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打开 localhost 主页,然后查找与所需信息相关的链接。
HTTP 错误 500.100 - 内部服务器错误 - ASP 错误
Internet 信息服务



Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]行中有错误
/Manager/HotelSystem/ProductEdit.asp, 第 249 行

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)

POST 3636 ??? /Manager/HotelSystem/ProductEdit.asp

POST Data:
错误 '80020009'

/iisHelp/common/500-100.asp,行 219

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2011-02-22 17:41
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等 级:新手上路
帖 子:9
注 册:2011-2-21

现将出错的网页 ProductEdit.asp  网页全部代码复制如下:请各位版主及高手指正,谢谢!

<!-- #include file="../../Component/Class_Startup.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="../../Component/CheckLogin.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="../../Component/Ixinde_Upload.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="../Include/ConnectionString.inc" -->
Dim oLogin
Set oLogin = New Ixinde_CheckLogin
If Not oLogin.CheckLogin Then
    Set oLogin = Nothing
End If
Set oLogin = Nothing

If Not SQLFormater() Then
End If

Dim sSQL, oRs, nCatID, nURL, nID, act,strSQL
Dim name
Dim Ename
Dim keyword
Dim province
Dim city
Dim star
Dim starNo
Dim price
Dim money
Dim address,liebiao
Dim imgSource
Dim pic1
Dim pic2
Dim pic3
Dim mappic
Dim intro
Dim telephone
Dim fax
Dim food
Dim entertainment
Dim service
Dim traffic
Dim OtherInfo
Dim Info
Dim SortIndex,strTitle,strKeywords,strDescription,strFileName
Dim IsNew
Dim IsSpecial

act = Request("act")
nID = Request.QueryString("ID")
nCatID = Request.QueryString("CatID")

If Not IsNumeric(nID) Then
    nID = 0
End If

If Not IsNumeric(nCatID) Then
    nCatID = 0
End If

If act = "" Then
    act = "2"
End If


If Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST" Then
    Dim oUpload
    Set oUpload = New Ixinde_Upload
    act = oUpload.Form("act")
    nID = oUpload.Form("txtID")
    nCatID = oUpload.Form("txtCatID")
    nURL = oUpload.Form("txtURL")

    Dim rsCatParent, nParentID, Description2
    sSQL = "Select * From HotelCategory Where ID=" & nCatID
    Set rsCatParent = oConn.Execute(sSQL)
    If Not (rsCatParent.EOF And rsCatParent.BOF) Then
        nParentID = rsCatParent("ParentID")
        Description2 = rsCatParent("Description2")
    End If
    Set rsCatParent = Nothing

    If nID = 0 Then
       nURl = "ProductView.asp?CatID="&nCatID&"&ParentID="&nParentID
    End If

    province = oUpload.Form("province")
    city = oUpload.Form("city")
    Name = oUpload.Form("Name")
    Ename = oUpload.Form("Ename")
    keyword = oUpload.Form("keyword")
    starNo = oUpload.Form("starNo")
    select case starNo
    case 1
    star = "一星"
    case 2
    star = "准二星"
    case 3
    star = "二星"
    case 4
    star = "准三星"
    case 5
    star = "三星"
    case 6
    star = "准四星"
    case 7
    star = "四星"
    case 8
    star = "准五星"
    case 9
    star = "五星"   
    end select
    price = oUpload.Form("price")
    money = oUpload.Form("money")
    address = oUpload.Form("address")
    liebiao = oUpload.Form("liebiao")
    intro = oUpload.Form("intro")
    telephone = oUpload.Form("telephone")
    fax = oUpload.Form("fax")
    food = oUpload.Form("food")
    entertainment = oUpload.Form("entertainment")
    service = oUpload.Form("service")
    traffic = oUpload.Form("traffic")
    OtherInfo = oUpload.Form("OtherInfo")
    Info = oUpload.Form("Info")
    IsSpecial = oUpload.Form("chkSpecial")
    If IsSpecial = "" Then
        IsSpecial = "0"
    End If
    IsNew = oUpload.Form("chkNew")
    If IsNew = "" Then
        IsNew = "0"
    End If

