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标题:Compiler Fatal Errors C999 through C1999(第一辑)
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Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13
等 级:贵宾
威 望:46
帖 子:967
注 册:2017-11-15
Fatal Error C1310:  profile guided optimizations are not available with OpenMP
                     You will not be able to link with /LTCG:PGI any module that was compiled with /GL.
                     The following sample generates C1310:
                     // C1310.cpp  
                     // compile with: /openmp /GL /link /LTCG:PGI  
                     // C1310 expected  
                        int main()  
                        int i = 0, j = 10;  
                        #pragma omp parallel  
                        #pragma omp for  
                       for (i = 0; i < 0; i++)   
                      您将无法与/ LTCG:PGI链接使用/ GL编译的任何模块。
                      // C1310.cpp  
                     // compile with: /openmp /GL /link /LTCG:PGI  
                     // C1310 expected  
                        int main()  
                        int i = 0, j = 10;  
                        #pragma omp parallel  
                        #pragma omp for  
                       for (i = 0; i < 0; i++)   
Fatal Error C1311:  COFF format cannot statically initialize 'var' with number byte(s) of an address
                     An address whose value is not known at compile time cannot be statically assigned to a variable whose type has storage of less than four bytes.
                     This error can occur on code that is otherwise valid C++.
                     The following example shows one condition that might cause C1311.
                     char c = (char)"Hello, world";   // C1311  
                     char *d = (char*)"Hello, world";   // OK  
                     该错误可能发生在另外有效的C ++代码上。
                     char c = (char)"Hello, world";   // C1311  
                     char *d = (char*)"Hello, world";   // OK  
Fatal Error C1312:  Too many conditional branches in function. Simplify or refactor source code.
                     The code is too complex for the compiler to process without running out of stack memory. Simplify your code.
                     函数中条件分支过多。 简化或重构源代码。
                     代码太复杂,编译器无法处理堆栈内存。 简化您的代码。
Fatal Error C1313:  compiler limit : type blocks may not be nested deeper than number levels
                     Exception handling (or structured exception handling) blocks were nested too deeply. Simplify your code.
                     异常处理(或结构化异常处理)块嵌套得太深。 简化您的代码。   
Fatal Error C1350:  error loading dll 'dll': dll not found
                     The DLL that supports the attempted operation was not found.
                     This indicates a problem with your installation and you should reinstall the DLL from your product CD.
Fatal Error C1351:  error loading dll 'dll': incompatible version
                     The wrong version of a DLL was found.
                     This indicates a problem with your installation and you should reinstall the DLL from your product CD.
Fatal Error C1352: Invalid or corrupt MSIL in function 'function' from module 'file'
                    A .netmodule was passed to the compiler, but the compiler detected corruption in the file. Ask the person who produced the .netmodule to investigate.
                    The compiler does not check .netmodule files for all types of corruption. It does, however, check that all control paths in a function contain a return statement.
                    For more information, see .netmodule Files as Linker Input.
                    一个.netmodule被传递给编译器,但编译器检测到文件中有损坏。 询问产生.net模块的人进行调查。
                    编译器不会检查.netmodule文件是否存在所有类型的损坏。 但是,它会检查函数中的所有控制路径是否包含返回语句。
Fatal Error C1353: metadata operation failed: runtime not installed or version mismatch
                    Reinstall your CLR or Visual Studio.
                    重新安装您的CLR或Visual Studio。
Fatal Error C1382: the PCH file 'file' has been rebuilt since 'obj' was generated. Please rebuild this object
                    When using /LTCG, the compiler detected a .pch file that is newer than a CIL .obj that points to it. The information in the CIL .obj file is out of date. Rebuild the object.
                    C1382 can also occur if you compile with /Yc, but also pass multiple source code files to the compiler. To resolve, do not use /Yc when passing multiple source code files to the compiler. For more information, see /Yc (Create Precompiled Header File).
                    自'obj'生成后,PCH文件'文件'已被重建。 请重建此对象
                    使用/ LTCG时,编译器检测到比指向它的CIL .obj更新的.pch文件。 CIL .obj文件中的信息已过时。 重建对象。
                    如果使用/ Yc进行编译,也可能发生C1382,但也会将多个源代码文件传递给编译器。 要解决这个问题,在将多个源代码文件传递给编译器时,请勿使用/ Yc。 有关更多信息,请参阅/ Yc(创建预编译头文件)。
Fatal Error C1383: compiler option /GL is incompatible with the installed version of common language runtime
                    C1383 occurs when you are using a previous version of the common language runtime with a newer compiler, and when you compile with /clr and /GL.
                    To resolve, either do not use /GL with /clr or install the version of the common language runtime that shipped with your compiler.
