A Java technology runtime environment runs code compiled for a JVM and performs three main tasks: Loads code – Performed by the class loader Verifies code – Performed by the bytecode verifier Executes code – Performed by the runtime interpreter
loads code 那个过程不是很明白,
Class Loader The class loader loads all classes needed for the execution of a program. The class loader adds security by separating the namespaces for the classes of the local file system from those imported from network sources. This limits any Trojan horse applications because local classes are always loaded first. 3 Classes that are imported from across the network are loaded into a private namespace associated with the origin. When a class from the private namespace accesses another class, the built-in (local system) classes are checked first, then those in the namespace of the referencing class. This prevents a class from spoofing (creating a hoax of) a built-in class. Once all of the classes have been loaded, the memory layout of the executable file is determined. At this point specific memory addresses are assigned to symbolic references and the lookup table is created. Because memory layout occurs at runtime, the Java technology interpreter adds protection against unauthorized access into the restricted areas of code.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-08-19 22:57:35编辑过]