local socket = require "socket" local _nextId = 0 local nextId = function() _nextId = _nextId + 1 return _nextId end local TweenGroups = {} local Groups_mt = {__index = TweenGroups} function TweenGroups:add(group) self._groups[group:getId()] = group end function TweenGroups:remove(group) self._groups[group:getId()] = nil end function TweenGroups:update(time, preserve) for k ,v in pairs(self._groups) do v:update(time, preserve) end end function return setmetatable( { _groups = {}, }, Groups_mt) end tweenGroups = tween = { } local pow, sin, cos, pi, sqrt, abs, asin = math.pow, math.sin, math.cos, math.pi, math.sqrt, math.abs, math.asin -- linear local function linear(k) return k end -- quad local function inQuad(k) return k * k end local function outQuad(k) return k * (2 - k) end local function inOutQuad(k) k = k * 2 if k < 1 then return 0.5 * k * k end k = k - 1 return - 0.5 * (k * (k - 2) - 1) end -- cubic local function inCubic (k) return k * k * k end local function outCubic(k) k = k - 1 return k * k * k + 1 end local function inOutCubic(k) k = k * 2 if k < 1 then return 0.5 * k * k * k end k = k - 2 return 0.5 * (k * k * k + 2) end -- quart local function inQuart(k) return k * k * k * k end local function outQuart(k) k = k - 1 return 1 - (k * k * k * k) end local function inOutQuart(k) k = k * 2 if k < 1 then return 0.5 * k * k * k * k end k = k - 2 return - 0.5 * (k * k * k * k - 2) end -- quint local function inQuint(k) return k * k * k * k * k end local function outQuint(k) k = k - 1 return k * k * k * k * k + 1 end local function inOutQuint(k) k = k * 2 if k < 1 then return 0.5 * k * k * k * k * k end k = k - 2 return 0.5 * (k * k * k * k * k + 2); end -- sine local function inSine(k) return 1 - cos(k * pi / 2) end local function outSine(k) return sin(k * pi / 2) end local function inOutSine(k) return 0.5 * (1 - cos(pi * k)) end -- expo local function inExpo(k) if k == 0 then return 0 end return pow(1024, k - 1) end local function outExpo(k) if k == 1 then return 1 end return 1 - pow(2, - 10 * k) end local function inOutExpo(k) if k == 0 then return 0 end if k == 1 then return 1 end k = k * 2 if k < 1 then return 0.5 * pow(1024, k - 1) end return 0.5 * (- pow(2, - 10 * (k - 1)) + 2) end -- circ local function inCirc(k) return 1 - sqrt(1 - k * k) end local function outCirc(k) k = k - 1 return sqrt(1 - (k * k)) end local function inOutCirc(k) k = k * 2 if k < 1 then return - 0.5 * (sqrt(1 - k * k) - 1) end k = k - 2 return 0.5 * (sqrt(1 - k * k) + 1) end -- elastic local function inElastic(k) if k == 0 then return 0 end if k == 1 then return 1 end return -pow(2, 10 * (k - 1)) * sin((k - 1.1) * 5 * pi) end local function outElastic(k) if k == 0 then return 0 end if k == 1 then return 1 end return pow(2, -10 * k) * sin((k - 0.1) * 5 * pi) + 1 end local function inOutElastic(k) if k == 0 then return 0 end if k == 1 then return 1 end k = k * 2 if k < 1 then return -0.5 * pow(2, 10 * (k - 1)) * sin((k - 1.1) * 5 * pi) end return 0.5 * pow(2, -10 * (k - 1)) * sin((k - 1.1) * 5 * pi) + 1 end -- back local function inBack(k) local s = 1.70158 return k * k * ((s + 1) * k - s) end local function outBack(k) local s = 1.70158 k = k - 1 return k * k * ((s + 1) * k + s) + 1 end local function inOutBack(k) local s = 1.70158 * 1.525 k = k * 2 if k < 1 then return 0.5 * (k * k * ((s + 1) * k - s)) end k = k - 2 return 0.5 * (k * k * ((s + 1) * k + s) + 2) end -- bounce local function outBounce(k) if k < (1 / 2.75) then return 7.5625 * k * k elseif (k < (2 / 2.75)) then k = k - (1.5 / 2.75) return 7.5625 * k * k + 0.75 elseif (k < (2.5 / 2.75)) then k = k - (2.25 / 2.75) return 7.5625 * k * k + 0.9375 else k = k - (2.625 / 2.75) return 7.5625 * k * k + 0.984375 end end local function inBounce(k) return 1 - outBounce(1 - k) end local function inOutBounce(k) if k < 0.5 then return inBounce(k * 2) * 0.5 end return outBounce(k * 2 - 1) * 0.5 + 0.5 end local function random(k) return math.random() end tween.easing = { linear = linear, inQuad = inQuad, outQuad = outQuad, inOutQuad = inOutQuad, inCubic = inCubic, outCubic = outCubic, inOutCubic = inOutCubic, inQuart = inQuart, outQuart = outQuart, inOutQuart = inOutQuart, inQuint = inQuint, outQuint = outQuint, inOutQuint = inOutQuint, inSine = inSine, outSine = outSine, inOutSine = inOutSine, inExpo = inExpo, outExpo = outExpo, inOutExpo = inOutExpo, inCirc = inCirc, outCirc = outCirc, inOutCirc = inOutCirc, inElastic = inElastic, outElastic = outElastic, inOutElastic = inOutElastic, inBack = inBack, outBack = outBack, inOutBack = inOutBack, inBounce = inBounce, outBounce = outBounce, inOutBounce = inOutBounce, random = random } local function getEasingFunction(easing) easing = easing or "linear" if type(easing) == 'string' then local name = easing easing = tween.easing[name] if type(easing) ~= 'function' then error("The easing function name '" .. name .. "' is invalid") end end return easing end local Tween = {} local Tween_mt = {__index = Tween} function Tween:getId() return self._id end function Tween:isPlaying() return self._isPlaying end function Tween:to(properties, duration) self._group:add(self) self._valuesEnd = properties for property, v in pairs(self._valuesEnd) do self._valuesEndBak[property] = self._valuesEnd[property] end if duration ~= nil then self._duration = duration end return self end function Tween:start(time) if self._isPause == true then self._pauseEndTime = socket.gettime() * 1000 self._isPause = false if self._pauseStartTime < self._startTime then self._startTime = self._pauseEndTime self._pauseStartTime = 0 self._pauseEndTime = 0 end return end if self._isPlaying then return end self._isPlaying = true self._onStartCallbackFired = false if time ~= nil then if type(time) == "string" then self._startTime = socket.gettime() * 1000 + tonumber(time) else self._startTime = time end else self._startTime = socket.gettime() * 1000 end self._startTime = self._startTime + self._delayTime for property, v in pairs(self._valuesEnd) do -- If `to()` specifies a property that doesn't exist in the source object, -- we should not set that property in the object if self._object[property] ~= nil then -- Save the starting value. self._valuesStart[property] = self._object[property] self._valuesStartBak[property] = self._object[property] end self._valuesStartRepeat[property] = self._valuesStart[property] or 0 end return self end function Tween:pause() if self._isPause == true then return end self._pauseStartTime = socket.gettime() * 1000 self._isPause = true end function Tween:stop() self._isPlaying = false self._isPause = false for property, v in pairs(self._valuesStartBak) do self._object[property] = self._valuesStartBak[property] self._valuesStart[property] = self._valuesStartBak[property] end for property, v in pairs(self._valuesEndBak) do self._valuesEnd[property] = self._valuesEndBak[property] end self._repeat = self._repeatBak self._startTime = nil self._yoyoCount = 0 if self._onStopCallback ~= nil then self._onStopCallback(self._instance, self._propertyName, self._valuesStart) end return self end function Tween:endEXT() self:update(self._startTime + self._duration) return self end function Tween:delay(amount) self._delayTime = amount return self end function Tween:repeatEXT(times) self._repeatBak = times self._repeat = times return self end function Tween:repeatDelay(amount) self._repeatDelayTime = amount return self end function Tween:yoyo(yy) self._yoyo = yy return self end function Tween:easing(eas) self._easingFunction = getEasingFunction(eas) return self end function Tween:interpolation(inter) self._interpolationFunction = inter return self end function Tween:chain() self._chainedTweens = arguments return self end function Tween:onStart(callback) self._onStartCallback = callback return self end function Tween:onUpdate(callback) self._onUpdateCallback = callback return self end function Tween:onComplete(callback) self._onCompleteCallback = callback return self end function Tween:onStop(callback) self._onStopCallback = callback return self end function Tween:onLoop(callback) self._onLoopCallback = callback return self end function Tween:update(time) local