                    For more information, see /clr (Common Language Runtime Compilation) and /GL (Whole Program Optimization).
                    编译器选项/ GL与公共语言运行库的安装版本不兼容
                    当您使用较新版本的公共语言运行时,以及使用/ clr和/ GL进行编译时,会发生C1383。
                    要解决此问题,请不要将/ GL与/ clr一起使用,也不要安装编译器附带的公共语言运行时版本。
                    有关更多信息,请参阅/ clr(公共语言运行时编译)和/ GL(整体程序优化)。
Fatal Error C1506: unrecoverable block scoping error
                    The block was too large to compile.
                    To fix by checking the following possible causes
                    1.Mismatched braces
                    2.Unusually large function or class
Fatal Error C1508: compiler limit : 'function' : more than 65535 argument bytes
                    The formal parameters to the function exceed the limit of 65535 bytes.
2018-06-08 21:11
Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13
等 级:贵宾
威 望:46
帖 子:967
注 册:2017-11-15
Fatal Error C1509: compiler limit : too many exception handler states in function 'function'. simplify function
                    The code exceeds an internal limit on exception handler states (32,768 states).
                    The most common cause is that the function contains a complex expression of user-defined class variables and arithmetic operators.
                    To fix by using the following possible solutions
                    1.Simplify expressions by assigning common subexpressions to temporary variables.
                    2.Split the function into smaller functions.
                    编译器限制:函数'function'中的异常处理程序状态太多。 简化功能
Fatal Error C1601: unsupported inline assembly opcode
                    This error indicates a mismatch in your compiler .exe files, which may have occurred because of an incomplete installation. For example, you may have installed a service pack but not the Processor Pack. Install all required products.
                    此错误表明编译器.exe文件不匹配,这可能是由于安装不完整而导致的。 例如,您可能已经安装了Service Pack,但未安装Processor Pack。 安装所有必需的产品。   
Fatal Error C1602: unsupported intrinsic
                    This error indicates a mismatch in your compiler .exe files, which may have occurred because of an incomplete installation. For example, you may have installed a service pack but not the Processor Pack. Install all required products.
                   此错误表明编译器.exe文件不匹配,这可能是由于安装不完整而导致的。 例如,您可能已经安装了Service Pack,但未安装Processor Pack。 安装所有必需的产品。
Fatal Error C1603: inline assembly branch target out of range by 'number' bytes
                    The computed distance between a JCXZ or JECXZ instruction and its specified target label was greater than 128 bytes. Update your code so that the label is closer to the instruction.
                     计算的JCXZ或JECXZ指令与其指定的目标标签之间的距离大于128字节。 更新您的代码,以使标签更接近指令。
Fatal Error C1852 : filename' is not a valid precompiled header file
                     The file is not a precompiled header.
                     To fix by checking the following possible causes
                     1.Invalid file specified with /Yu or #pragma hdrstop.
                     2.The compiler assumes a file extension of .pch if you do not specify otherwise.                  
                     1.使用/ Yu或#pragma hdrstop指定的文件无效。
Fatal Error C1853:  filename' precompiled header file is from a previous version of the compiler, or the precompiled header is C++ and you are using it from C (or vice versa)
                     Possible causes:
                     1.The precompiled header was compiled with a previous compiler version. Try recompiling the header with the current compiler.
                     2.The precompiled header is C++ and you are using it from C. Try recompiling the header for use with C by specifying one of the /Tc compiler options, or changing the suffix of the source file to "c". For more information, see Two Choices for Precompiling Code.
                     filename'预编译头文件来自以前版本的编译器,或者预编译头文件是C ++,并且您从C使用它(反之亦然)
                     1.预编译头文件是使用以前的编译器版本编译的。 尝试用当前编译器重新编译头文件。
                     2.预编译的头文件是C ++,您正在使用它。尝试通过指定/ Tc编译器选项之一或将源文件的后缀更改为“c”来重新编译头文件以便与C一起使用。 有关更多信息,请参阅预编译代码的两种选择。
Fatal Error C1854:  cannot overwrite information formed during creation of the precompiled header in object file: 'filename'
                     You specified the /Yu (use precompiled header) option after specifying the /Yc (create precompiled header) option for the same file. Certain declarations (such as declarations including __declspec dllexport) make this invalid.
                     在为同一个文件指定/ Yc(创建预编译头文件)选项后指定了/ Yu(使用预编译头文件)选项。 某些声明(例如声明,包括__declspec dllexport)使其无效。
Fatal Error C1900:  Il mismatch between 'tool1' version 'number1' and 'tool2' version 'number2'
                     Tools run in various passes of the compiler do not match. number1 and number2 refer to the dates on the files. For example, in pass 1, the compiler front end runs (c1.dll) and in pass 2, the compiler back end runs (c2.dll). The dates on the files must match.
