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共有 485 人关注过本帖
标题:求高手帮忙 很着急!!!
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等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2008-5-18
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求高手帮忙 很着急!!!
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CSpreadSheet.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Open spreadsheet for reading and writing
CSpreadSheet::CSpreadSheet(CString File, CString SheetOrSeparator, bool Backup) :
m_Database(NULL), m_rSheet(NULL), m_sFile(File),
m_dTotalRows(0), m_dTotalColumns(0), m_dCurrentRow(1),
m_bAppend(false), m_bBackup(Backup), m_bTransaction(false)
{// Detect whether file is an Excel spreadsheet or a text delimited file
    m_stempString = m_sFile.Right(4);
    if (m_stempString == ".xls") // File is an Excel spreadsheet
        m_bExcel = true;
        m_sSheetName = SheetOrSeparator;
        m_sSeparator = ",;.?";
    else // File is a text delimited file
        m_bExcel = false;
        m_sSeparator = SheetOrSeparator;

    if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet
        m_Database = new CDatabase;
        m_sDsn.Format("DRIVER={%s};DSN='';FIRSTROWHASNAMES=1;READONLY=FALSE;CREATE_DB=\"%s\";DBQ=%s", m_sExcelDriver, m_sFile, m_sFile);

        if (Open())
            if (m_bBackup)
                if ((m_bBackup) && (m_bAppend))
{CString tempSheetName = m_sSheetName;
                    m_sSheetName= "CSpreadSheetBackup";
        m_bAppend = false;
            if (!Commit())
        {m_bBackup = false;}
        m_bAppend = true;
        m_sSheetName = tempSheetName;
        m_dCurrentRow = 1;
    else // if file is a text delimited file
        if (Open())
            if ((m_bBackup) && (m_bAppend))
                m_stempString = m_sFile;
                m_stempSql.Format("%s.bak", m_sFile);
                m_sFile = m_stempSql;
                if (!Commit())
                    m_bBackup = false;
                m_sFile = m_stempString;

// Perform some cleanup functions
    if (m_Database != NULL)
        delete m_Database;

// Add header row to spreadsheet
bool CSpreadSheet::AddHeaders(CStringArray &FieldNames, bool replace)
    if (m_bAppend) // Append to old Sheet
        if (replace) // Replacing header row rather than adding new columns
            if (!AddRow(FieldNames, 1, true))
                return false;
                return true;

        if (ReadRow(m_atempArray, 1)) // Add new columns
            if (m_bExcel)
                // Check for duplicate header row field
                for (int i = 0; i < FieldNames.GetSize(); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < m_atempArray.GetSize(); j++)
                        if (FieldNames.GetAt(i) == m_atempArray.GetAt(j))
                            m_sLastError.Format("Duplicate header row field:%s\n", FieldNames.GetAt(i));
                            return false;

            if (!AddRow(m_atempArray, 1, true))
                m_sLastError = "Problems with adding headers\n";
                return false;

            // Update largest number of columns if necessary
            if (m_atempArray.GetSize() > m_dTotalColumns)
                m_dTotalColumns = m_atempArray.GetSize();
            return true;
        return false;                
    else // New Sheet
        m_dTotalColumns = FieldNames.GetSize();
        if (!AddRow(FieldNames, 1, true))
            return false;
            m_dTotalRows = 1;
            return true;

// Clear text delimited file content
bool CSpreadSheet::DeleteSheet()
    if (m_bExcel)
        if (DeleteSheet(m_sSheetName))
            return true;
            m_sLastError = "Error deleting sheet\n";
            return false;
        m_dTotalColumns = 0;
        m_dTotalRows = 0;
        if (!m_bTransaction)
        m_bAppend = false; // Set flag to new sheet
        return true;        

