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标题:[招聘] NVIDIA Embedded Software Engineer—内部招聘
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Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:28
注 册:2012-6-15
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[招聘] NVIDIA Embedded Software Engineer—内部招聘
NVIDIA Hiring~~!

欢迎大家将中英文简历发送到邮箱lulin@,也可以通过论坛给我发短消息,或者加我的MSN lucylinxiyang@。本人将定期更新NV最新招聘信息,欢迎长期关注。(本人就是NV的HR,所有岗位都非猎头哦~)
Job Description:
The successful candidates will engage in the Linux-based software development for our new Tegra platform include but not limited to Multimedia frameworks, ARM Linux kernel, Linux device drivers, bootloader and performance/power optimization. You will also work close with customer and 3rd party software/hardware partner to enable their software developments to deliver the Tegra related products into market.
- Bachelor of Computer Science or Electrical Engineering is required and A Master Degree is preferred.
- 5+ years of experience in software development on Mobile/Linux/Embedded platforms.
- Deep knowledge of Linux BSP stack including kernel, drivers, middleware and platform BSP integration and bring up.
- Excellent Linux SW development, testing and debugging skills in C and/or C++.
- Be familiar with OpenMAX IL, GStreamer, Helix and/or other multimedia frameworks.
- Experience with Android enabled system development is preferred.
- Experience with ARM processors and assembly programming is a plus.
- Exhibit great problem solving and debugging skills.
- Strong written and verbal communications in both English and Mandarin.
- Ability to work well in a diverse team environment as well as with cross site peers.
- Strong customer communication skills, powerfully motivated to provide highly responsive support as needed.
- Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
- Able to work in a dynamic fast paced environment.
- Knowledge of open source development models, and/or experience of dealing with Linux OSVs and working in open source software project are a plus.
2012-07-11 16:58
快速回复:[招聘] NVIDIA Embedded Software Engineer—内部招聘

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