我已经做好了系统的界面 初步实施验证功能 从网上搞了一些可用的身份证试了下 发现个奇怪的问题 我实在不知道怎么解决了
姑且不论他是否是个真人的东西,反正它通过了校验 检验码应该是对的
那我先把最后的校验位改为9 在我的程序上运行
可以看到第4个报错, 但是我改回X后确还是这样
为什么还是说第4项错误 确报校验码是X呢?
我的程序如下 有兴趣帮看下

Clear All Public gn_HalfWndHeight as Integer && 一半窗口高度 Public gn_HalfWndWidth as Integer && 一半窗口宽度 Public gn_Space, tb_W, tb_H as Integer && 控件间距 及 容器里的TextBox的高度宽度参数 gn_HalfWndHeight = 290 gn_HalfWndWidth = 400 gn_Space = 20 tb_W = 300 tb_H = 50 Public Dsc as Character Dsc = "" && 检验结果信息字符串 Public gn_sum && 识别校验码时用于累加和取模 Public ga_Ctnr[8] &&容器数组 ga_Ctnr[1] = CreateObject("C_Struct", "Number", "身份证号码:", tb_W , tb_H, .T., "检验") ga_Ctnr[2] = CreateObject("C_Struct", "Province", "省(直辖市):", tb_W , tb_H, .T., "重新输入") ga_Ctnr[3] = CreateObject("C_Struct", "Area", "地区:", tb_W , tb_H, .T., "批量检验") ga_Ctnr[4] = CreateObject("C_Struct", "City", "市(县):", tb_W , tb_H, .T., "退出") ga_Ctnr[5] = CreateObject("C_Struct", "Date", "出生年月日:", tb_W , tb_H, .T., "注意事项") ga_Ctnr[6] = CreateObject("C_Struct", "Sex", "性别:", tb_W , tb_H, .T., "版本说明") ga_Ctnr[7] = CreateObject("C_Struct", "Address", "户籍所在地:", tb_W + 100, tb_H, .F.,"33") ga_Ctnr[8] = CreateObject("C_Struct", "Result", "检验结果:", tb_W + 200, tb_H * 2, .F.,"33") Main() Clear All Return Procedure Main() && 主函数 Local lo_MainForm lo_MainForm = NewObject("C_Form") lo_MainForm.show Read EVENTS Return EndProc Function CheckID() && 检验身份证号码函数 PARAMETER Src && Src为输入的身份证号码字符串 md11 = "0709100508040201060307091005080402" &&与身份证前17位相对应的索引对11的模 chk_Str ="10X98765432" &&校验码 Src = Alltrim(Src) && 去掉头尾空格和0 * 长度及出生日期的处理,仅仅接受15位和18位的身份证号码 Do Case Case Len(Src) = 15 Src = Left(Src, 6) + "19" + Substr(Src, 7) Case Len(Src) = 18 Src = Left(Src, 17) Otherwise Dsc_Len = "身份证的位数不正确!" + Chr(13) + "请重新输入!" Src = "F" Dsc = Dsc_Len EndCase If Src # "F" * 身份证前17位必须是数字 For i = 1 to 17 If !IsDigit(Substr(Src, i, 1)) Dsc_char = "1: 身份证中含有非法字符" + Chr(13) Else Dsc_char = "1(非法字符): 此项合法" + Chr(13) EndIf EndFor * 前两位是否在省级区划内 If !Left(Src, 2)$"11,12,13,14,15,21,22,23,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,41,42,43,44,45," +; "46,50,51,52,53,54,61,62,63,64,65,71,81,82" Dsc_div = "2: 身份证的所属省份非法" + Chr(13) Else Dsc_div = "2(所属省份): 此项合法" + Chr(13) EndIf * 检验出生年月日的合法性 If Empty(Date(Val(Substr(Src, 7, 4)), Val(Substr(Src, 11, 2)), Val(Substr(Src, 13, 2)))) Dsc_ymd = "3: 身份证包含的日期非法" + Chr(13) Else Dsc_ymd = "3(出生日期): 此项合法" + Chr(13) EndIf * 检验最后一位校验码是否匹配 gn_sum = 0 For i = 1 to 17 gn_sum = gn_sum + Val(Substr(Src, i, 1)) * Val(Substr(md11, 2 * i - 1, 2)) EndFor gn_sum = Mod(gn_sum, 11) If Right(Src, 1) != Substr("10X98765432", gn_sum + 1, 1) Dsc_Chk = "4: 身份证的校验码错误,校验码应为:" + Substr("10X98765432", gn_sum + 1, 1) Else Dsc_Chk = "4(校验码): 此项合法" EndIf Dsc = Dsc_char + Dsc_div + Dsc_ymd + Dsc_Chk EndIf Return Dsc EndFunc * 定义一个结构体存放和全局数组相对应的参数 Define Class C_Struct as Custom ID = "" lbl_Caption = "" chg_Width = 0 chg_Height = 0 ask_Button = .T. btn_Caption = "" Procedure