// Clear entire Excel spreadsheet content. The sheet itself is not deleted
bool CSpreadSheet::DeleteSheet(CString SheetName)
    if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet
        // Delete sheet
        m_Database->OpenEx(m_sDsn, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog);
        SheetName = "[" + SheetName + "$A1:IV65536]";
        m_stempSql.Format ("DROP TABLE %s", SheetName);
            m_dTotalColumns = 0;
            m_dTotalRows = 0;
        catch(CDBException *e)
            m_sLastError = e->m_strError;
            return false;
        return true;
    else // if file is a text delimited file
        return DeleteSheet();

// Insert or replace a row into spreadsheet.
// Default is add new row.
bool CSpreadSheet::AddRow(CStringArray &RowValues, long row, bool replace)
    long tempRow;
    if (row == 1)
        if (m_bExcel)
            // Check for duplicate header row field for Excel spreadsheet
            for (int i = 0; i < RowValues.GetSize(); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < RowValues.GetSize(); j++)
                    if ((i != j) && (RowValues.GetAt(i) == RowValues.GetAt(j)))
                        m_sLastError.Format("Duplicate header row field:%s\n", RowValues.GetAt(i));
                        return false;
            // Check for reduced header row columns
            if (RowValues.GetSize() < m_dTotalColumns)
                m_sLastError = "Number of columns in new header row cannot be less than the number of columns in previous header row";
                return false;
            m_dTotalColumns = RowValues.GetSize();

        // Update header row
        if (m_bExcel)
            if (m_dTotalColumns == 0)
                m_sLastError = "No header row. Add header row first\n";
                return false;

    if (m_bExcel) // For Excel spreadsheet
        if (RowValues.GetSize() > m_aFieldNames.GetSize())
            m_sLastError = "Number of columns to be added cannot be greater than the number of fields\n";
            return false;
    else // For text delimited spreadsheet
        // Update largest number of columns if necessary
        if (RowValues.GetSize() > m_dTotalColumns)
            m_dTotalColumns = RowValues.GetSize();

    // Convert row values
    for (int i = 0; i < RowValues.GetSize(); i++)
        if (i != RowValues.GetSize()-1) // Not last column
            m_stempSql.Format("\"%s\"%s", RowValues.GetAt(i), m_sSeparator);
            m_stempString += m_stempSql;
        else // Last column
            m_stempSql.Format("\"%s\"", RowValues.GetAt(i));
            m_stempString += m_stempSql;
    if (row)
        if (row <= m_dTotalRows) // Not adding new rows
            if (replace) // Replacing row
                m_aRows.SetAt(row-1, m_stempString);
            else // Inserting row
                m_aRows.InsertAt(row-1, m_stempString);

            if (!m_bTransaction)
            return true;
        else // Adding new rows
            // Insert null rows until specified row
            m_dCurrentRow = m_dTotalRows;
            CString nullString;
            for (int i = 1; i <= m_dTotalColumns; i++)
                if (i != m_dTotalColumns)
                    if (m_bExcel)
                        nullString.Format("\" \"%s", m_sSeparator);
                        nullString.Format("\"\"%s", m_sSeparator);
                    m_stempSql += nullString;
                    if (m_bExcel)
                        m_stempSql += "\" \"";
                        m_stempSql += "\"\"";
            for (int j = m_dTotalRows + 1; j < row; j++)
        tempRow = m_dCurrentRow;
        m_dCurrentRow = m_dTotalRows;

    // Insert new row
    if (row > m_dTotalRows)
        m_dTotalRows = row;
    else if (!row)
        m_dTotalRows = m_dCurrentRow;
        m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;
    if (!m_bTransaction)
    return true;

// Replace or add a cell into Excel spreadsheet using header row or column alphabet.
// Default is add cell into new row.
// Set Auto to false if want to force column to be used as header name
bool CSpreadSheet::AddCell(CString CellValue, CString column, long row, bool Auto)
    short columnIndex = CalculateColumnNumber(column, Auto);
    if (columnIndex == 0)
        return false;

    if (AddCell(CellValue, columnIndex, row))
        return true;
    return false;

