*N ];
      InitMoveDirection( MD );  
      InitMaze( maze );
      printf( "Maze Below:\n" );
      Print( maze );
      key = MazeSolve( maze,  s,  MD );
      if( ! key  )   
            printf( "No Path" );
          printf( "Maze Sovled Below:\n" );
          Print( maze );
      return 0;

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 纠错 迷宫 
2010-02-17 03:08
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