    SortIndex = oUpload.Form("txtSortIndex")
    strTitle = oUpload.Form("txtTitle")
    strKeywords = oUpload.Form("txtKeywords")
    strDescription = oUpload.Form("txtDescription")
    strFileName = oUpload.Form("txtFileName")
    Dim formPath, formName, dtMonth
    formPath = "..\UploadImage\"   ''定义图片存放的路径,文件夹要先建好
    dtMonth = Month(Now())
    For Each formName In oUpload.Files
        Dim oFile
        Set oFile = oUpload.File(formName)  
        If oFile.FileSize > 0 Then
            Dim file_exet, fileName
            file_exet = Ucase(Mid(oFile.FileName, InStr(oFile.FileName, ".") + 1)) '获取扩展名
        '    If UCase(file_exet)="GIF" Or UCase(file_exet)="JPG" Or UCase(file_exet)="JPEG" Or UCase(file_exet)="ICO" Or UCase(file_exet)="bmp" Then
                fileName = formPath & dtMonth & "\" & Year(Now()) & Month(Now()) & Day(Now()) & Hour(Now()) & Minute(Now()) & Second(Now()) & formName & "." & file_exet
                oFile.SaveAs Server.MapPath(fileName)
                select case LCase(formName)
                case "txtpicturebig"
                    imgSource = fileName
                case "pic1"
                    pic1 = fileName
                case "pic2"
                    pic2 = fileName
                case "pic3"
                    pic3 = fileName
                case "mappic"
                    mappic = fileName               
                end select
            'End If
        End If
        Set oFile = Nothing
    'Response.Write act & "<br>" & nID & "<br>" & nParentID & "<br>" & CatName & "<br>" & SortIndex & "<br>" & Icon

    Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    sSQL = "Select * From Hotel Where ID=" & nID
    oRs.ActiveConnection = ConnectionString
    oRs.Source = sSQL
    oRs.CursorType = 1
    oRs.CursorLocation = 2
    oRs.LockType = 3
    If nID=0 Then oRs.AddNew()
    oRs("Name") = Name
    oRs("EName") = EName
    oRs("keyword") = keyword
    oRs("province") = province
    oRs("city") = city
    oRs("star") = star
    oRs("starNo") = starNo
    If price <> "" Then
    oRs("price") = price
    End If
    oRs("money") = money
    oRs("address") = address
    oRs("liebiao") = liebiao
'    oRs("intro") = intro
    oRs("telephone") = telephone
    oRs("fax") = fax
'    oRs("food") = food
'    oRs("entertainment") = entertainment
    oRs("service") = service
    oRs("traffic") = traffic
    oRs("OtherInfo") = OtherInfo
    oRs("Info") = Info

    If imgSource <> "" Then
        oRs("imgSource") = imgSource
    End If
    If pic1 <> "" Then
        oRs("pic1") = pic1
    End If
    If pic2 <> "" Then
        oRs("pic2") = pic2
    End If
    If pic3 <> "" Then
        oRs("pic3") = pic3
    End If
    If mappic <> "" Then
        oRs("mappic") = mappic
    End If

    oRs("IsNew") = IsNew
    oRs("IsSpecial") = IsSpecial
    oRs("SortIndex") = SortIndex
    oRs("keyTitle") = strTitle
    oRs("keyKeywords") = strKeywords
    oRs("keyDescription") = strDescription
    oRs("fileName") = strFileName
    oRs.Update()         ---------这个是第249行出错的代码--------
    If nID = 0 then
       nID = oConn.Execute("Select * From Hotel order by ID desc")(0)
    End If
'    If nID=0 Then
'       oRs.open "select top 1 ID from News order by ID desc",conn,1,1
'       nID=oRs(0)
'       oRs.close
'    End if
            oConn.Execute("Delete from Hotelfang where ParentID = " & nID)

            Dim Tn ,ii
            ii = oUpload.Form("Acount") - 1        
            For Tn = 1 To ii
    If oUpload.Form("txtAnswer_"&Tn) <> "" Then
    Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    sSQL = "Select * From Hotelfang Where ID=0"               
    oRs.ActiveConnection = ConnectionString
    oRs.Source = sSQL
    oRs.CursorType = 1
    oRs.CursorLocation = 2
    oRs.LockType = 3
    oRs("ParentID") = nID
    oRs("Answer") = oUpload.Form("txtAnswer_"&Tn&"")
    oRs("price_can") = oUpload.Form("price_can_"&Tn&"")
    oRs("price_te") = oUpload.Form("price_te_"&Tn&"")
    oRs("content") = oUpload.Form("content_"&Tn&"")
    End If        
    set oUpload = Nothing
    Dim strRedirect,strSourceUrl

