
import java.util.Arrays; /** * a Bank with a number of bank accounts that uses Synchronization primitives * @author john * */ public class BankSynch { private final double[] accounts; /** * Construct the bank * @param n the number of accounts * @param initialBlance the initial balance for each account */ public BankSynch(int n,double initialBalance) { accounts = new double[n]; Arrays.fill(accounts, initialBalance); } /** * Transfer the money from one account to another * @param from the account transfer from * @param to the account transfer to * @param amount the amount to transfer * @throws InterruptedException */ public synchronized void transfer(int from, int to, double amount) throws InterruptedException { while(accounts[from] < amount) { wait(); System.out.println(Thread.currentThread()); accounts[from] -= amount; System.out.printf("%10.2f from %d to %d",amount,from,to); accounts[to] += amount; System.out.printf("Total balance: %10.2f%n",getTotalBalance()); notifyAll(); } } /** * Get the sum of all accounts balance * @return the total balance */ private Object getTotalBalance() { double sum = 0; for(double a : accounts) { sum += a; } return sum; } /** * Gets the number of accounts in the bank * @return the number of accounts */ public int size() { return accounts.length; } }客户端程序

/** * This program shows data corruption when multiple thread access the dataStructure * @author john * */ public class UnsychBankAccountTest { public static final int NACCOUNTS =100; public static final double INITIAL_BALANCE =1000; public static final double MAX_AMOUNT = 1000; public static final int DELAY= 10; public static void main(String[] args) { BankSynch bank = new BankSynch(NACCOUNTS,INITIAL_BALANCE); for(int i =0;i<NACCOUNTS;i++) { int fromAccount = i; Runnable r = () ->{ try { while(true) { int toAccount = (int)(bank.size()*Math.random()); double amount = MAX_AMOUNT * Math.random(); bank.transfer(fromAccount, toAccount, amount); Thread.sleep((int)(DELAY*Math.random())); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }; Thread t = new Thread(r); t.start(); } } }