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;Revision Declare Modified by zaixuexi
;*/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;*/ source:https://www.bc-cn.net
;*/ author:zaixuexi
;*/ date:  2011-11-30
;*/ email: asmedu@
;*/ revision declare:
;*/ 1.add self-estimated c source code.
;*/ 2.adjust all asm source code lower-case style.
;*/ 3.keep all original code designment.
;*/ 4.using tab alignment source code text.
;*/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

;typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
;typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
;typedef uint8_t bool;
;typedef uint8_t color_t;
;#define false (0)
;#define true (!false)
;#define SCAN_KEY_ESC    (0x01)
;#define SCAN_KEY_UP    (0x48)
;#define SCAN_KEY_DOWN  (0x50)
;#define SCAN_KEY_LEFT  (0x4b)
;#define SCAN_KEY_RIGHT (0x4d)
;#define SCAN_KEY_ENTER (0x1c)
;#define SCAN_KEY_SPACE (0X39)
;struct point {
;    uint8_t x;
;    uint8_t y;
;struct ch_object {
;    uint8_t ch;
;    uint8_t attr;
    .model small
    x          db      0
    y          db      0        ;struct point g_xy = {0, 0};
    win_time    equ    5        ;#define win_time (5)
    chess_state    dw    ?      ;uint16_t chess_state;
    chess_x        db    ?   
    chess_y        db    ?      ;struct point chess_xy;
    help_x        db    ?
    help_y        db    ?       ;struct point help_xy;
    nothing1    db    ?
    nothing2    db    ?
    nothing3    db    ?         ;uint8_t nothing[3];
    chess_t        db    ?      ;uint8_t chess_t;
    person1     db      ?
    person2     db      ?       ;uint8_t person_t[2];
    person        db    ?       ;uint8_t person;
    person_first    db    ?     ;uint8_t person_first;
    jud        db    ?          ;bool jud;
    person1_x    equ    6       ;#define person1_x (6)
    person1_y    equ    3       ;#define person1_y (3)
    person1_x1    equ    0      ;#define person1_x1 (0)
    person1_y1    equ    0      ;#define person1_y1 (0)
    person1_x2    equ    49     ;#define person1_x2 (49)
    person1_y2    equ    14     ;#define person1_y2 (14)
    person2_x    equ    6       ;#define person2_x (6)
    person2_y    equ    68      ;#define person2_y (68)
    person2_x1    equ    0      ;#define person2_x1 (0)
    person2_y1    equ    64     ;#define person2_y1 (64)
    person2_x2    equ    49     ;#define person2_x2 (49)
    person2_y2    equ    79     ;#define person2_y2 (79)
    map_x        equ    6       ;#define map_x (6)
    map_y        equ    20      ;#define map_y (20)
    map_x_end    equ    44      ;#define map_x_end (44)
    map_y_end    equ    58      ;#define map_y_end (58)
    map_x1        equ    6      ;#define map_x1 (6)
    map_y1        equ    15     ;#define map_y1 (15)
    map_x2        equ    44     ;#define map_x2 (44)
    map_y2        equ    63     ;#define map_y2 (63)
    answer_x    equ    2        ;#define answer_x (2)
    answer_y    equ    28       ;#define answer_y (28)
    answer_x1    equ    0       ;#define answer_x1 (0)
    answer_y1    equ    15      ;#define answer_y1 (15)
    answer_x2    equ    5       ;#define answer_x2 (5)
    answer_y2    equ    63      ;#define answer_y2 (63)
    end_x        equ    47      ;#define end_x (47)
    end_y        equ    26      ;#define end_y (26)
    end_x1        equ    45     ;#define end_x1 (45)
    end_y1        equ    15     ;#define end_y1 (15)
    end_x2        equ    49     ;#define end_x2 (49)
    end_y2        equ    63     ;#define end_y2 (63)
    map_size    equ     19      ;#define map_size (19)
    map_over    db    ?         ;uint8_t map_over;
    map         db      400 dup(0)    ;uint8_t map[400];
    string_doing    db    ' Want To Peace ! ','$'  ;const char * string_doing = " Want To Peace ! ";
    string_person1  db      ' P 1 : ','$'          ;const char * string_person1 = " P 1 : ";
    string_person2  db      ' P 2 : ','$'          ;const char * string_person2 = " P 2 : ";
    string_p1    db    ' Person 1 first . ','$'    ;const char * string_p1 = " Person 1 first . ";
    string_p2    db    ' Person 2 first . ','$'    ;const char * string_p2 = " Person 2 first . ";
    string_win1     db      ' Person 1 win. ','$'  ;const char * string_win1 = " Person 1 win. ";
    string_win2     db      ' Person 2 win. ','$'  ;const char * string_win2 = " Person 2 win. ";
    string_peace    db      ' PEACE !!! ','$'      ;const char * string_peace = " PEACE !!! ";
    string_wrong    db      ' You can`t put here.','$'    ;const char * string_wrong = " You can`t put here.";
    string_end    db    ' I Want To End The Game ! ','$'  ;const char * string_end = " I Want To End The Game ! ";
    string_lose1    db    ' P1 want to lose? ','$'        ;const char * string_lose1 = " P1 want to lose? ";
    string_lose2    db    ' P2 want to lose? ','$'        ;const char * string_lose2 = " P2 want to lose? ";
    string_final1    db    ' P1 win the final ! ','$'     ;const char * string_final1 = " P1 win the final ! ";
    string_final2    db    ' P2 win the final ! ','$'     ;const char * string_final2 = " P2 win the final ! ";
    string_thank    db    ' Thank You Very Much !','$'    ;const char * string_thank = " Thank You Very Much !";
    heart        db    0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0
            db    1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1
            db    1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1
            db    0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0
            db    0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0
            db    0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0
            db    0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0
    heart_size1    db    7           
    heart_size2    db    9               ;uint8_t heart[7][9] = {...};
gao_clear_screen    macro    gao_color,x1,y1,x2,y2    ;static inline gao_clear_screen(color_t gao_color, struct point xy1, struct point xy2);