    'strSourceUrl=request("sourceUrl") & ""
    strSourceUrl="/jiudian/jiudian.asp?ID=" & nID'要生成的目标文件
    Write2file strRedirect,strSourceUrl,strFileName
    'response.write strSourceUrl
End If
If nID = 0 Then
    Name = ""
    EName = ""
    keyword = ""

    sSQL = "Select * From HotelCategory Where IsDelete = 0 and ID=" & nCatID
    Set rsCatParent = oConn.Execute(sSQL)
    If Not (rsCatParent.EOF And rsCatParent.BOF) Then
        nParentID = rsCatParent("ParentID")
        If nParentID = 0 Then
           province = rsCatParent("Name")
           province = oConn.Execute("Select name From HotelCategory Where IsDelete = 0 and ID=" & nParentID)(0)
           city = rsCatParent("Name")
           Description2 = rsCatParent("Description2")
           If Description2 <> "" Then
              city = city&"("&Description2&")"
           End If               
        End If   
    End If
    Set rsCatParent = Nothing
    starNo = 9
    price = 0.00
    money = "RM"
    address = ""
    liebiao = ""
    imgSource = ""
    pic1 = ""
    pic2 = ""
    pic3 = ""
    mappic = ""
    intro = ""
    telephone = ""
    fax = ""
    food = ""
    entertainment = ""
    service = ""
    traffic = ""
    OtherInfo = ""
    Info = ""
    IsSpecial = 0
    IsNew = 0
    SortIndex = 0
    sSQL = "Select * From Hotel Where ID=" & nID
    Set oRs = oConn.Execute(sSQL)
    If (oRs.EOF And oRs.BOF) Then
    End If
    Name = oRs("Name") & ""
    EName = oRs("EName") & ""
    keyword = oRs("keyword") & ""
    province = oRs("province") & ""
    city = oRs("city") & ""
    star = oRs("star") & ""
    starNo = oRs("starNo") & ""
    price = oRs("price") & ""
    money = oRs("money") & ""
    address = oRs("address") & ""
    liebiao = oRs("liebiao") & ""
    imgSource = oRs("imgSource") & ""
    pic1 = oRs("pic1") & ""
    pic2 = oRs("pic2") & ""
    pic3 = oRs("pic3") & ""
    mappic = oRs("mappic") & ""
    intro = oRs("intro") & ""
    telephone = oRs("telephone") & ""
    fax = oRs("fax") & ""
    food = oRs("food") & ""
    entertainment = oRs("entertainment") & ""
    service = oRs("service") & ""
    traffic = oRs("traffic") & ""
    OtherInfo = oRs("OtherInfo") & ""
    Info = oRs("Info") & ""
    IsSpecial = oRs("IsSpecial")
    IsNew = oRs("IsNew")
    SortIndex = oRs("SortIndex")
    strTitle = oRs("keyTitle")
    strKeywords = oRs("keyKeywords")
    strDescription = oRs("keyDescription")
    strFileName = oRs("fileName")
End If

    Dim rsLable
    Dim iLable
    strSQL="select parentID from hotelCategory where ID=" & nCatID
    'response.write strSQL
    Set rsLable = oConn.execute(strSQL)
    If Not (rsLable.bof And rsLable.eof) Then
    End if
    Set rsLable = Nothing

    If iLable=5 Or iLable="" Then
    End if
    <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">