Init(tc_ID, tc_lbl_Caption, tn_chg_Width, tn_chg_Height, tb_ask_Button, tc_btn_Caption) With This .ID = tc_ID .lbl_Caption = tc_lbl_Caption .chg_Width = tn_chg_Width .chg_Height = tn_chg_Height .ask_Button = tb_ask_Button .btn_Caption = tc_btn_Caption EndWith EndProc EndDefine * 定义容器类 包含三个控件:Label, TextBox, CommandButton Define Class C_Container as Container BorderWidth = 2 SpecialEffect = 1 Width = 2 * (gn_HalfWndWidth - gn_Space) ID = "" Add Object Ctnr_Label as Label with ; Left = gn_Space,; Height = 40,; Width = 150 Add Object Ctnr_Text as TextBox with ; Height = 50,; Width = 350,; Left = This.Ctnr_Label.Left + This.Ctnr_Label.Width + 30,; Top = 0 Add Object Ctnr_Button as CommandButton with ; Height = 40,; Width = 150,; Left = This.Ctnr_Text.Left + This.Ctnr_Text.Width + 10,; BackColor = Rgb(255, 0, 0) Procedure Init With This .Height = .Ctnr_Text.Height .Ctnr_Label.Top = .Ctnr_Text.Height / 2 - .Ctnr_Label.Height / 2 .Ctnr_Button.Top = .Ctnr_Text.Height / 2 - .Ctnr_Label.Height / 2 .SetAll("Visible", .T.) .SetAll("FontSize", 16) .SetAll("Alignment", 2) .SetAll("FontBold", 1) EndWith EndProc EndDefine * 定义主窗口类 在其中添加8个C_Container容器对象 Define Class C_Form as Form MaxButton = .F. Caption = "身份证号检验系统" AutoCenter = .T. ShowWindow = 2 BorderStyle = 2 * 添加系统名标签 Add Object lo_Caption as Label with ; Top = 10,; Caption = "身份证号检验系统",; FontSize = 20,; AutoSize = .T. ,; FontName = "楷体" * 添加容器类对象 Add Object lo_Number01 as C_Container Add Object lo_Number02 as C_Container Add Object lo_Number03 as C_Container Add Object lo_Number04 as C_Container Add Object lo_Number05 as C_Container Add Object lo_Number06 as C_Container Add Object lo_Number07 as C_Container Add Object lo_Number08 as C_Container * 初始化对系统标题标签的位置 Procedure lo_Caption.Init With This .Left = gn_HalfWndWidth - .Width / 2 EndWith EndProc * 主窗口类初始化 Procedure Init Local chg_Top, ln_sp, ln_Top as Integer chg_Top = 0 ln_sp = 5 ThisForm.Top = 50 ThisForm.Left = 50 ThisForm.Height = 2 *gn_HalfWndHeight ThisForm.Width = 2 * gn_HalfWndWidth For i = 1 to Alen(ga_Ctnr, 1) && 循环添加 用全局数组来赋值 lc_Name = "lo_Number" + Padl(i, 2, '0') With This.&lc_Name If i == 1 ln_Top = ThisFOrm.lo_Caption.Top + ThisForm.lo_Caption.Height + gn_Space Else ln_Top = ln_Top + ga_Ctnr[i - 1].chg_Height + ln_sp EndIf .Top = ln_Top .Left = gn_Space .Ctnr_Label.Caption = ga_Ctnr[i].lbl_Caption .Ctnr_Button.Caption = ga_Ctnr[i].btn_Caption .Ctnr_Text.Width = ga_Ctnr[i].chg_Width .Ctnr_Text.Height = ga_Ctnr[i].chg_Height .Height = ga_Ctnr[i].chg_Height If ga_Ctnr[i].ask_Button == .F. .Ctnr_Button.Visible = .F. EndIf If i == 8 .or. i == 1 .Ctnr_Text.Alignment = 0 EndIf EndWith EndFor EndProc * 检验按钮的点击事件处理 Procedure lo_Number01.Ctnr_Button.Click Src = Alltrim(ThisForm.lo_Number01.Ctnr_Text.Value) Dsc = CheckID(Src) ThisForm.lo_Number08.Ctnr_Text.Value = Dsc EndProc * 退出窗口 Procedure Destroy Clear Events EndProc EndDefine
放一百分 求救。。。