        push    ax
        push    bx
        push    cx
        push    dx
        mov     ah,6                    ;bios syscall vector nr;
        mov     al,0
        mov     bh,gao_color
        mov     ch,x1
        mov     cl,y1
        mov     dh,x2
        mov     dl,y2
        int     10h                     ;textbackground(gao_color);
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
    ;辅助函数 1 , 判断x,y坐标在那个区域
gao_judge    macro    jud,x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2       
;static inline gao_judge(bool jud, struct point xy, struct point xy1, struct point xy2);

    local    gao_judge_exit
    mov    jud,0                        ;jud = false;
    cmp    x,x1
    jl    gao_judge_exit
    cmp    x,x2
    jg    gao_judge_exit                ;if ((xy.x < xy1.x) || (xy.x > xy2.x))  goto gao_judge_exit;
    cmp    y,y1
    jl    gao_judge_exit
    cmp    y,y2
    jg    gao_judge_exit                ;if ((xy.y < xy1.y) || (xy.y > xy2.y))  goto gao_judge_exit;
    mov    jud,1                        ;jud = true;

    ;辅助函数 2 , 输出相应语句的位置
gao_print_string    macro    string,x,y,gao_color   
;static inline gao_print_string(const char *string, struct point xy, color_t gao_color);
    push    ax
    push    bx
    push    cx
    push    dx
    mov     dh,x
    mov    dl,y                       ;struct point _xy = xy;
    mov    bx,offset string           ;uint16_t *p = string;
    mov    al,[bx]                    ;uint8_t ch = *p;
    .while    al!='$'                 ;while (ch != '\0')
        push    bx
        mov    bh,0
        mov    ah,2
        int     10h                   ;setcursor(_xy); /*Pseudo-code*/
        mov    bl,gao_color
        mov    bh,0
        mov    cx,1
        mov    ah,9
        int    10h                    ;putchar_attr(ch, gao_color); /*Pseudo-code*/
        pop    bx
        inc    bx                     ;p++;
        inc    dl                     ;_xy.y++;
        mov    al,[bx]                ;ch = *p;
    pop    dx
    pop    cx
    pop    bx
    pop    ax