[ 本帖最后由 天空云朵 于 2011-2-22 18:10 编辑 ]
2011-02-22 17:44
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:9
注 册:2011-2-21
    <link href="../css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script language="javascript" src="../js/WindowFunctions.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript">
        function fCheckOnOff(obj)
            obj.value = (obj.checked?1:0);
        function fCheckOnOffForLabel(obj)
            obj.checked = !obj.checked;
            obj.value = (obj.checked?1:0);
        function fCheckForm()
            if (!trim(document.frmProduct.Name.value))
                return false;
            /*if (!isNumeric(document.frmProduct.txtPrice.value))
                return false;
            if (!isNumeric(document.frmProduct.txtMemberPrice.value))
                return false;
            if (!isNumeric(document.frmProduct.txtDiscount.value))
                return false;
            if (!isDigit(document.frmProduct.txtSortIndex.value))
                return false;
            if (!trim(document.frmProduct.txtPictureBig.value) || !trim(document.frmProduct.txtPictureSmall.value))
                if (!window.confirm('您还没有选择产品图片,确定不上传产品图片吗?\n\n按“确定”不传,\n按“取消”重新选择。'))
                    return false;
            return true;
Dim sql, rs, count
sql = "select *,(select name from HotelCategory where ID=H.ParentID) as Pname from HotelCategory H where ParentID <> 0 order by SortIndex,id"
set rs=server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.open sql,oConn,1,1
<script language = "JavaScript">
var onecount;
subcat = new Array();
<%count = 0
do while not rs.eof%>
subcat[<%=count%>] = new Array("<%= trim(rs("Name"))%>","<%= trim(rs("Pname"))%>","<%= trim(rs("Name"))%>");
        <%count = count + 1
        set rs=nothing%>

function changelocation(ypxxone)
    document.frmProduct.city.length = 0;

    //var ypxxone_id=city;
    var i;
    document.frmProduct.city.options[0] = new Option('请选择小类','');
    for (i=0;i < onecount; i++)
            if (subcat[i][1] == ypxxone)
                document.frmProduct.city.options[document.frmProduct.city.length] = new Option(subcat[i][0], subcat[i][2]);

<body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" scroll="yes">
<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="78%" border="0">
            <td width="100%" valign="top">
                <table class="up" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="3" width="100%" border="0">
                        <td class="title" noWrap background="../images/title_back.gif" height="22"><IMG height="16" hspace="0" src="../images/xp38.gif" width="16" align="absMiddle"><span>酒店信息维护</span></td>
            <td width="100%" valign="top">
                <table class="up" borderColor="#efefef" bgcolor="#F0F0EC" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="1">
                        <td vAlign="middle" noWrap width="0" height="25"><IMG height="22" src="../images/t_header.gif" width="6" align="absMiddle">
                        <td onMouseUp="this.className='up';location.reload();" onMouseDown="this.className='down';"
                            onmouseover="this.className='up'" title="刷新" style="CURSOR: default" onMouseOut="this.className=''"
                            width="0%"><IMG height="16" hspace="5" src="../images/refresh.gif" width="16" align="absMiddle"></td>
                        <td width="0%"><IMG height="22" src="../images/split.gif" width="6" align="absMiddle"></td>
                        <td onMouseUp="this.className='up';"
                            onmousedown="this.className='down';location.href='ProductEdit.asp?act=0&ID=0&CatID=<%=nCatID%>';" onMouseOver="this.className='up'" title="添加"
                            style="CURSOR: default" onMouseOut="this.className=''" noWrap width="0%"><img height="16" hspace="5" src="../images/add.gif" width="16" align="absMiddle"><font style="FONT-SIZE: 12px">添加&nbsp;</font></td>
                        <td width="0%"><IMG height="22" src="../images/split.gif" width="6" align="absMiddle"></td>
                        <td onMouseUp="this.className='up';"
                            onmousedown="this.className='down';" onMouseOver="this.className='up'" title="删除"
                            style="CURSOR: default" onMouseOut="this.className=''" noWrap width="0%"><img height="16" hspace="5" src="../images/delete.gif" width="16" align="absMiddle"><font style="FONT-SIZE: 12px">删除&nbsp;</font></td>
                        <td width="0%"><IMG height="22" src="../images/split.gif" width="6" align="absMiddle"></td>
                        <td vAlign="middle" noWrap width="100%" height="25"></td>
        <form action="ProductEdit.asp" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="frmProduct" onSubmit="javascript:return fCheckForm();">
        <input type="hidden" name="act" value="<%=act%>">
        <input type="hidden" name="txtID" value="<%=nID%>">
        <input type="hidden" name="txtCatID" value="<%=nCatID%>">
        <input type="hidden" name="txtURL" value="<%=Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")%>">
                <table width="650" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店名称:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="Name" type="text" id="Name" size="40" maxlength="50" value="<%=Name%>">            </td>
          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">英文名称:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="Ename" type="text" id="Ename" size="40" maxlength="50" value="<%=Ename%>">            </td>
          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">关键字:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="keyword" type="text" id="keyword" size="40" maxlength="50" value="<%=keyword%>">            </td>
          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店电话:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="telephone" type="text" id="telephone" size="40" maxlength="50" value="<%=telephone%>">            </td>
          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店传真:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="fax" type="text" id="fax" size="40" maxlength="50" value="<%=fax%>">            </td>
          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店地址:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="address" type="text" id="address" size="40" maxlength="50" value="<%=address%>">            </td>
          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店星级:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><select name="starNo">
<option value="9" <% if starNo = 9 then %>selected<% end if %>>五星</option>
<option value="8" <% if starNo = 8 then %>selected<% end if %>>准五星</option>   
<option value="7" <% if starNo = 7 then %>selected<% end if %>>四星</option>   
<option value="6" <% if starNo = 6 then %>selected<% end if %>>准四星</option>   
<option value="5" <% if starNo = 5 then %>selected<% end if %>>三星</option>   
<option value="4" <% if starNo = 4 then %>selected<% end if %>>准三星</option>   
<option value="3" <% if starNo = 3 then %>selected<% end if %>>二星</option>   
<option value="2" <% if starNo = 2 then %>selected<% end if %>>准二星</option>   
<option value="1" <% if starNo = 1 then %>selected<% end if %>>一星</option>                  
          <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">所属地区:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><%=province%> >> <%=city%><br><select name="province" onChange="changelocation(document.frmProduct.province.options[document.frmProduct.province.selectedIndex].value)">
<option value="" <% if province = "" then %>selected<% end if %>>请选择大类</option>
sql="select *  from HotelCategory where ParentID = 0 and isdelete=false order by SortIndex,id"
set rs=server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.open sql,oConn,1,1
while not rs.eof%>
<option value="<%=rs("Name")%>" <% if Cstr(province) = Cstr(rs("Name")) then %>selected<% end if %>><%=rs("Name")%></option>
<select name="city">
<option <% if city = "" then %>selected<% end if %> value="">请选择小类</option>
</select>            </td>
<tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">标签列表:</td>
            <td height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    Dim nPage,n,i,nPageCount,nRecordcount

