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标题:vb 图形绘制
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9
等 级:贵宾
威 望:35
帖 子:336
注 册:2014-4-13
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vb 图形绘制
利用vb实现基本图形绘制,包括像素设置与提取,直线绘制,水平直线,垂直直线绘制 矩形,圆的边框绘制及填充,欢迎交流
vbd.rar (3.58 KB)

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 图形 填充 直线 绘制 vb 
2022-09-01 10:02
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9
等 级:贵宾
威 望:35
帖 子:336
注 册:2014-4-13

Option Explicit
Private wp As Long
Private hp As Long
Private nColor As Long
Private wb As Long
Private hLine As Long
Private infoPtr As Long
Private bytePtr As Long
Private bi() As Long
Private byteBmp() As Byte

Private Declare Function StretchDIBits Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal SrcX As Long, ByVal SrcY As Long, ByVal wSrcWidth As Long, ByVal wSrcHeight As Long, ByVal lpBits As Long, ByVal lpBitsInfo As Long, ByVal wUsage As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long
Private Const DIB_RGB_COLORS = 0 '  color table in RGBs

Private Const DIB_PAL_COLORS = 1 '  color table in palette indices
Private Const SRCCOPY = &HCC0020 ' (DWORD) dest = source
Public Sub createBmp8Bit(w As Long, h As Long, nCorlor As Long)

 If nCorlor = 0 Or nCorlor > 1024 Then nCorlor = 1024
 ReDim bi(10 + nCorlor - 1)
 bi(0) = 40
 wp = w
 bi(1) = w
 hp = h
 bi(2) = h
bi(3) = 8& * 2 ^ 16 + 1&
 bi(8) = nCorlor
 bi(9) = nCorlor

bi(10) = 255 * 2 ^ 16 + 255 * 2 ^ 8 + 255
 bi(11) = 255 * 2 ^ 16 + 255 * 2 ^ 8
 bi(12) = 255 * 2 ^ 8 + 255
 bi(13) = 255 * 2 ^ 16 + 255
 bi(14) = 255 * 2 ^ 16
 bi(15) = 255 * 2 ^ 8
 bi(16) = 255
 bi(17) = 0
 wb = ((w + 3) \ 4) * 4
 If h > 0 Then
    hLine = h
    ElseIf h < 0 Then
    hLine = -h
    hLine = 1
    End If
 ReDim byteBmp(wb * hLine - 1)
 infoPtr = VarPtr(bi(0))
 bytePtr = VarPtr(byteBmp(0))

End Sub

Public Sub setpixel(x As Long, y As Long, color As Long)

If x >= 0 And x < wp And y >= 0 And y < hLine Then byteBmp(y * wb + x) = color
End Sub
Public Function getpixel(x As Long, y As Long) As Long

If x >= 0 And x < wp And y >= 0 And y < hLine Then
 getpixel = byteBmp(y * wb + x)
 getpixel = -1
 End If
End Function

Private Sub setpixel_(x As Long, y As Long, color As Long)

 byteBmp(y * wb + x) = color
End Sub
Private Function getpixel_(x As Long, y As Long) As Long
getpixel_ = byteBmp(y * wb + x)
End Function
Public Sub myLine(x1 As Long, y1 As Long, x2 As Long, y2 As Long, color As Long)
  Dim x As Long, y As Long
 Dim k As Long
 Dim dx As Long, dy As Long

 '''''''''' cut
 If x1 < 0 And x2 < 0 Or x1 >= wp And x2 >= wp _
    Or y1 < 0 And y2 < 0 Or y1 >= wp And y2 >= wp Then Exit Sub
 '''''''''  1
  If x1 = x2 Then
    For y = IIf(y1 <= y2, y1, y2) To IIf(y1 > y2, y1, y2)
      setpixel x1, y, color
    Exit Sub
   End If
'''''''''  2
  If y1 = y2 Then
    For x = IIf(x1 <= x2, x1, x2) To IIf(x1 > x2, x1, x2)
      setpixel x, y1, color
    Exit Sub
   End If
   If x1 > x2 Then
     x = x1
     x1 = x2
     x2 = x
     y = y1
     y1 = y2
     y2 = y
     End If
     If y1 > y2 Then
        y1 = -y1
        y2 = -y2
        k = -1
        k = 1
      End If
  dx = x2 - x1
  dy = y2 - y1
 '''''''''  3
   If dx = dy Then
     y = y1
       For x = x1 To x2
           setpixel x, y * k, color
           y = y + 1
    Exit Sub
   End If
   Dim c1 As Long, c2 As Long, f As Long
   If dx > dy Then
     c1 = dy + dy
     c2 = c1 - dx - dx
     f = c1 - dx
     x = x1
     y = y1
     setpixel x, y * k, color
    Do While x < x2
       x = x + 1
       If f < 0 Then
          f = f + c1
          f = f + c2
          y = y + 1
       End If
    setpixel x, y * k, color
     Exit Sub
    End If
   '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''  5
   c1 = dx + dx
     c2 = c1 - dy - dy
     f = c1 - dy
     x = x1
     y = y1
     setpixel x, y * k, color
    Do While y < y2
       y = y + 1
       If f < 0 Then
          f = f + c1
          f = f + c2
          x = x + 1
       End If
    setpixel x, y * k, color
End Sub