;辅助函数 3 - 1 , 打印当前棋盘一奇数行

gao_print_map_line1    macro    x,y,gao_color       
;static inline gao_print_map_line1(struct point xy, color_t gao_color);

    local    gao_print_map_line1_repeat
    push    ax
    push    bx
    push    cx
    push    dx
    mov    dh,x
    mov    dl,y                    ;struct point _xy = xy;
    mov    bh,0
    mov    ah,2
    int    10h                     ;setcursor(_xy); /*Pseudo-code*/
    mov    bh,0
    mov    ah,9
    mov    al,2bh
    mov    bl,gao_color
    mov    cx,1
    int    10h                     ;putchar_attr('+', gao_color); /*Pseudo-code*/
    inc    dl                      ;_xy.y++;
    mov    cl,map_size               
    mov    ch,0                    ;uint8_t count = map_size;

    push    cx
    mov    bh,0
    mov    ah,2
    int    10h                    ;setcursor(_xy); /*Pseudo-code*/
    mov    al,2dh
    mov    bh,0
    mov    ah,9
    mov    cx,1
    mov    bl,gao_color
    int    10h                    ;putchar_attr('+', gao_color); /*Pseudo-code*/
    inc    dl                     ;_xy.y++;
    mov    bh,0
    mov    ah,2
    int    10h                    ;setcursor(_xy); /*Pseudo-code*/
    mov    al,2bh
    mov    bh,0
    mov    ah,9
    mov    bl,gao_color
    int    10h                    ;putchar_attr('+', gao_color); /*Pseudo-code*/
    inc    dl                     ;_xy.y++;
    pop    cx
    loop     gao_print_map_line1_repeat                ;while(count--);
    pop    dx
    pop    cx
    pop    bx
    pop    ax

    ;辅助函数 3 - 2 , 打印当前棋盘一偶数行
gao_print_map_line2    macro    p,x,y,gao_color        ;static gao_print_map_line2(uint16_t p, struct xy, color_t gao_color);

    local    gao_print_map_line2_repeat
    push    ax
    push    bx
    push    cx
    push    dx
    push    ax                     ;uint16_t p;
    mov    dh,x
    mov    dl,y                    ;struct point _xy = xy;
    mov    ah,2
    mov    bh,0
    int    10h                     ;setcursor(_xy); /*Pseudo-code*/
    mov    ah,9
    mov    al,7ch
    mov    bh,0h
    mov    bl,gao_color
    mov    cx,1
    int    10h                     ;putchar_attr('|', gao_color); /*Pseudo-code*/
    pop    ax
    mov    ah,0                    ;p &= 0x0ff;
    mov    bx,map_size
    push    dx
    mul    bx                      ;uint32_t q = p * map_size;
    pop    dx
    mov    cx,map_size             ;uint16_t size = map_size;
    push    cx
    inc    dl                      ;_xy.y++;
    mov    bx,offset map           ;uint8_t *p_map = map;
    add    bx,ax                   ;p_map += LOWORD(q);
    push    ax
    push    bx
    mov    ah,2
    mov    bh,0
    int    10h                     ;setcursor(_xy); /*Pseudo-code*/
    pop    bx
    mov    bl,[bx]
    .if    bl==0                   ;switch ((uint8_t)*p_map) {
        mov    al,20h              ;case 0: p = (p & 0xff00) | 0x20; break;
    .elseif    bl==1
        mov    al,1h               ;case 1: p = (p & 0xff00) | 0x01; break;
        mov    al,2h               ;default: p = (p & 0xff00) | 0x02;
    .endif                         ;}
    mov    ah,9
    mov    bh,0
    mov    bl,gao_color
    mov    cx,1
    int    10h                     ;putchar_attr(LOBYTE(p), gao_color); /*Pseudo-code*/
    inc    dl                      ;_xy.y++;
    mov    ah,2
    mov    bh,0
    int    10h                     ;setcursor(_xy); /*Pseudo-code*/
    mov    ah,9
    mov    al,7ch
    mov    bh,0
    mov    bl,gao_color
    mov    cx,1
    int    10h                     ;putchar_attr('|', gao_color); /*Pseudo-code*/
    pop    ax                      ;uint16_t j = LOWORD(q);
    inc    ax                      ;j++;
    pop    cx
    loop    gao_print_map_line2_repeat        ;while (--size);