   set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
        sSQL="select * from HotelCategory2 where parentID=" & iLable & " and isdelete=0 Order By Name desc"
   rs.open sSQL,oConn,1,1

        rs.PageSize = 800000
        nPageCount = rs.PageCount
        nRecordcount = rs.recordcount
    If Request.QueryString("Page") = "" then
        nPage = 1
        nPage = Int(Request.QueryString("Page"))
    End if
    If nPage < 1 Then
        nPage = 1
    End If
    If nPageCount=0 then
        response.write "<DIV align=center><br>暂无相关信息!</div>"
        rs.AbsolutePage = nPage
        n = 1
        Do While not rs.eof and n<=400000
        <table width="94%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            For i=1 to 2
                If Not rs.EOF then
            <td width="50%"><table width="97%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                        <td width="5%" height="24"><input name="liebiao" type="checkbox" value="<%=rs(1)%>" <% If instr(liebiao,rs(1)) Then Response.Write("checked") %>></td>
                        <td width="95%" class="text1"><A href="jiudian.asp?id=<%=rs(0)%>" title="<%=rs(1)%>" target="_blank"><%=rs(1)%></A></td>
                        <td background="images/xian1.jpg"><img src="images/xian1.jpg" width="3" height="1"></td>
                    If i = 2 And rs.Eof Then
                    End If
                    exit for
                End If
            n = n + 1