property = 0 local elapsed = 0 local value = 0 if self._isPlaying == false then return true end if time < self._startTime then return true end if self._onStartCallbackFired == false then if self._onStartCallback ~= nil then self._onStartCallback(self._object) end self._onStartCallbackFired = true end if self._isPause == true then return true end local pauseTime = 0 if self._pauseStartTime ~= 0 and self._pauseEndTime ~= 0 then pauseTime = self._pauseEndTime - self._pauseStartTime end elapsed = (time - self._startTime - pauseTime) / self._duration elapsed = (self._duration == 0 or elapsed > 1) and 1 or elapsed value = self._easingFunction(elapsed) for property, v in pairs(self._valuesEnd) do -- Don't update properties that do not exist in the source object if self._valuesStart[property] ~= nil then local startValue = self._valuesStart[property] or 0 local endValue = self._valuesEnd[property] -- Protect against non numeric properties. if type(endValue) == 'number' then self._object[property] = startValue + (endValue - startValue) * value; local max = self._valuesStartBak[property] local min = self._valuesEndBak[property] if max < min then local t = max max = min min = t end if self._object[property] > max then self._object[property] = max end if self._object[property] < min then self._object[property] = min end end end end if self._onUpdateCallback ~= nil then self._onUpdateCallback(self._instance, self._propertyName, self._object) end if elapsed == 1 then self._pauseStartTime = 0 self._pauseEndTime = 0 self._yoyoCount = self._yoyoCount + 1 if self._repeat == "Infinity" or self._repeat > 0 then if self._repeat ~= "Infinity" then self._repeat = self._repeat - 1 end -- Reassign starting values, restart by making startTime = now for property, v in pairs(self._valuesStartRepeat) do if type(self._valuesEnd[property]) == 'string' then self._valuesStartRepeat[property] = self._valuesStartRepeat[property] + tonumber(self._valuesEnd[property]) end if self._yoyo == true then local tmp = self._valuesStartRepeat[property] self._valuesStartRepeat[property] = self._valuesEnd[property] self._valuesEnd[property] = tmp end self._valuesStart[property] = self._valuesStartRepeat[property] end local function LoopCallbackFun(self) if self._onLoopCallback ~= nil then local tweenIds = table.keys(self._group._tweens) self._group._LoopCallbackCount = self._group._LoopCallbackCount + 1 if self._group._LoopCallbackCount == #tweenIds then self._onLoopCallback(self._object) self._group._LoopCallbackCount = 0 self._isComplete = true end end end if self._yoyo == true then if self._yoyoCount == 2 then self._yoyoCount = 0 LoopCallbackFun(self) end else LoopCallbackFun(self) end self._startTime = time if self._repeatDelayTime ~= nil then self._startTime = time + self._repeatDelayTime end return true else if self._onCompleteCallback ~= nil then local tweenIds = table.keys(self._group._tweens) self._group._CompleteCallbackCount = self._group._CompleteCallbackCount + 1 if self._group._CompleteCallbackCount == #tweenIds then self._group._CompleteCallbackCount = 0 self._group._isComplete = true self._onCompleteCallback(self._object) if self._group._isCompletePlay == true then self._group._isCompletePlay = false return nil end return false end end return false end end return true end function, propertyName, object, group) return setmetatable( { _instance = instance, _propertyName = propertyName, _object = object, _valuesStart = {}, _valuesEnd = {}, _valuesStartRepeat = {}, _duration = 1000, _repeat = 0, _repeatDelayTime = nil, _yoyo = false, _isPlaying = false, _reversed = false, _delayTime = 0, _startTime = nil, _easingFunction = getEasingFunction("linear"), _onStartCallback = nil, _onStartCallbackFired = false, _onUpdateCallback = nil, _onCompleteCallback = nil, _onStopCallback = nil, _onLoopCallback = nil, _group = group or, _id = nextId(), _isPause = false, _pauseStartTime = 0, _pauseEndTime = 0, _valuesStartBak = {}, _valuesEndBak = {}, _repeatBak = 0, _yoyoCount = 0 }, Tween_mt) end tweenGroup = { } local TweenGroup = {} local Group_mt = {__index = TweenGroup} function TweenGroup:getId() return self._id end function TweenGroup:getAll() return _tweens end function TweenGroup:removeAll() self._tweens = {} end function TweenGroup:add(tween) self._tweens[tween:getId()] = tween self._tweensAddedDuringUpdate[tween:getId()] = tween end function TweenGroup:remove(tween) self._tweens[tween:getId()] = nil self._tweensAddedDuringUpdate[tween:getId()] = nil end function TweenGroup:play() if self._isComplete == true then self:Restart() self._isComplete = false self._isCompletePlay = true return end for k, v in pairs(self._tweens) do v:start() end end function TweenGroup:stop() for k, v in pairs(self._tweens) do v:stop() end self._LoopCallbackCount = 0 self._CompleteCallbackCount = 0 self._isComplete = false self._isCompletePlay = false end function TweenGroup:pause() for k, v in pairs(self._tweens) do v:pause() end end function TweenGroup:update(time, preserve) if self._isPause then return end local tweenIds = table.keys(self._tweens) if #tweenIds == 0 then return false end if time == nil then time = socket.gettime() * 1000 end -- Tweens are updated in "batches". If you add a new tween during an update, then the -- new tween will be updated in the next batch. -- If you remove a tween during an update, it may or may not be updated. However, -- if the removed tween was added during the current batch, then it will not be updated. while #tweenIds > 0 do self._tweensAddedDuringUpdate = {} for i = 1, #tweenIds do local tween = self._tweens[tweenIds[i]] if (tween ~= nil and tween:update(time) == false) then tween._isPlaying = false if (preserve == false) then self._tweens[tweenIds[i]] = nil end end end tweenIds = table.keys(self._tweensAddedDuringUpdate) end return end local function __Play(self) self:play() end local function __Stop(self) self:stop() end local function __Pause(self) self:pause() end local function __Restart(self) self:Stop() self:Play() end local function __OnComplete(self, callback) for k, v in pairs(self._tweens) do v:onComplete(callback) end end local function __OnLoop(self, callback) for k, v in pairs(self._tweens) do v:onLoop(callback) end end local function __createSelfProperty() return { _tweens = {}, _tweensAddedDuringUpdate = {}, _id = nextId(), _CompleteCallbackCount = 0, _LoopCallbackCount = 0, _isComplete = false, _isCompletePlay = false, Play = __Play, Stop = __Stop, Pause = __Pause, Restart = __Restart, OnComplete = __OnComplete, OnLoop = __OnLoop } end function local group = {} table.merge(group, __createSelfProperty()) return setmetatable(group, Group_mt) end function createTween(self, instance, tweenInfo, propertyTable) local group = for k, v in pairs(propertyTable) do if instance[k] ~= nil then local a = {} if type(instance[k]) == "number" then a[k] = instance[k] else a = instance[k] end local tween =, k, a, group) :onUpdate(function(instance, propertyName, propertyValue) if table.nums(propertyValue) == 1 then instance[propertyName] = propertyValue[propertyName] else instance[propertyName] = propertyValue end end) :onStop(function(instance, propertyName, propertyValue) if table.nums(propertyValue) == 1 then instance[propertyName] = propertyValue[propertyName] else instance[propertyName] = propertyValue end end) if tweenInfo["duration"] ~= nil then local b = {} if type(v) == "number" then b[k] = v else b = v end tween:to(b, tweenInfo["duration"]) end if tweenInfo["repeatCount"] ~= nil then if tweenInfo["repeatCount"] <= 0 then tween:repeatEXT("Infinity") else tween:repeatEXT(tweenInfo["repeatCount"]-1) end end if tweenInfo["yoyo"] ~= nil then tween:yoyo(tweenInfo["yoyo"]) if tweenInfo["yoyo"] == true and tweenInfo["repeatCount"] ~= nil then if tweenInfo["repeatCount"] > 0 then local n = tweenInfo["repeatCount"] * 2 - 1 tween:repeatEXT(n) end end end if tweenInfo["easing"] ~= nil then tween:easing(tweenInfo["easing"]) end if tweenInfo["delay"] ~= nil then tween:delay(tweenInfo["delay"]) end if tweenInfo["repeatDelay"] ~= nil then tween:repeatDelay(tweenInfo["repeatDelay"]) end end end tweenGroups:add(group) return group end