    pop    dx
    pop    cx
    pop    bx
    pop    ax

;辅助函数 3 , 打印当前棋盘状态

gao_print_map    macro    gao_color,x,y           
;static inline gao_print_map(color_t gao_color, struct point xy);
    push    ax
    push    bx
    push    cx
    push    dx
    gao_print_map_line1    x,y,gao_color        ;gao_print_map_line1(xy, gao_color);
    mov    al,0h                                ;uint8_t i = 0;
                                                ;struct point _xy;
                                                ;_xy.y = xy.y;
    .while    al!=map_size                      ;while(i != map_size) {
        mov    bl,al                            ;_xy.x = i;
        add    bl,al                            ;_xy.x += i;
        add    bl,x                             ;_xy.x += xy.x;
        add    bl,1                             ;_xy.y++;
        gao_print_map_line2    al,bl,y,gao_color;gao_print_map_line2(i, _xy, gao_color)
        add    bl,1                             ;_xy.x++;
        gao_print_map_line1    bl,y,gao_color   ;gao_print_map_line(_xy, gao_color);
        inc    al                               ;i++;
    .endw                                       ;}
    pop    dx
    pop    cx
    pop    bx
    pop    ax

;辅助函数 4 - 1 , 将现在字符改变底色
gao_print_map_point_change    macro    x,y,gao_color   
;static inline gao_print_map_point_change(struct point xy, color_t gao_color);

    push    ax
    push    bx
    push    cx
    push    dx
    mov    dh,x
    mov    dl,y                    ;struct point _xy = xy;
    mov    bh,0
    mov    ah,2
    int    10h                     ;setcursor(_xy); /*Pseudo-code*/
    mov    bh,0                   
    mov    ah,8h                   ;struct ch_object cho;
    int    10h                     ;getchar_attr(&cho);  /*Pseudo-code*/
    mov    bh,0
    mov    bl,gao_color
    mov    ah,9
    mov    cx,1
    int    10h                     ;putchar_attr(cho.ch, gao_color); /*Pseudo-code*/
    pop    dx
    pop    cx
    pop    bx
    pop    ax

;辅助函数 4 , 如果当前操作的是棋盘 , 将棋盘相应位置的颜色变化为 0e7H 方式
gao_print_map_point    macro    x,y,gao_color       
;static inline gao_print_map_point(struct point xy, color_t gao_color);
    push    ax
    push    bx
    push    cx
    push    dx
    mov    dh,x
    mov    dl,y                   ;struct point _xy;
    dec    dh
    dec    dl                     ;_xy.x--; _xy.y--;
    gao_print_map_point_change    dh,dl,gao_color    ;gao_print_map_point_change(_xy, gao_color);
    inc    dl                    ;_xy.y++;
    gao_print_map_point_change    dh,dl,gao_color    ;gao_print_map_point_change(_xy, gao_color);
    inc    dl                    ;_xy.y++;
    gao_print_map_point_change    dh,dl,gao_color    ;gao_print_map_point_change(_xy, gao_color);
    inc    dh                    ;_xy.x++;
    mov    dl,y
    dec    dl                    ;_xy.y = xy.y + 1;   
    gao_print_map_point_change    dh,dl,gao_color    ;ignore same c source code
    inc    dl
    gao_print_map_point_change    dh,dl,gao_color
    inc    dl
    gao_print_map_point_change    dh,dl,gao_color
    inc    dh
    mov    dl,y
    dec    dl   
    gao_print_map_point_change    dh,dl,gao_color
    inc    dl
    gao_print_map_point_change    dh,dl,gao_color
    inc    dl
    gao_print_map_point_change    dh,dl,gao_color
    pop    dx
    pop    cx
    pop    bx
    pop    ax

