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着急 jsp求助
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:

An error occurred at line: 1 in the generated java file
The type javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

An error occurred at line: 91 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
Session cannot be resolved to a type
88:     while (RSEmails.next()) {
89:         try {
90:             Properties props = new Properties(); //创建属性对象
91:             Session sendMailSession; //创建对话对象
92:             Store store;
93:             Transport transport; //创建传输对象
94:             PopupAuthenticator popAuthenticator =

An error occurred at line: 92 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
Store cannot be resolved to a type
89:         try {
90:             Properties props = new Properties(); //创建属性对象
91:             Session sendMailSession; //创建对话对象
92:             Store store;
93:             Transport transport; //创建传输对象
94:             PopupAuthenticator popAuthenticator =
95:                 new PopupAuthenticator();

An error occurred at line: 93 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
Transport cannot be resolved to a type
90:             Properties props = new Properties(); //创建属性对象
91:             Session sendMailSession; //创建对话对象
92:             Store store;
93:             Transport transport; //创建传输对象
94:             PopupAuthenticator popAuthenticator =
95:                 new PopupAuthenticator();
96:             PasswordAuthentication pop =

An error occurred at line: 96 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
PasswordAuthentication cannot be resolved to a type
93:             Transport transport; //创建传输对象
94:             PopupAuthenticator popAuthenticator =
95:                 new PopupAuthenticator();
96:             PasswordAuthentication pop =
97:                 popAuthenticator.performCheck("zhaoruyi", "euyi8401");
98:             sendMailSession =
99:                 Session.getInstance(props, popAuthenticator);

An error occurred at line: 99 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
Session cannot be resolved
96:             PasswordAuthentication pop =
97:                 popAuthenticator.performCheck("zhaoruyi", "euyi8401");
98:             sendMailSession =
99:                 Session.getInstance(props, popAuthenticator);
100:             //对话目标
101:             props.put("mail.smtp.host", "smtp.nlsde.buaa.);
102:             //设置对话对象

An error occurred at line: 104 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
Message cannot be resolved to a type
101:             props.put("mail.smtp.host", "smtp.nlsde.buaa.);
102:             //设置对话对象
103:             props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); //设置smtp身份认证
104:             Message newMessage = new MimeMessage(sendMailSession);
105:             //创建信息对象
106:             //newMessage.setFrom(
107:             //new InternetAddress(

An error occurred at line: 104 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
MimeMessage cannot be resolved to a type
101:             props.put("mail.smtp.host", "smtp.nlsde.buaa.);
102:             //设置对话对象
103:             props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); //设置smtp身份认证
104:             Message newMessage = new MimeMessage(sendMailSession);
105:             //创建信息对象
106:             //newMessage.setFrom(
107:             //new InternetAddress(

An error occurred at line: 109 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
InternetAddress cannot be resolved to a type
106:             //newMessage.setFrom(
107:             //new InternetAddress(
108:             //(String)session.getAttribute("EmailAddress")));
109:             newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress("eims@));
110:             //发送者
111:             newMessage.setRecipient(
112:                 Message.RecipientType.TO,

An error occurred at line: 112 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
Message.RecipientType.TO cannot be resolved to a type
109:             newMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress("eims@));
110:             //发送者
111:             newMessage.setRecipient(
112:                 Message.RecipientType.TO,
113:                 new InternetAddress(
114:                     RSEmails.getString("EmailAddress")));
115:             //接受者

An error occurred at line: 113 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
InternetAddress cannot be resolved to a type
110:             //发送者
111:             newMessage.setRecipient(
112:                 Message.RecipientType.TO,
113:                 new InternetAddress(
114:                     RSEmails.getString("EmailAddress")));
115:             //接受者
116:             newMessage.setSubject("新的意见箱消息!");

An error occurred at line: 122 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
Transport cannot be resolved
119:             newMessage.setText(EmailMessage); //邮件内容
120:             transport = sendMailSession.getTransport("smtp");
121:             //实例化传输对象
122:             Transport.send(newMessage); //发送邮件
123:             TheMessage = "您的意见建议已提交成功,您可以填写新意见建议";
124:         }
125:         catch (MessagingException m) {

An error occurred at line: 125 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
MessagingException cannot be resolved to a type
122:             Transport.send(newMessage); //发送邮件
123:             TheMessage = "您的意见建议已提交成功,您可以填写新意见建议";
124:         }
125:         catch (MessagingException m) {
126:             System.err.println(m);
127:             TheMessage = "您的意见建议已提交成功,但通知邮件未能正常发送!";
128:         }

An error occurred at line: 126 in the jsp file: /messageboard/suggestionbox.jsp
m cannot be resolved
123:             TheMessage = "您的意见建议已提交成功,您可以填写新意见建议";
124:         }
125:         catch (MessagingException m) {
126:             System.err.println(m);
127:             TheMessage = "您的意见建议已提交成功,但通知邮件未能正常发送!";
128:         }
129:     }


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2011-04-02 14:07
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