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begin count := 0; for i := 1 to 13 do begin point := (i - 1) * 2; if ComboBox2.Text = Memo1.Lines[point] then begin Memo1.Lines[point + 1] := Edit1.Text; end; end; for i := 1 to 13 do begin point := (i - 1) * 2; if Memo1.Lines[point + 1] <> '' then begin count := count + 1; end; end; if count = 13 then Button2.Visible := true; Button3.Visible := false; ComboBox2.Text := ''; Edit1.Text := '';

end; begin dot := '"'; dot1 := '"'; if Button2.Caption = '修改' then begin if (ComboBox2.Text <> 'education') or (ComboBox2.Text <> 'profession') or (ComboBox2.Text <> 'vehicle') then begin dot := '"'; end else begin dot := ''; end; if (ComboBox3.Text <> 'education') or (ComboBox3.Text <> 'profession') or (ComboBox3.Text <> 'vehicle') then begin dot1 := '"'; end else begin dot1 := ''; end; st := 'update customer set ' + ComboBox3.Text + ' = ' + dot1 + Edit2.Text + dot1 + ' where ' + ComboBox2.Text + ' = ' + dot + Edit1.Text + dot; AdoQuery1.Active := false; AdoQuery1.SQL.Clear; AdoQuery1.SQL.Add(st); AdoQuery1.Active := true; st := ''; end else if Button2.Caption = '删除' then begin if (ComboBox2.Text <> 'education') or (ComboBox2.Text <> 'profession') or (ComboBox2.Text <> 'vehicle') then begin dot := '"'; end else begin dot := ''; end; st := 'delete from customer where '; st := st + ComboBox2.Text; st := st + ' = '; st := st + dot + Edit1.Text + dot; AdoQuery1.Active := false; AdoQuery1.SQL.Clear; AdoQuery1.SQL.Add(st); AdoQuery1.Active := true; st := ''; end else if Button2.Caption = '查询' then begin if (ComboBox2.Text <> 'education') or (ComboBox2.Text <> 'profession') or (ComboBox2.Text <> 'vehicle') then begin dot := '"'; end else begin dot := ''; end ; st := 'select '; st := st + ComboBox2.Text; st := st + ' from customer where '; st := st + ComboBox2.Text; st := st + ' = '; st := st + dot + Edit1.Text + dot; AdoQuery1.Active := false; AdoQuery1.SQL.Clear; AdoQuery1.SQL.Add(st); AdoQuery1.Active := true; st := ''; end else if Button2.Caption = '插入' then begin dot := '"'; dot1 := ','; st := 'insert into customer values (' + dot +Memo1.Lines[1] + dot + dot1 + dot + Memo1.Lines[3] + dot + dot1 +dot + Memo1.Lines[5] + dot + dot1 + dot + Memo1.Lines[7] + dot + dot1 + dot + Memo1.Lines[9] + dot + dot1 + dot + Memo1.Lines[11] + dot + dot1 + dot + Memo1.Lines[13] + dot + dot1 + dot + Memo1.Lines[15] + dot + dot1 + Memo1.Lines[17] + dot1 + Memo1.Lines[19] + dot1 + dot + Memo1.Lines[21] + dot + dot1 + Memo1.Lines[23] + dot1 + dot + Memo1.Lines[25] + dot + ')' ; AdoQuery1.Active := false; AdoQuery1.SQL.Clear; AdoQuery1.SQL.Add(st); AdoQuery1.Active := true; st := ''; end; ComboBox1.Text := ''; ComboBox2.Text := ''; ComboBox3.Text := ''; Edit1.Text := ''; Edit2.Text := ''; for i := 0 to 12 do begin Memo1.Lines[i*2] := ''; end; 这两段代码是什么意思啊

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 父母 困难 朋友 
2005-05-19 19:27

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