gao_printf_num    macro    x,y,gao_color,num       
;static inline gao_printf_num(struct point xy, color_t gao_color, uint8_t num);
    push    ax
    push    bx
    push    cx
    push    dx
    mov    dh,x
    mov    dl,y                    ;struct point _xy = xy;
    add    dl,7                    ;_xy.y += 7;
    mov    bh,0
    mov    ah,2
    int    10h                     ;setcursor(_xy); /*Pseudo-code*/
    mov    al,num                  ;uint8_t ch = num;
    add    al,30h                  ;ch += 0x30;
    mov    ah,9h
    mov    bl,gao_color
    mov    cx,1
    int     10h                    ;putchar_attr(ch, gao_color); /*Pseudo-code*/   
    pop    dx
    pop    cx
    pop    bx
    pop    ax

gao_print_heart    macro    x,y,gao_color,num,word       
;static inline gao_print_heart(struct point xy, color_t gao_color, uint8_t num, uint8_t word);
    push    ax
    push    bx
    push    cx
    push    dx
    mov    dh,x
    mov    dl,y                  ;struct point _xy = xy;
    inc    dh
    inc    dh                    ;_xy.x += 2;
    mov    bh,0
    mov    ah,2
    int    10h                   ;setcursor(_xy); /*Pseudo-code*/
    mov    bl,num                ;uint8_t num = num;
    mov    ch,0                  ;uint8_t i=0
    mov    cl,0                  ;uint8_t j=0;
    .while    bl>0               ;while (num > 0) {
        dec    bl                ;num--;
        push    bx               
                                 ;uint16 pos;
                                 ;uint8_t h_ch;
        .while    ch<heart_size1            ;while (i < heart_size1) {
            .while    cl<heart_size2        ;    while(j < heart_size2) {
                push    ax
                push    cx
                mov    bh,0
                mov    ah,2
                int    10h                  ;setcursor(_xy); /*Pseudo-code*/

                mov    al,ch       
                mov    ah,0
                mov    bl,heart_size2
                mul    bl                   ;pos = i * heart_size2;
                mov    ch,0                 ;i = 0;
                add    ax,cx                ;pos += MAKEWORD(j, i);
                mov    bx,offset heart      ;h = heart;
                add    bx,ax                ;h += pos;
                mov    bl,[bx]              ;h_ch = *h;