// Replace or add a cell into spreadsheet using column number
// Default is add cell into new row.
bool CSpreadSheet::AddCell(CString CellValue, short column, long row)
    if (column == 0)
        m_sLastError = "Column cannot be zero\n";
        return false;

    long tempRow;

    if (m_bExcel) // For Excel spreadsheet
        if (column > m_aFieldNames.GetSize() + 1)
            m_sLastError = "Cell column to be added cannot be greater than the number of fields\n";
            return false;
    else // For text delimited spreadsheet
        // Update largest number of columns if necessary
        if (column > m_dTotalColumns)
            m_dTotalColumns = column;

    if (row)
        if (row <= m_dTotalRows)
            ReadRow(m_atempArray, row);
            // Change desired row
            m_atempArray.SetAtGrow(column-1, CellValue);

            if (row == 1)
                if (m_bExcel) // Check for duplicate header row field
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_atempArray.GetSize(); i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < m_atempArray.GetSize(); j++)
                            if ((i != j) && (m_atempArray.GetAt(i) == m_atempArray.GetAt(j)))
                                m_sLastError.Format("Duplicate header row field:%s\n", m_atempArray.GetAt(i));
                                return false;

                // Update header row

            if (!AddRow(m_atempArray, row, true))
                return false;

            if (!m_bTransaction)
            return true;
            // Insert null rows until specified row
            m_dCurrentRow = m_dTotalRows;
            CString nullString;
            for (int i = 1; i <= m_dTotalColumns; i++)
                if (i != m_dTotalColumns)
                    if (m_bExcel)
                        nullString.Format("\" \"%s", m_sSeparator);
                        nullString.Format("\"\"%s", m_sSeparator);
                    m_stempSql += nullString;
                    if (m_bExcel)
                        m_stempSql += "\" \"";
                        m_stempSql += "\"\"";
            for (int j = m_dTotalRows + 1; j < row; j++)
        tempRow = m_dCurrentRow;
        m_dCurrentRow = m_dTotalRows;

    // Insert cell
    for (int j = 1; j <= m_dTotalColumns; j++)
        if (j != m_dTotalColumns) // Not last column
            if (j != column)
                if (m_bExcel)
                    m_stempSql.Format("\" \"%s", m_sSeparator);
                    m_stempSql.Format("\"\"%s", m_sSeparator);
                m_stempString += m_stempSql;
                m_stempSql.Format("\"%s\"%s", CellValue, m_sSeparator);
                m_stempString += m_stempSql;
        else // Last column
            if (j != column)
                if (m_bExcel)
                    m_stempString += "\" \"";
                    m_stempString += "\"\"";
                m_stempSql.Format("\"%s\"", CellValue);
                m_stempString += m_stempSql;

    if (row > m_dTotalRows)
        m_dTotalRows = row;
    else if (!row)
        m_dTotalRows = m_dCurrentRow;
        m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;
    if (!m_bTransaction)
    return true;

// Search and replace rows in Excel spreadsheet
bool CSpreadSheet::ReplaceRows(CStringArray &NewRowValues, CStringArray &OldRowValues)
    if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet
        m_Database->OpenEx(m_sDsn, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog);
        m_stempSql.Format("UPDATE [%s] SET ", m_sSheetName);
        for (int i = 0; i < NewRowValues.GetSize(); i++)
            m_stempString.Format("[%s]='%s', ", m_aFieldNames.GetAt(i), NewRowValues.GetAt(i));
            m_stempSql = m_stempSql + m_stempString;
        m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-2, 2);
        m_stempSql = m_stempSql + " WHERE (";
        for (int j = 0; j < OldRowValues.GetSize()-1; j++)
            m_stempString.Format("[%s]='%s' AND ", m_aFieldNames.GetAt(j), OldRowValues.GetAt(j));
            m_stempSql = m_stempSql + m_stempString;
        m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-4, 5);
        m_stempSql += ")";

            return true;
        catch(CDBException *e)
            m_sLastError = e->m_strError;
            return false;
    else // if file is a text delimited file
        m_sLastError = "Function not available for text delimited file\n";
        return false;

