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标题:求助一个算法问题!N+K Algorithm Creation
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注 册:2015-4-22
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求助一个算法问题!N+K Algorithm Creation
Suppose you are given n+k words of memory to use and a sequence of n INSERT, DELETE, and MEMBER operations to process. The integers 1 through k are the values of the operations (e.g., INSERT 1, MEMBER k,...).

Explain how to do each of the three operations in constant time, using at most a constant amount of additional storage space beyond the alloted n+k words.

Note: You cannot use preprocessing to initialize memory.

假设有n+k的内存空间,运行n次操作INSERT, DELETE, and MEMBER等。操作的对象是1到k的整数。
INSERT 1 是插入1
DELETE 1 是删除1
MEMBER 1 则return 1 是否已经在内存中,是return true,否return false

2015-04-22 05:01
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