                .if    bl==1
                    mov    al,word          ;if (h_ch == 1) h_ch = word;
                    mov    al,20h           ;else h_ch = ' ';
                mov    ah,9h
                mov    bl,gao_color
                mov    bh,0
                mov    cx,1
                int    10h                  ;putchar_attr(h_ch, gao_color);
                pop    cx
                pop    ax
                inc    cl        ;j++;
                inc    dl        ;_xy.y++;
            .endw                ;}
            inc    dh            ;_xy.x++;
            mov    dl,y          ;_xy.y = xy.y;
            inc    ch            ;i++;
            mov    cl,0          ;j = 0;
        .endw                    ;}
        inc    dh                ;_xy.x++;
        mov    dl,y              ;_xy.y = xy.y;
        mov    ch,0
        mov    cl,0              ;i = 0; j = 0;
        pop    bx               
    .endw                        ;}
    pop    dx
    pop    cx
    pop    bx
    pop    ax
gao_print    macro                    ;ignore c source code
    push    ax
    push    bx
    push    cx
    push    dx
    gao_judge    [jud],[x],[y],person1_x1,person1_y1,person1_x2,person1_y2
    .if     [jud]==1
        gao_clear_screen    90h,person1_x1,person1_y1,person1_x2,person1_y2
        gao_print_string    string_person1,person1_x,person1_y,90h   
        gao_printf_num        person1_x,person1_y,90h,[person1]
        gao_print_heart        person1_x,person1_y,9ch,[person1],3h
    .elseif    [person]==1
        gao_clear_screen    90h,person1_x1,person1_y1,person1_x2,person1_y2
        gao_print_string    string_person1,person1_x,person1_y,90h   
        gao_printf_num        person1_x,person1_y,90h,[person1]
        gao_print_heart        person1_x,person1_y,9ch,[person1],3h
        gao_clear_screen    10h,person1_x1,person1_y1,person1_x2,person1_y2
        gao_print_string    string_person1,person1_x,person1_y,10h
        gao_printf_num        person1_x,person1_y,10h,[person1]
        gao_print_heart        person1_x,person1_y,14h,[person1],3h
    gao_judge    [jud],[x],[y],person2_x1,person2_y1,person2_x2,person2_y2
    .if     [jud]==1
        gao_clear_screen    0b0h,person2_x1,person2_y1,person2_x2,person2_y2
        gao_print_string    string_person2,person2_x,person2_y,0b0h
        gao_printf_num        person2_x,person2_y,0b0h,[person2]
        gao_print_heart        person2_x,person2_y,0bch,[person2],5h
    .elseif    [person]==2
        gao_clear_screen    0b0h,person2_x1,person2_y1,person2_x2,person2_y2
        gao_print_string    string_person2,person2_x,person2_y,0b0h
        gao_printf_num        person2_x,person2_y,0b0h,[person2]
        gao_print_heart        person2_x,person2_y,0bch,[person2],5h
        gao_clear_screen    30h,person2_x1,person2_y1,person2_x2,person2_y2
        gao_print_string    string_person2,person2_x,person2_y,30h
        gao_printf_num        person2_x,person2_y,30h,[person2]
        gao_print_heart        person2_x,person2_y,34h,[person2],5h
    gao_judge    [jud],[x],[y],map_x1,map_y1,map_x2,map_y2
    .if    [jud]==1   
        gao_clear_screen    0d0h,map_x1,map_y1,map_x2,map_y2
        gao_print_map        0d0h,map_x,map_y
        gao_clear_screen    050h,map_x1,map_y1,map_x2,map_y2
        gao_print_map        050h,map_x,map_y   
    gao_judge    [jud],[x],[y],answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
    .if     [jud]==1
        gao_clear_screen    0c0h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
        gao_print_string    string_doing,answer_x,answer_y,0c0h
        .if    [map_over]==5
            gao_clear_screen    40h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
            gao_print_string    string_doing,answer_x,answer_y,40h   
        .elseif    [map_over]==1
            gao_clear_screen    0c0h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
            gao_print_string    string_win1,answer_x,answer_y,0c0h
        .elseif    [map_over]==2
            gao_clear_screen    0c0h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
            gao_print_string    string_win2,answer_x,answer_y,0c0h
        .elseif    [map_over]==3
            gao_clear_screen    0c0h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
            gao_print_string    string_peace,answer_x,answer_y,0c0h
        .elseif    [map_over]==4
            gao_clear_screen    40h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
            gao_print_string    string_wrong,answer_x,answer_y,40h
        .elseif    [map_over]==6
            gao_clear_screen    0c0h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
            gao_print_string    string_p1,answer_x,answer_y,0c0h
        .elseif    [map_over]==7
            gao_clear_screen    0c0h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
            gao_print_string    string_p2,answer_x,answer_y,0c0h
        .if    [y]<=person1_y2
            gao_clear_screen    0c0h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
            gao_print_string    string_lose1,answer_x,answer_y,0c0h
        .elseif    [y]>=person2_y1
            gao_clear_screen    0c0h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
            gao_print_string    string_lose2,answer_x,answer_y,0c0h
    gao_judge    [jud],[x],[y],end_x1,end_y1,end_x2,end_y2
    .if     [jud]==1
        gao_clear_screen    0a0h,end_x1,end_y1,end_x2,end_y2
        gao_print_string    string_end,end_x,end_y,0a0h
        gao_clear_screen    20h,end_x1,end_y1,end_x2,end_y2
        gao_print_string    string_end,end_x,end_y,20h
    gao_print_map_point    [x],[y],0e0h

