
read_buf equ 0C0h
paramater_L equ 64
; -------------MASM Marco definition start ---------------------
@GetCur MACRO page ;读取光标位置
IFNB <page>
mov bh,page
xor bh,bh
mov ah,03h
int 10h
@SetCurPos MACRO column,row,page ;设定光标位置
IFNB <column>
mov dl,column
IFNB <row>
mov dh,row
IFNB <page>
mov bh,page
xor bh,bh
mov ah,02h
int 10h
@GetChAtr MACRO page ;读取光标属性
IFNB <page>
mov bh,page
sub bh,bh
mov ah,08h
int 10h
@SetCurSz MACRO first,last ;设定光标大小
mov ch,first
mov cl,last
mov ah,01h
int 10h
@PutChAtr MACRO char,atrib,page,repeat ;显示颜色字节
IFNB <char>
mov al,char
IFNB <atrib>
mov bl,atrib
IFNB <page>
mov bh,page
xor bh,bh
IFNB <repeat>
mov cx,repeat
mov cx,1
mov ah,09h
int 10h
; -------------MASM Marco definition end ---------------------
COD segment
assume cs:cod, ds:cod,es:cod
org 100h
start: jmp begin
msg_L db 0
first_pos dw 0
exit_flag db 0
attrib db 0
column dw ?
row dw ?
press dw 0
cur_size dw 0
cur_pos dw 0
msg_x db 0
msg_y db 0
errmsg db "No mouse installed !",10,13,'$'
help db 'Usage : Pickme [String]',10,13,'$'
begin: mov ax,0 ;check mouse install
int 33h ;mouse int
cmp ax,0ffffh ;installed
jz go ;yes, continue
mov dx,offset errmsg
quit: mov ah,09h
int 21h
jmp exitX ;quit to dos
go: mov si,80h ;指向psp参数输入区,即紧贴程式后的输入
or al,al
jnz go2
go1: mov dx,offset help
jmp quit
go2: cmp al,paramater_L
ja go1
mov cl,al
mov msg_L,al
xor ch,ch
mov bl,cl
xor bh,bh
mov byte ptr [bx+si],0 ;0 overwrite 0dh
xor bp,bp
go3: lodsb
cmp al,' '
jnz go4
inc bp
loop go3
go4: dec si
dec si
mov first_pos,si
mov byte ptr [si],' '
mov al,msg_L
xor ah,ah
sub ax,bp
inc ax
mov msg_L,al
@GetCur ;get cursor
mov cur_size,cx ;store cursor size
mov cur_pos,dx
dec dh
mov msg_y,dh
mov di,0c0h
mov cx,paramater_L
mov dl,0
go10: @setCurPos dl,dh
inc dl
loop go10
mov cx,paramater_L
xor bp,bp
go11: push cx
mov cl,msg_L
mov ch,0
mov di,first_pos
mov si,0c0h
add si,bp
repe cmpsb ;compare ds:si and es:di
jz go12
pop cx
inc bp
loop go11
mov word ptr msg_x,0
jmp go13
go12: pop cx
sub cx,paramater_L
neg cx
mov msg_x,cl
go13: @SetCurSz 30h,31h ;hidden cursor
@SetCurPos msg_x,msg_y
call read_msg
mov si,first_pos
mov attrib,70h ;反白
call dispstr
mov ax,1 ;display mouse cursor
int 33h
mov ax,8
mov cx,0
mov dx,23*8 ;max mouse vertial move
int 33h
restart: mov ah,06h ;keyboard
mov dl,0ffh ;input mode
int 21h
jz j5
cmp al,1bh ;press <esc>
jnz j5
mov exit_flag,1
jmp draw
j5: mov ax,3 ;get mouse status
int 33h
shr dx,1 ;dx / 8 + 1
shr dx,1
shr dx,1
mov row,dx ;取列
shr cx,1 ;cx / 8 + 1
shr cx,1
shr cx,1
mov column,cx ;取行
cmp bx,1
jz j10
mov press,0
j10: cmp press,1
jnz j20
cmp cl,msg_x
jnz draw
cmp dl,msg_y
jz restart
jmp draw
j20: cmp dl,msg_y
jnz restart
cmp cl,msg_x
jb restart
mov al,msg_x
add al,msg_L
cmp cl,al
ja restart
cmp bx,1
jnz restart
mov press,1
draw: @SetCurPos msg_x,msg_y
mov si,read_buf
mov attrib,07h
call dispStr
cmp exit_flag,1
jz exit
mov ax,column
mov msg_x,al
mov ax,row
mov msg_y,al
@SetCurPos msg_x,msg_y
call read_msg
mov si,first_pos
mov attrib,70h
call dispstr
jmp restart
exit: mov ax,2 ;hide mouse cursor
int 33h
mov cx,cur_size
@SetCurSz ch,cl
mov dx,cur_pos
dec dh
@SetCurPos dl,dh
exitX: mov ah,4ch ;end program
int 21h
read_msg: push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push di
push word ptr msg_x
mov cl,msg_L
xor ch,ch
mov di,read_buf ;psp 0C0h
read1: push cx
stosb ;store to 0c0h
inc msg_x
@SetCurPos msg_x,msg_y
pop cx
loop read1
mov al,0
pop word ptr msg_x
@SetCurPos msg_x,msg_y
pop di
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
DispStr: @GetCur
ds1: lodsb
or al,al
jz ds_exit
@PutChAtr al,attrib
inc dl
@SetCurPos dl,dh
jmp ds1
ds_exit: ret
cod ends
end start
[此贴子已经被作者于2016-6-16 17:48编辑过]