// Read a row from spreadsheet.
// Default is read the next row
bool CSpreadSheet::ReadRow(CStringArray &RowValues, long row)
    // Check if row entered is more than number of rows in sheet
    if (row <= m_aRows.GetSize())
        if (row != 0)
            m_dCurrentRow = row;
        else if (m_dCurrentRow > m_aRows.GetSize())
            return false;
        // Read the desired row
        m_stempString = m_aRows.GetAt(m_dCurrentRow-1);

        // Search for separator to split row
        int separatorPosition;
        m_stempSql.Format("\"%s\"", m_sSeparator);
        separatorPosition = m_stempString.Find(m_stempSql); // If separator is "?"
        if (separatorPosition != -1)
            // Save columns
            int nCount = 0;
            int stringStartingPosition = 0;
            while (separatorPosition != -1)
                nCount = separatorPosition - stringStartingPosition;
                RowValues.Add(m_stempString.Mid(stringStartingPosition, nCount));
                stringStartingPosition = separatorPosition + m_stempSql.GetLength();
                separatorPosition = m_stempString.Find(m_stempSql, stringStartingPosition);
            nCount = m_stempString.GetLength() - stringStartingPosition;
            RowValues.Add(m_stempString.Mid(stringStartingPosition, nCount));

            // Remove quotes from first column
            m_stempString = RowValues.GetAt(0);
            m_stempString.Delete(0, 1);
            RowValues.SetAt(0, m_stempString);
            // Remove quotes from last column
            m_stempString = RowValues.GetAt(RowValues.GetSize()-1);
            m_stempString.Delete(m_stempString.GetLength()-1, 1);
            RowValues.SetAt(RowValues.GetSize()-1, m_stempString);

            return true;
            // Save columns
            separatorPosition = m_stempString.Find(m_sSeparator); // if separator is ?
            if (separatorPosition != -1)
                int nCount = 0;
                int stringStartingPosition = 0;
                while (separatorPosition != -1)
                    nCount = separatorPosition - stringStartingPosition;
                    RowValues.Add(m_stempString.Mid(stringStartingPosition, nCount));
                    stringStartingPosition = separatorPosition + m_sSeparator.GetLength();
                    separatorPosition = m_stempString.Find(m_sSeparator, stringStartingPosition);
                nCount = m_stempString.GetLength() - stringStartingPosition;
                RowValues.Add(m_stempString.Mid(stringStartingPosition, nCount));
                return true;
            else    // Treat spreadsheet as having one column
                // Remove opening and ending quotes if any
                int quoteBegPos = m_stempString.Find('\"');
                int quoteEndPos = m_stempString.ReverseFind('\"');
                if ((quoteBegPos == 0) && (quoteEndPos == m_stempString.GetLength()-1))
                    m_stempString.Delete(0, 1);
                    m_stempString.Delete(m_stempString.GetLength()-1, 1);

    m_sLastError = "Desired row is greater than total number of rows in spreadsheet\n";
    return false;

// Read a column from Excel spreadsheet using header row or column alphabet.
// Set Auto to false if want to force column to be used as header name
bool CSpreadSheet::ReadColumn(CStringArray &ColumnValues, CString column, bool Auto)
    short columnIndex = CalculateColumnNumber(column, Auto);
    if (columnIndex == 0)
        return false;

    if (ReadColumn(ColumnValues, columnIndex))
        return true;
    return false;

