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using namespace std;
typedef int ElemType;
const int Maxsize=10;
typedef struct Sqlist
    ElemType *elem;
    int length;
    int listsize;
void InitSqlist(Sqlist &L)
    L.elem=new ElemType[Maxsize];
    if(L.elem==0) exit(1);
void DestroySqlist(Sqlist &L)
void ClearSqlist(Sqlist &L)
int Sqlistlength(Sqlist& L)
    return L.length;
int SqlistCapacity(Sqlist &L)
    return L.listsize;
int SqlistEmpyt(Sqlist &L)
    return L.length=0;
void EnlargeSqlist(Sqlist &L)
    ElemType*newbase=new ElemType[2*L.listsize];
    for(int i=0;i<L.length;i++)
void InsertSqlistAtNoi(Sqlist &L,int i,ElemType x)//Inserts an element in the ith position x
    if(i<1||i>L.length) return ;
    int j=L.length-1;
void DisplaySqlist(Sqlist &L)
    for(int i=0;i<L.length;i++)
        cout<<L.elem[i]<<" ";
int SqlistLocateNoi(Sqlist &L,int i,ElemType &x)//Searches the ith data element
    cout<<"Searches the position not to be illegal !"<<endl; return 0;
    x=L.elem[i-1]; return 1;
int SqlistLocatex(Sqlist &L,ElemType x)//The search value is x data element
    int i=1;
    if(i<=L.length) return i;else return 0;
void test()
    Sqlist L;
    ElemType x;
    int i;
    cout<<"please enter 15 numbers:"<<endl;
    cout<<"now L is:"<<endl;
    cout<<"Please input the serial number which must search :"<<endl;
    cout<<"This is the"<<i<<"element value is :"<<x<<endl;
    else cout<<"There is no"<<i<<"element,Has surpassed 1 and"<<L.length<<"scope!"<<endl;
    cout<<"Please input the serial number which must search :"<<endl;
    cout<<"This is the"<<i<<"element value is:"<<x<<endl;
    else cout<<"There is no"<<i<<"element,Has surpassed 1 and"<<L.length<<"scope!"<<endl;
    cout<<"Please input the serial number which must search:"<<endl;
    cout<<"This is the"<<i<<"element value is :"<<x<<endl;
    else cout<<"There is no"<<i<<"element,Has surpassed" <<L.length<<"scope!"<<endl;
    cout<<"Please input the element which must search :"<<endl;
    cout<<x<<"is this"<<i<<"element"<<endl;
    else cout<<"Does not have the value is "<<x<<"elements"<<endl;
    cout<<"Please input the element which must search:"<<endl;
    cout<<x<<"is this"<<i<<"element"<<endl;
    else cout<<"Does not have the value is"<<x<<"elements"<<endl;
    cout<<"Please input the element which must search:"<<endl;
    cout<<x<<"is this"<<i<<"element"<<endl;
    else cout<<"Dose not have the valude is"<<x<<"elements"<<endl;
int main()
    return 0;
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2008-04-17 17:11

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