    .if    [person1]==win_time       
        gao_clear_screen    90h,person1_x1,person1_y1,person1_x2,person1_y2   
        gao_print_string    string_person1,person1_x,person1_y,90h   
        gao_printf_num        person1_x,person1_y,90h,[person1]
        gao_print_heart        person1_x,person1_y,9ch,[person1],3h   
        gao_clear_screen    0b0h,person2_x1,person2_y1,person2_x2,person2_y2
        gao_print_string    string_person2,person2_x,person2_y,0b0h
        gao_printf_num        person2_x,person2_y,0b0h,[person2]
        gao_print_heart        person2_x,person2_y,0b4h,[person2],5h   
        gao_clear_screen    0d0h,map_x1,map_y1,map_x2,map_y2
        gao_print_map        0d0h,map_x,map_y
        gao_clear_screen    0c0h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
        gao_print_string    string_final1,answer_x,answer_y,0c0h
        gao_clear_screen    0a0h,end_x1,end_y1,end_x2,end_y2
        gao_print_string    string_thank,end_x,end_y,0a0h
        mov    bh,0
        mov    ah,0h
        int    16h
    .elseif    [person2]==win_time
        gao_clear_screen    90h,person1_x1,person1_y1,person1_x2,person1_y2   
        gao_print_string    string_person1,person1_x,person1_y,90h   
        gao_printf_num        person1_x,person1_y,90h,[person1]   
        gao_print_heart        person1_x,person1_y,94h,[person1],3h
        gao_clear_screen    0b0h,person2_x1,person2_y1,person2_x2,person2_y2
        gao_print_string    string_person2,person2_x,person2_y,0b0h
        gao_printf_num        person2_x,person2_y,0b0h,[person2]
        gao_print_heart        person2_x,person2_y,0bch,[person2],5h       
        gao_clear_screen    0d0h,map_x1,map_y1,map_x2,map_y2
        gao_print_map        0d0h,map_x,map_y
        gao_clear_screen    0c0h,answer_x1,answer_y1,answer_x2,answer_y2
        gao_print_string    string_final2,answer_x,answer_y,0c0h
        gao_clear_screen    0a0h,end_x1,end_y1,end_x2,end_y2
        gao_print_string    string_thank,end_x,end_y,0a0h
        mov    bh,0
        mov    ah,0h
        int    16h          ;uint8_t ch = getchar();       
    pop    dx
    pop    cx
    pop    bx
    pop    ax

简单评论:代码复用性很差,感觉像凑行数的,游戏的坐标用hard code,这样的可维护性很差,原作者大量用宏,避免了参数传递和函数的调用规约的使用,虽然写代码是方便了,但造成了code rom会很大,最后原作者利用了编译器相关的特性来变量的值([imm]),这样不太好。

特别声明: revision-c系列元旦前不再做更新,所有的c代码,是本人主观判断,并非标准答案,有兴趣的童鞋,可以再摸索摸索研究研究,能写出更好的代码抽象度。有任何问题,欢迎大家积极参与讨论。(说帖子太长了,只能分2次发了。。。。。。。)
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2011-11-30 15:07
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2011-11-30 21:17
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2011-11-30 22:20
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2011-12-02 17:09
Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12
来 自:上海
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2011-12-02 17:52
Rank: 12Rank: 12Rank: 12
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2011-12-02 23:06
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2012-05-30 10:18

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