// Read a column from spreadsheet using column number
bool CSpreadSheet::ReadColumn(CStringArray &ColumnValues, short column)
    if (column == 0)
        m_sLastError = "Column cannot be zero\n";
        return false;

    int tempRow = m_dCurrentRow;
    m_dCurrentRow = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= m_aRows.GetSize(); i++)
        // Read each row
        if (ReadRow(m_atempArray, i))
            // Get value of cell in desired column
            if (column <= m_atempArray.GetSize())
            m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;
            m_sLastError = "Error reading row\n";
            return false;
    m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;
    return true;

// Read a cell from Excel spreadsheet using header row or column alphabet.
// Default is read the next cell in next row.
// Set Auto to false if want to force column to be used as header name
bool CSpreadSheet::ReadCell (CString &CellValue, CString column, long row, bool Auto)
    short columnIndex = CalculateColumnNumber(column, Auto);
    if (columnIndex == 0)
        return false;

    if (ReadCell(CellValue, columnIndex, row))
        return true;
    return false;

// Read a cell from spreadsheet using column number.
// Default is read the next cell in next row.
bool CSpreadSheet::ReadCell (CString &CellValue, short column, long row)
    if (column == 0)
        m_sLastError = "Column cannot be zero\n";
        return false;

    int tempRow = m_dCurrentRow;
    if (row)
        m_dCurrentRow = row;
    if (ReadRow(m_atempArray, m_dCurrentRow))
        // Get value of cell in desired column
        if (column <= m_atempArray.GetSize())
            CellValue = m_atempArray.GetAt(column-1);
            m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;
            return false;
        m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;
        return true;
    m_dCurrentRow = tempRow;
    m_sLastError = "Error reading row\n";
    return false;

// Begin transaction
void CSpreadSheet::BeginTransaction()
    m_bTransaction = true;

// Save changes to spreadsheet
bool CSpreadSheet::Commit()
    if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet
        m_Database->OpenEx(m_sDsn, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog);

        if (m_bAppend)
            // Delete old sheet if it exists
            m_stempString= "[" + m_sSheetName + "$A1:IV65536]";
            m_stempSql.Format ("DROP TABLE %s", m_stempString);
            catch(CDBException *e)
                m_sLastError = e->m_strError;
                return false;
            // Create new sheet
            m_stempSql.Format("CREATE TABLE [%s$A1:IV65536] (", m_sSheetName);
            for (int j = 0; j < m_aFieldNames.GetSize(); j++)
                m_stempSql = m_stempSql + "[" + m_aFieldNames.GetAt(j) +"]" + " char(255), ";
            m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-2, 2);
            m_stempSql += ")";
            // Create new sheet
            m_stempSql.Format("CREATE TABLE [%s] (", m_sSheetName);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_aFieldNames.GetSize(); i++)
                m_stempSql = m_stempSql + "[" + m_aFieldNames.GetAt(i) +"]" + " char(255), ";
            m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-2, 2);
            m_stempSql += ")";

            if (!m_bAppend)
                m_dTotalColumns = m_aFieldNames.GetSize();
                m_bAppend = true;
        catch(CDBException *e)
            m_sLastError = e->m_strError;
            return false;

        // Save changed data
        for (int k = 1; k < m_dTotalRows; k++)
            ReadRow(m_atempArray, k+1);

            // Create Insert SQL
            m_stempSql.Format("INSERT INTO [%s$A1:IV%d] (", m_sSheetName, k);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_atempArray.GetSize(); i++)
                m_stempString.Format("[%s], ", m_aFieldNames.GetAt(i));
                m_stempSql = m_stempSql + m_stempString;
            m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-2, 2);
            m_stempSql += ") VALUES (";
            for (int j = 0; j < m_atempArray.GetSize(); j++)
                m_stempString.Format("'%s', ", m_atempArray.GetAt(j));
                m_stempSql = m_stempSql + m_stempString;
            m_stempSql.Delete(m_stempSql.GetLength()-2, 2);
            m_stempSql += ")";

