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共有 755 人关注过本帖
标题:关键字搜索问题 急!!!!!!!!
取消只看楼主 加入收藏
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:7
注 册:2008-6-17
 问题点数:0 回复次数:1 
关键字搜索问题 急!!!!!!!!
'作  用:分页显示搜索结果
'参  数:无
sub ShowSearchResult()
    if currentpage<1 then
    end if
    if (currentpage-1)*MaxPerPage>totalput then
        if (totalPut mod MaxPerPage)=0 then
               currentpage= totalPut \ MaxPerPage
               currentpage= totalPut \ MaxPerPage + 1
        end if
       end if
    if currentPage=1 then
        sqlSearch="select top " & MaxPerPage    
        sqlSearch="select "
    end if

    sqlSearch=sqlSearch & " * from Product where Passed=True "
    if BigClassName<>"" then
        sqlSearch=sqlSearch & " and BigClassName='" & BigClassName & "' "
        if SmallClassName<>"" then
            sqlSearch=sqlSearch & " and SmallClassName='" & SmallClassName & "' "
        end if    
    end if
    if keyword<>"" then
        select case strField
            case "Title"
                sqlSearch=sqlSearch & " and Title like '%" & keyword & "%' "
            case "Content"
                sqlSearch=sqlSearch & " and Content like '%" & keyword & "%' "
            case else
                sqlSearch=sqlSearch & " and Title like '%" & keyword & "%' "
        end select
    end if
    sqlSearch=sqlSearch & " order by ID desc"
    Set rsSearch= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    rsSearch.open sqlSearch,conn,1,1
     if rsSearch.eof and rsSearch.bof then
               response.write "<p align='center'><br><br>没有或没有找到任何产品</p>"
           if currentPage=1 then
               call SearchResultContent()
               if (currentPage-1)*MaxPerPage<totalPut then
                   rsSearch.move  (currentPage-1)*MaxPerPage
                   dim bookmark
                   call SearchResultContent()
                   call SearchResultContent()
              end if
           end if
       end if
       set rsSearch=nothing   
end sub

sub SearchResultContent()
    dim i,strTemp
    do while not rsSearch.eof
        strTemp= strTemp & "<table width=100% border=0 cellspacing=3 cellpadding=0>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<tr>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td width=25% rowspan=6>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<div align=center><a href=ProductShow.asp?ID=" & rsSearch("ID") & ">"
                if fileext="jpg" or fileext="bmp" or fileext="png" or fileext="gif" then
                strTemp= strTemp & "<img border=0 src=" & rsSearch("DefaultPicUrl") & " width=105 height=80>"
                 if fileext="swf" then
                    strTemp= strTemp & "<object  classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'  codebase='http://download.,0,0,0' width='105' height='84'>"
                    strTemp= strTemp &"<param name=movie value='"&rsSearch("DefaultPicUrl")&"'>"
                    strTemp= strTemp &"<param name=quality value=high>"
                    strTemp= strTemp &"<param name='Play' value='-1'>"
                    strTemp= strTemp &"<param name='Loop' value='0'>"
                    strTemp= strTemp &"<param name='Menu' value='-1'>"
                    strTemp= strTemp &"<param name='wmode' value='transparent'>"
                    strTemp= strTemp &"<embed src='"&rsSearch("DefaultPicUrl")&"' width='105' height='84' pluginspage='http://www.' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'></embed> </object>"                                                
               end if
              end if            
                strTemp= strTemp & "</a></div></td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td width=12% height=12>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "产品名称:</td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<a href=ProductShow.asp?ID=" & rsSearch("ID") & ">" & rsSearch("Title") & ""
                strTemp= strTemp & "</a></td>"
                'strTemp= strTemp & "</tr><tr>"
                'strTemp= strTemp & "<td width=12% height=12>"
                'strTemp= strTemp & "产品售价:</td>"
                'strTemp= strTemp & "<td>" & rsSearch("Price") & "元</td>"                
                strTemp= strTemp & "</tr><tr>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td width=12% height=12>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "产品规格:</td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & rsSearch("Spec") & ""
                strTemp= strTemp & "</a></td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "</tr><tr>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td width=12% height=12>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "产品备注:</td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & rsSearch("Memo") & ""
                strTemp= strTemp & "</a></td>"                
                strTemp= strTemp & "</tr><tr>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td height=12>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "产品类别:</td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td><a href=Product.asp?BigClassName=" & rsSearch("BigClassName") & ">" & rsSearch("BigClassName") & "</a> → "
                strTemp= strTemp & "<a href=Product.asp?BigClassName=" & rsSearch("BigClassName") & "&SmallClassName=" & rsSearch("SmallClassName") & ">" & rsSearch("SmallClassName") & ""
                strTemp= strTemp & "</a></td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "</tr><tr>"

                strTemp= strTemp & "<td height=12>产品信息:</td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<a href=ProductShow.asp?ID=" & rsSearch("ID") & "><img src=Img/arrow_7.gif border=0></a></td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "</tr><tr>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td colspan=2>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<tr>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td width=50% height=12>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<div align=center></div></td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td width=50% height=12>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<div align=center><input name='Product_Id' type='checkbox'    id='Product_Id' value="&cstr(rsSearch("Product_Id"))&"> 选取"
                strTemp= strTemp & "</div></td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "</tr>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "</table>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "</td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "</tr><tr>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "<td height=1 colspan=3 bgcolor=#CCCCCC></td>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "</tr>"
                strTemp= strTemp & "</table>"
        response.write strTemp
        if i>=MaxPerPage then exit do    
end sub

当关键字不输入的时候  会显示没有找到任何产品 我想改成 当无关键字时  显示本小类中全部产品  请问各位大大如何改

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 关键 搜索 
2008-06-27 09:00
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:7
注 册:2008-6-17
sqlSearch=sqlSearch & " order by ID desc"
    Set rsSearch= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    rsSearch.open sqlSearch,conn,1,1
    if rsSearch.eof and rsSearch.bof then
               response.write "<p align='center'><br><br>没有或没有找到任何产品</p>"
2008-06-27 09:05
快速回复:关键字搜索问题 急!!!!!!!!

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