    End If
    set rs = nothing
          <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店形象图:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="txtPictureBig" type="file" size="40"></td>
          <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店介绍图1:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="pic1" type="file" size="40"></td>
          <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店介绍图2:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="pic2" type="file" size="40"></td>
          <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店介绍图3:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="pic3" type="file" size="40"></td>
          <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店地图:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="mappic" type="file" size="40"></td>
          <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">参考价:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="price" type="text" id="price" size="20" maxlength="50" value="<%=price%>">
                  <input name="money" type="radio" value="RM" <% if money = "RM" or money = "" then %>checked<% end if %>>
                  <input type="radio" name="money" value="HK" <% if money = "HK" then %>checked<% end if %>>
                  HKD</label>                </td>
          <!--tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">娱乐与健身设施:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><textarea name="entertainment" cols="60" rows="6"><%=entertainment%></textarea>            </td>
          <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店简介:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><table width="94%"  border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                  <td><INPUT type="hidden" name="Info" value="<%=Server.HtmlEncode(Info)%>"> <IFRAME ID="eWebEditor1" src="../eWebEditor/ewebeditor.asp?id=Info" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"  width="530" height="300"></IFRAME>
                    <span class="style3">*</span></td>
          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店设施:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><textarea name="service" cols="60" rows="6"><%=service%></textarea>            </td>
          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店地图:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><textarea name="traffic" cols="60" rows="6"><%=traffic%></textarea>            </td>
          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">酒店备注 :</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><textarea name="OtherInfo" cols="60" rows="6"><%=OtherInfo%></textarea>            </td>
          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0"></td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <input name="chkSpecial" type="checkbox" id="chkSpecial" value="<%If IsSpecial Then Response.Write "1" Else Response.Write "0" End If%>" <%If IsSpecial Then Response.Write "checked"%> onClick="javascript:fCheckOnOff(this);">
              <label id="lblSpecial" onClick="javascript:fCheckOnOffForLabel(document.all['chkSpecial']);">特价推荐</label>
              &nbsp; <input name="chkNew" type="checkbox" id="chkNew" value="<%If IsNew Then Response.Write "1" Else Response.Write "0" End If%>" <%If IsNew Then Response.Write "checked"%> onClick="javascript:fCheckOnOff(this);">
              <label id="lblNew" onClick="javascript:fCheckOnOffForLabel(document.all['chkNew']);">首页推荐</label>              </td>          </tr>
          <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">排序编号:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="txtSortIndex" type="text" id="txtSortIndex" size="5" maxlength="10" value="<%=SortIndex%>">
          <tr bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
            <td width="120" height="24" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">房型信息:</td>
            <td width="530" height="24" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="button" type="button" id="button" value="添加房型" style="width:200px;height:22px;background-color:#f0f0f0;border-left: 0 solid #000000;border-right: 0 solid #000000;border-top: 0 solid #000000;border-bottom: 0 solid #000000;" onClick="AddInput()"><br>
            <span id="AnswerAll">
                    Dim x
                    x = 1

                    Dim rsTemp
                    Set rsTemp = oConn.Execute("Select * From Hotelfang Where ParentID = " & nID)

                    If rsTemp.Eof Then
                        <label style="width:55px"></label>客房种类<%=x%>:<input name="txtAnswer_<%=x%>" type="text" id="txtAnswer_<%=x%>" size="10" maxlength="10" value="">参考价:<input name="price_can_<%=x%>" type="text" id="price_can_<%=x%>" size="10" maxlength="10" value="0" <% if x=1 then %>onBlur="javascript:document.frmProduct.price.value=document.frmProduct.price_can_1.value"<% end if %>>优惠价:<input name="price_te_<%=x%>" type="text" id="price_te_<%=x%>" size="10" maxlength="10" value="0"><br>备注:<textarea name="content_<%=x%>" cols="50" rows="4"></textarea><br>
                        x = x + 1
                        While Not rsTemp.Eof
                        <label style="width:55px"></label>客房种类<%=x%>:<input name="txtAnswer_<%=x%>" type="text" id="txtAnswer_<%=x%>" size="10" maxlength="10" value="<%=Trim(rsTemp("Answer"))%>">参考价:<input name="price_can_<%=x%>" type="text" id="price_can_<%=x%>" size="10" maxlength="10" value="<%=rsTemp("price_can")%>" <% if x=1 then %>onBlur="javascript:document.frmProduct.price.value=document.frmProduct.price_can_1.value"<% end if %>>优惠价:<input name="price_te_<%=x%>" type="text" id="price_te_<%=x%>" size="10" maxlength="10" value="<%=rsTemp("price_te")%>"><br>备注:<textarea name="content_<%=x%>" cols="50" rows="4"><%=rsTemp("content")%></textarea><br>
                            x = x + 1
                    End If
            <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              <td height="30" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">Title:</td>
              <td height="30"><input name="txtTitle" type="text" id="txtTitle" value="<%=strTitle%>" size="80"></td>
            <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              <td height="30" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">Keywords:</td>
              <td height="30"><input name="txtKeywords" type="text" id="txtKeywords" value="<%=strKeywords%>" size="80"></td>
            <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              <td height="30" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">Description:</td>
              <td height="30"><TEXTAREA NAME="txtDescription" ROWS="5" COLS="80"><%=strDescription%></TEXTAREA></td>
            <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
              <td height="30" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">文件名:</td>
              <td height="30"><input name="txtFileName" type="text" id="txtFileName" value="<%=strFileName%>" size="80"></td>