            // Add row
            catch(CDBException *e)
                m_sLastError = e->m_strError;
                return false;
        m_bTransaction = false;
        return true;
    else // if file is a text delimited file
            CFile *File = NULL;
            File = new CFile(m_sFile, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite  | CFile::shareDenyNone);
            if (File != NULL)
                CArchive *Archive = NULL;
                Archive = new CArchive(File, CArchive::store);
                if (Archive != NULL)
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_aRows.GetSize(); i++)
                    delete Archive;
                    delete File;
                    m_bTransaction = false;
                    return true;
                delete File;
        m_sLastError = "Error writing file\n";
        return false;

// Undo changes to spreadsheet
bool CSpreadSheet::RollBack()
    if (Open())
        m_bTransaction = false;
        return true;
    m_sLastError = "Error in returning to previous state\n";
    return false;

bool CSpreadSheet::Convert(CString SheetOrSeparator)
    // Prepare file
    m_stempString = m_sFile;
    m_stempString.Delete(m_stempString.GetLength()-4, 4);
    if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet
        m_stempString += ".csv";
        CSpreadSheet tempSheet(m_stempString, SheetOrSeparator, false);
        // Stop convert if text delimited file exists
        if (tempSheet.GetTotalColumns() != 0)
            return false;


        for (int i = 1; i <= m_dTotalRows; i++)
            if (!ReadRow(m_atempArray, i))
                return false;
            if (!tempSheet.AddRow(m_atempArray, i))
                return false;
        if (!())
            return false;
        return true;
    else // if file is a text delimited file
        m_stempString += ".xls";
        CSpreadSheet tempSheet(m_stempString, SheetOrSeparator, false);

        // Stop convert if Excel file exists
        if (tempSheet.GetTotalColumns() != 0)
            return false;


        // Check for duplicate header row field
        bool duplicate = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_atempArray.GetSize(); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < m_atempArray.GetSize(); j++)
                if ((i != j) && (m_atempArray.GetAt(i) == m_atempArray.GetAt(j)))
                    m_sLastError.Format("Duplicate header row field:%s\n", m_atempArray.GetAt(i));
                    duplicate = true;

        if (duplicate) // Create dummy header row
            for (int k = 1; k <= m_dTotalColumns; k++)
                m_stempString.Format("%d", k);

            if (!tempSheet.AddHeaders(m_atempArray))
                return false;

            for (int l = 1; l <= m_dTotalRows; l++)
                if (!ReadRow(m_atempArray, l))
                    return false;
                if (!tempSheet.AddRow(m_atempArray, l+1))
                    return false;
            return true;
            if (!tempSheet.AddHeaders(m_atempArray))
                return false;

            for (int l = 2; l <= m_dTotalRows; l++)
                if (!ReadRow(m_atempArray, l))
                    return false;
                if (!tempSheet.AddRow(m_atempArray, l))
                    return false;
            return true;

// Open a text delimited file for reading or writing
bool CSpreadSheet::Open()
    if (m_bExcel) // If file is an Excel spreadsheet
        m_Database->OpenEx(m_sDsn, CDatabase::noOdbcDialog);

        // Open Sheet
        m_rSheet = new CRecordset( m_Database );
        m_sSql.Format("SELECT * FROM [%s$A1:IV65536]", m_sSheetName);
            m_rSheet->Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, m_sSql, CRecordset::readOnly);
            delete m_rSheet;
            m_rSheet = NULL;
            return false;

        // Get number of columns
        m_dTotalColumns = m_rSheet->m_nResultCols;

        if (m_dTotalColumns != 0)
            m_bAppend = true;
            m_dTotalRows++; // Keep count of total number of rows
            // Get field names i.e header row
            for (int i = 0; i < m_dTotalColumns; i++)
                m_stempSql = m_rSheet->m_rgODBCFieldInfos[i].m_strName;