                     To fix this issue, make sure that all updates have been applied to Visual Studio. If the problem persists, use Programs and Features in the Windows Control Panel to repair or reinstall Visual Studio.
                    在编译器的各种通道中运行的工具不匹配。 number1和number2指的是文件上的日期。 例如,在第1遍中,编译器前端运行(c1.dll),在第2遍中编译器后端运行(c2.dll)。 文件上的日期必须匹配。
                    要解决此问题,请确保所有更新已应用于Visual Studio。 如果问题仍然存在,请使用Windows控制面板中的“程序和功能”来修复或重新安装Visual Studio。
Fatal Error C1902: program database manager mismatch; please check your installation
                    A program database file (.pdb) was created using a newer version of mspdbXX.dll than the one the compiler found on your system. This error usually indicates that mspdbsrv.exe or mspdbcore.dll are missing or have different versions than mspdbXX.dll. (The XX placeholder in the mspdbXX.dll file name changes with each product release. For example, in Visual Studio 2005 the file name is mspdb80.dll.)
                    Ensure matching versions of mspdbsrv.exe, mspdbcore.dll, and mspdbXX.dll are installed on your system. Ensure that mismatched versions have not been copied to the directory that contains the compiler and link tools for your target platform. For example, you might have copied the files so you could invoke the compiler or link tool from the command prompt without setting the PATH environment variable accordingly.
                    程序数据库管理器不匹配; 请检查您的安装
                    程序数据库文件(.pdb)是使用比编译器在系统上找到的更新版本的mspdbXX.dll创建的。 此错误通常表明mspdbsrv.exe或mspdbcore.dll缺失或具有与mspdbXX.dll不同的版本。 (mspdbXX.dll文件名中的XX占位符随每个产品版本而变化,例如,在Visual Studio 2005中,文件名是mspdb80.dll。)
                    确保系统上安装了mspdbsrv.exe,mspdbcore.dll和mspdbXX.dll的匹配版本。 确保不匹配的版本没有被复制到包含目标平台的编译器和链接工具的目录中。 例如,您可能已复制这些文件,以便您可以从命令提示符处调用编译器或链接工具,而无需相应地设置PATH环境变量。
Fatal Error C1903:  unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
                     The compiler found too many errors to continue. Fix the errors and recompile.
                     无法从先前的错误中恢复; 停止编译
                      编译器发现太多错误需要继续。 修复错误并重新编译。
Fatal Error C1904:  bad provider interaction: 'file'
                     This error indicates the failure of an attribute provider.
                     Note the circumstances of the error, try to isolate the problem and create a reproducible test case, then contact Talk to Us.
Fatal Error C1905:  Front end and back end not compatible (must target same processor)
                     This error occurs when a .obj file is generated by a compiler front end (C1.dll) that targets one processor, such as x86, ARM, or x64, but is being read by a back end (C2.dll) that targets a different processor.
                     To fix this issue, ensure that you are using a matching front end and back end. This is the default for projects created in Visual Studio. This error may occur if you have edited the project file and used different paths to the compiler tools. If you have not specifically set the path for the compiler tools, then this error may occur if your Visual Studio installation is corrupt. For example, you may have copied the compiler .dll files from one location to another. Use Programs and Features in the Windows Control Panel to repair or reinstall Visual Studio.
                     当一个.obj文件由编译器前端(C1.dll)生成,该文件针对一个处理器(如x86,ARM或x64),但正在被一个后端(C2.dll) 不同的处理器
                     要解决此问题,请确保您使用的是匹配的前端和后端。 这是在Visual Studio中创建的项目的默认值。 如果编辑了项目文件并使用了编译器工具的不同路径,则可能会出现此错误。 如果您没有专门设置编译器工具的路径,那么如果您的Visual Studio安装已损坏,则可能会发生此错误。 例如,您可能已将编译器.dll文件从一个位置复制到另一个位置。 使用Windows控制面板中的程序和功能来修复或重新安装Visual Studio。
2018-06-08 21:11
Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13
等 级:贵宾
威 望:46
帖 子:967
注 册:2017-11-15
2018-06-08 21:21
Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12
等 级:贵宾
威 望:45
帖 子:1136
注 册:2011-12-3
回复 13楼 自学的数学
这是特定编译器的 错误提示

2018-06-08 21:49
Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13Rank: 13
等 级:贵宾
威 望:46
帖 子:967
注 册:2017-11-15
内容多,用得着的时候,再回个头来慢慢查找。俺编写代码时 常遇到这样那样的问题 ,在这基本都能找到解决问题的方案。
2018-07-16 10:29
快速回复:Compiler Fatal Errors C999 through C1999(第一辑)

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