Public Sub vLine(x1 As Long, x2 As Long, y As Long, color As Long)
  If x1 < 0 And x2 < 0 Or x1 >= wp And x2 >= wp Or y < 0 Or y >= hLine Then Exit Sub
  If x1 < 0 Then x1 = 0
  If x2 < 0 Then x2 = 0
  If x1 >= wb Then x1 = wb - 1
  If x2 >= wb Then x2 = wb - 1
  Dim yb As Long, x As Long, k As Long
  yb = y * wb
  k = IIf(x1 < x2, 1, -1)
  For x = x1 To x2 Step k
    byteBmp(yb + x) = color
End Sub

Private Sub vLine_(x1 As Long, x2 As Long, y As Long, color As Long)
Dim yb As Long, x As Long, k As Long
  yb = y * wb
  k = IIf(x1 < x2, 1, -1)
  For x = x1 To x2 Step k
    byteBmp(yb + x) = color
End Sub

Public Sub hhLine(x As Long, y1 As Long, y2 As Long, color As Long)
  If x < 0 Or x >= wp _
   Or y1 < 0 And y2 < 0 Or y1 >= hLine And y2 >= hLine Then Exit Sub
  If y1 < 0 Then y1 = 0
  If y2 < 0 Then y2 = 0
  If y1 >= hLine Then y1 = hLine - 1
  If y2 >= hLine Then y2 = hLine - 1
  Dim y As Long, yb As Long, k As Long
  k = IIf(y1 < y2, 1, -1)
  yb = y1 * wb + x
  For y = y1 To y2 Step k
    byteBmp(yb) = color
    yb = yb + wb * k
End Sub

Private Sub hLine_(x As Long, y1 As Long, y2 As Long, color As Long)
Dim y As Long, yb As Long, k As Long
  k = IIf(y1 < y2, 1, -1)
  yb = y1 * wb + x
  For y = y1 To y2 Step k
    byteBmp(yb) = color
    yb = yb + wb * k
End Sub

Public Sub rectangle(x1 As Long, y1 As Long, x2 As Long, y2 As Long, color As Long)
  If x1 < 0 And x2 < 0 Or x1 >= wp And x2 >= wp _
   Or y1 < 0 And y2 < 0 Or y1 >= hLine And y2 >= hLine Then Exit Sub
  If x1 < 0 Then x1 = 0
  If x2 < 0 Then x2 = 0
  If y1 < 0 Then y1 = 0
  If y2 < 0 Then y2 = 0
  If x1 >= wb Then x1 = wb - 1
  If x2 >= wb Then x2 = wb - 1
  If y1 >= hLine Then y1 = hLine - 1
  If y2 >= hLine Then y2 = hLine - 1
  vLine_ x1, x2, y1, color
  vLine_ x1, x2, y2, color
  hLine_ x1, y1, y2, color
  hLine_ x2, y1, y2, color
End Sub

Public Sub fillRectangle(x1 As Long, y1 As Long, x2 As Long, y2 As Long, color As Long)
If x1 < 0 And x2 < 0 Or x1 >= wp And x2 >= wp _
   Or y1 < 0 And y2 < 0 Or y1 >= hLine And y2 >= hLine Then Exit Sub
  If x1 < 0 Then x1 = 0
  If x2 < 0 Then x2 = 0
  If y1 < 0 Then y1 = 0
  If y2 < 0 Then y2 = 0
  If x1 >= wb Then x1 = wb - 1
  If x2 >= wb Then x2 = wb - 1
  If y1 >= hLine Then y1 = hLine - 1
  If y2 >= hLine Then y2 = hLine - 1
  Dim x As Long, y As Long, ob As Long, kx As Long, ky As Long
  kx = IIf(x1 < x2, 1, -1)
  ky = IIf(y1 < y2, 1, -1)
  ob = y1 * wb + x1
  For y = y1 To y2 Step ky
    For x = x1 To x2 Step kx
       byteBmp(ob + x) = color
    ob = ob + wb * ky
End Sub

