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low price Automatic number plate recognition system
Automatic vehicle plate number recognition parking system

GKA™ is a global leader in developing and distributing vehicle plate number recognition cameras with parking application software. Our technology can recognize all the vehicle plate numbers across the globe, including English, Arabic, Latin, Cyrillic, Spanish, Greece, Chinese vehicle plate numbers, the accurate rates could reach up to 95%, on the other hand GKA™ parking application software mainly provides the parking fee management and various related solutions.

GKA™ ANPR utilizes the high resolution camera and capture the vehicle number and then get a result of the plate number by OCR algorithm, the various parking solutions includes:

Private parking lot-specially for VIP members
Residence parking lot-specially for inner residence people
Business building parking lot- specially for monthly tenants and hourly visitors
Shopping mall parking lot-specially for shoppers and coupon discount parking  
Public civil parking lot- specially for public entertainment

ANPR technology is also regarded as: ticket-less parking fee management, parking access automation, hand free parking access control, vehicle plate number scan system, car trace system.

Without any doubt, ANPR is becoming the most powerful and potential tool for new parking access control systems, by License plate number recognition, the driver has no hassle to take a ticket or card as the parking pass and he can directly enter or exit much faster, this will bring lots of benefits such as ticket loss headache, rainy day hands out and hands wet, for the property managing office, it will save lots of time for ticket fraud, components maintenance, once the system collapse, the vehicle will immediately congest and bring lots of complaints at the site(ticket parking system and card parking system contains much more components and easily have trouble for these components).

The system package includes:
(typically for 1 in and 1 out, 2 lanes parking lot, spaces are below 300)
· 2 maintenance free vehicle barrier gate
· 2 loop detectors or photocell sensors
· 2 ANPR cameras(IP network, 1.3MP or above)
· 2 LED display(e.g. Plate number, parking fee, greeting or goodbye text message)
· Management software and dongle
· User manual and guidance

1.How to adjust the ANPR camera at the site?
Location, location, location--very important issue
Try to pick a straight road where the vehicles cannot deviate more than half a car's width from the central path. If this is not available, consider reducing the road width (by road separate barrier), or consider using 1 more ANPR camera. Bear in mind that a wider angle lens is not a good solution!
Also, pick a place where a camera may view the vehicles head on, or be as close to this ideal as possible. This will offer many benefits including improved accuracy and longer camera exposure times.
Finally, you need to consider tail-gating which will prevent some vehicles from being captured. This is usually a problem when the location suffers from congestion and the vehicles bunch up. The usual solution is to install one or a few speed humps to slow down the speed of the vehicles .low price Automatic number plate recognition system
2017-11-23 10:47
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