          <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
            <td width="120" height="30" align="right" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">&nbsp;</td>
            <td width="530" height="30"><input type="submit" name="btnOK" value=" 确定 " class="button3">
              &nbsp; <input type="button" name="btnCancel" value=" 取消 " class="button3" onClick="javascript:location.href='Info.asp'"></td>
        <input type="hidden" name="Acount" value="<%=x%>">
                <table width="600" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
                    If imgSource <> "" Then
                    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                        <td width="600" height="20">酒店形象图</td>
                    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                        <td width="600" align="center">
                            <img src="<%=imgSource%>" border="0" align="absmiddle">                        </td>
                    End If
                    If pic1 <> "" Then
                    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                        <td width="600" height="20">酒店介绍图1</td>
                    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                        <td width="600" align="center">
                            <img src="<%=pic1%>" border="0" align="absmiddle">                        </td>
                    End If
                    If pic2 <> "" Then
                    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                        <td width="600" height="20">酒店介绍图2</td>
                    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                        <td width="600" align="center">
                            <img src="<%=pic2%>" border="0" align="absmiddle">                        </td>
                    End If
                    If pic3 <> "" Then
                    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                        <td width="600" height="20">酒店介绍图3</td>
                    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                        <td width="600" align="center">
                            <img src="<%=pic3%>" border="0" align="absmiddle">                        </td>
                    End If
                    If mappic <> "" Then
                    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                        <td width="600" height="20">酒店地图</td>
                    <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
                        <td width="600" align="center">
                            <img src="<%=mappic%>" border="0" align="absmiddle">                        </td>
                    End If
<script language="javascript">
    document.frmProduct.city.value = "<%=city%>";
    function AddInput()
        var thisObject = document.frmProduct;
        var TempAcount = thisObject.Acount.value;

        var AnswerAll = document.all("AnswerAll").innerHTML;
        var TbInfo;

        TbInfo = "<label style='width:55px'></label>客房种类"+thisObject.Acount.value+":<input name='txtAnswer_"+thisObject.Acount.value+"' type='text' id='txtAnswer_"+thisObject.Acount.value+"' size='10' maxlength='10' value=''>参考价:<input name='price_can_"+thisObject.Acount.value+"' type='text' id='price_can_"+thisObject.Acount.value+"' size='10' maxlength='10' value='0'>优惠价:<input name='price_te_"+thisObject.Acount.value+"' type='text' id='price_te_"+thisObject.Acount.value+"' size='10' maxlength='10' value='0'><br>备注:<textarea name='content_"+thisObject.Acount.value+"' cols='50' rows='4'></textarea><br>"

        document.all("AnswerAll").innerHTML = AnswerAll + TbInfo;
        thisObject.Acount.value = ++TempAcount;
Call DBConnEnd()

2011-02-22 17:44
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:9
注 册:2011-2-21
2011-02-22 18:15
Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16Rank: 16
等 级:版主
威 望:40
帖 子:1787
注 册:2007-6-27
197行: oRs.CursorLocation = 2改为 oRs.CursorLocation = 3试下。另外oRs.addnew()为什么后面多加一个括号,改成这样的操作oRs.addnew,update也一样!ASP不是JS,没有必要在后面加();

Q:1428196631,百度:开发地 即可找到我,有事请留言!
2011-02-22 22:05

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