Public Sub cre(x As Long, y As Long, r As Long, color As Long)
   Dim xx As Long, yy As Long, f As Long
   xx = 0
   yy = r
   setpixel x + xx, y + yy, color
    setpixel x + xx, y - yy, color
    setpixel x + yy, y + xx, color
    setpixel x - yy, y + xx, color
    f = 3 - r + r
    Do While 1
       If f < 0 Then
          f = f + xx * 4 + 6
          f = f + (xx - yy) * 4 + 10
          yy = yy - 1
        End If
        xx = xx + 1
        If xx = yy Then
            setpixel x + xx, y + yy, color
            setpixel x - xx, y - yy, color
             setpixel x + xx, y - yy, color
            setpixel x - xx, y + yy, color
            Exit Do
        ElseIf xx < yy Then
           setpixel x + xx, y + yy, color
           setpixel x + xx, y - yy, color
           setpixel x - xx, y + yy, color
           setpixel x - xx, y - yy, color
           setpixel x + yy, y + xx, color
           setpixel x + yy, y - xx, color
           setpixel x - yy, y + xx, color
           setpixel x - yy, y - xx, color
           Exit Do
        End If
End Sub

Public Sub fillCre(x As Long, y As Long, r As Long, color As Long)
 Dim xx As Long, yy As Long, f As Long
   xx = 0
   yy = r
   setpixel x + xx, y + yy, color
    setpixel x + xx, y - yy, color
    vLine x + yy, x - yy, y + xx, color
    f = 3 - r + r
    Do While 1
       If f < 0 Then
          f = f + xx * 4 + 6
          f = f + (xx - yy) * 4 + 10
          yy = yy - 1
        End If
        xx = xx + 1
        If xx = yy Then
            vLine x + xx, x - xx, y + yy, color
           vLine x + xx, x - xx, y - yy, color
           Exit Do
        ElseIf xx < yy Then
           vLine x + xx, x - xx, y + yy, color
           vLine x + xx, x - xx, y - yy, color
           vLine x + yy, x - yy, y + xx, color
           vLine x + yy, x - yy, y - xx, color
            Exit Do
         End If
End Sub

Public Sub clsBmp8()
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To wb * hLine - 1
  byteBmp(i) = 0
End Sub

Public Sub transmitBmp8(hDC As Long, x As Long, y As Long)

 StretchDIBits hDC, x, y, wp, hp, 0, 0, wp, hp, bytePtr, infoPtr, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
  Erase byteBmp
  Erase bi
End Sub
2022-09-01 10:03
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9
等 级:贵宾
威 望:35
帖 子:336
注 册:2014-4-13

Option Explicit

Dim clsBm As New clsBmp8

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
 clsBm.rectangle 505, 300, 50, 100, 4

clsBm.rectangle 159, 300, 59, 20, 2
 clsBm.fillRectangle 50, 1300, 250, 20, 1

clsBm.fillRectangle 50, 520, 450, 120, 3
 clsBm.transmitBmp8 Me.Picture1.hDC, 0, 0
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
clsBm.myLine 505, 300, 50, 100, 4

clsBm.myLine 159, 300, 59, 20, 2
clsBm.myLine 50, 1300, 50, 20, 1

clsBm.myLine 50, 520, 450, 120, 3
clsBm.myLine 505, 300, 150, 100, 4
clsBm.fillCre 159, 300, 59, 1
clsBm.cre 319, 200, 159, 2

clsBm.transmitBmp8 Me.Picture1.hDC, 0, 0
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
  clsBm.createBmp8Bit 600, 400, 8
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Set clsBm = Nothing
End Sub

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图片附件: 游客没有浏览图片的权限,请 登录注册

图片附件: 游客没有浏览图片的权限,请 登录注册

2022-09-01 10:16
Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12
来 自:银河系
等 级:贵宾
威 望:37
帖 子:1935
注 册:2009-12-22


2022-09-01 10:27
Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20Rank: 20
等 级:贵宾
威 望:364
帖 子:4947
注 册:2008-10-15
Private byteBmp() As Byte '定义,字节类型

  For x = x1 To x2 Step k         '循环步进 1 或 -1
byteBmp(ob + x) = color   ‘使用,color 是 long 类型,占4字节,这样不报错吗???

像素颜色使用1个byte(8位)的使用的BMP是256色 ,bi 应该是颜色表吧!问题是你的 bi 的下标到了 1024 去了。这不超范围了吗?

我这个贴子里的代码包含内存绘图,你可以参考一下,纯 VB6 代码,未使用 API,只实现了画空心圆、实心圆,画点。要求系统设置为真彩(无检测)。

2022-09-01 10:32
Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9
等 级:贵宾
威 望:35
帖 子:336
注 册:2014-4-13
回复 5楼 风吹过b
Private byteBmp() As Byte '定义,字节类型

  For x = x1 To x2 Step k         '循环步进 1 或 -1
byteBmp(ob + x) = color   ‘使用,color 是 long 类型,占4字节,这样不报错吗???

像素颜色使用1个byte(8位)的使用的BMP是256色 ,bi 应该是颜色表吧!问题是你的 bi 的下标到了 1024 去了。这不超范围了吗?





2022-09-01 11:34
快速回复:vb 图形绘制

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