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注 册:2005-3-7
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只显示前面的十几个字,超过就用...表示,请问怎么改呀!先谢谢! <% num=request("num") if num="" then num="5" if not isnumeric(num) then response.end set conn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") conn.open connstr %> <% set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") c=request("class") sc=trim(request("sc")) if sc<>"0" and sc<>"asc" and sc<>"desc" then response.end if sc="0" then if c="" then rs.open "select * from wz order by id desc",conn,1,1 else rs.open "select * from wz where class='"&c&"' order by id desc",conn,1,1 end if else if c="" then rs.open "select * from wz order by count "&sc&"",conn,1,1 else rs.open "select * from wz where class='"&c&"' order by count "&sc&"",conn,1,1 end if end if count=rs.recordcount if rs.eof then %> document.write("没有符合条件的资料") <% response.end end if %> document.write("<table width=<%=request("width")%> height=<%=request("height")%> align=center border=0 >") <% for i=1 to num if rs.eof then exit for %> document.write ("<tr><td valign=top>") <% if request("class")<>"" then %> document.write ("<img src=../images/article_ontop.gif> <a title=发表时间:<%=rs("date")%> target=_blank href=<%=path%>/data/<%=rs("num")%>.html><% =rs("title") %></a></tr>") <% end if %> <% rs.movenext next conn.close %> document.write("</table>") <% =rs("title") %> 上面的变量,只显示前面的十几个字,超过就用...表示,请问怎么改呀!先谢谢!
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: num conn request response 
2005-03-07 09:12

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