                // Join up all the columns into a string
                if (i != m_dTotalColumns-1) // Not last column
                    m_stempString = m_stempString + "\"" + m_stempSql + "\"" + m_sSeparator;
                else // Last column
                    m_stempString = m_stempString + "\"" + m_stempSql + "\"";
            // Store the header row as the first row in memory

            // Read and store the rest of the rows in memory
            while (!m_rSheet->IsEOF())
                m_dTotalRows++; // Keep count of total number of rows
                    // Get all the columns in a row
                    for (short column = 0; column < m_dTotalColumns; column++)
                        m_rSheet->GetFieldValue(column, m_stempSql);

                        // Join up all the columns into a string
                        if (column != m_dTotalColumns-1) // Not last column
                            m_stempString = m_stempString + "\"" + m_stempSql + "\"" + m_sSeparator;
                        else // Last column
                            m_stempString = m_stempString + "\"" + m_stempSql + "\"";

                    // Store the obtained row in memory
                catch (...)
                    m_sLastError = "Error reading row\n";
                    delete m_rSheet;
                    m_rSheet = NULL;
                    return false;
        delete m_rSheet;
        m_rSheet = NULL;
        m_dCurrentRow = 1;
        return true;
    else // if file is a text delimited file
            CFile *File = NULL;
            File = new CFile(m_sFile, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyNone);
            if (File != NULL)
                CArchive *Archive = NULL;
                Archive = new CArchive(File, CArchive::load);
                if (Archive != NULL)
                    // Read and store all rows in memory
                    ReadRow(m_aFieldNames, 1); // Get field names i.e header row
                    delete Archive;
                    delete File;

                    // Get total number of rows
                    m_dTotalRows = m_aRows.GetSize();

                    // Get the largest number of columns
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_aRows.GetSize(); i++)
                        ReadRow(m_atempArray, i);
                        if (m_atempArray.GetSize() > m_dTotalColumns)
                            m_dTotalColumns = m_atempArray.GetSize();

                    if (m_dTotalColumns != 0)
                        m_bAppend = true;
                    return true;
                delete File;
        m_sLastError = "Error in opening file\n";
        return false;

// Convert Excel column in alphabet into column number
short CSpreadSheet::CalculateColumnNumber(CString column, bool Auto)
    if (Auto)
    {int firstLetter, secondLetter;
if (column.GetLength() == 1)
{firstLetter = column.GetAt(0);
return (firstLetter - 65 + 1); // 65 is A in ascii}
else if (column.GetLength() == 2)
            firstLetter = column.GetAt(0);
            secondLetter = column.GetAt(1);
            return ((firstLetter - 65 + 1)*26 + (secondLetter - 65 + 1)); // 65 is A in ascii

    // Check if it is a valid field name
    for (int i = 0; i < m_aFieldNames.GetSize(); i++)
        if (!(m_aFieldNames.GetAt(i)))
            return (i + 1);
    m_sLastError = "Invalid field name or column alphabet\n";
    return 0;    

// Get the name of the Excel-ODBC driver
void CSpreadSheet::GetExcelDriver()
    char szBuf[2001];
    WORD cbBufMax = 2000;
    WORD cbBufOut;
    char *pszBuf = szBuf;

    // Get the names of the installed drivers ("odbcinst.h" has to be included )
    if(!SQLGetInstalledDrivers(szBuf,cbBufMax,& cbBufOut))
        m_sExcelDriver = "";
    // Search for the driver...
        if( strstr( pszBuf, "Excel" ) != 0 )
            // Found !
            m_sExcelDriver = CString( pszBuf );
        pszBuf = strchr( pszBuf, '\0' ) + 1;
    while( pszBuf[1] != '\0' );
这是一段程序,要求是在这段程序中插入一段数据库访问程序,数据库是用ACCESS建立的  我对VC不了解  还请各位高手帮忙  我的QQ1581744
39  如果可以, 请联系我 事后答谢!
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: reading include whether Backup false 
2008-05-18 14:38
快速回复:求高手帮忙 很着急!!!

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