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毕业设计做的题目就是 J2ME手机游戏设计与开发——UFO
源程序代码如下:import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.game.*;
import java.util.*;
import *;
import javax.microedition.media.*;
import javax.microedition.media.control.*;

public class UFOCanvas extends GameCanvas implements Runnable {
  private Display  display;
  private boolean  sleeping;
  private long     frameDelay;
  private Random   rand;
  private Sprite   ufoSprite;
  private int      ufoXSpeed, ufoYSpeed;
  private Sprite[] roidSprite = new Sprite[4];
  private Player   tonePlayer;
  public UFOCanvas(Display d) {
    display = d;
     // Set the frame rate (30 fps)
    frameDelay = 33;}
  public void start() {
    // Set the canvas as the current screen
 // Initialize the random number generator
    rand = new Random();
// Initialize the UFO and roids sprites
    ufoXSpeed = ufoYSpeed = 0;
    try {
      ufoSprite = new Sprite(Image.createImage("/Saucer.png"));
      ufoSprite.setPosition((getWidth() - ufoSprite.getWidth()) / 2,
        (getHeight() - ufoSprite.getHeight()) / 2);
      Image img = Image.createImage("/Roid.png");
      roidSprite[0] = new Sprite(img, 42, 35);
      roidSprite[1] = new Sprite(img, 42, 35);
      roidSprite[2] = new Sprite(img, 42, 35);
      roidSprite[3] = new Sprite(img, 42, 35);}
    catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Failed loading images!");}
   // Initialize the tone tune and play it once
    // Start the animation thread
    sleeping = false;
    Thread t = new Thread(this);
   public void stop() {
    // Clean up the tone tune
// Stop the animation
    sleeping = true;}
  public void run() {
    Graphics g = getGraphics();
    // The main game loop
    while (!sleeping) {
      try {
        Thread.sleep(frameDelay); }
      catch (InterruptedException ie) {}}}
private void update() {
    // Randomly play the "encounters" tone tune
    if (rand.nextInt() % 500 == 0) playTune();
// Process user input to control the UFO speed
    byte G4 = (byte)(ToneControl.C4 + 7);
    int keyState = getKeyStates();
    if ((keyState & LEFT_PRESSED) != 0) {
      // Play a sound to indicate movement
      try { Manager.playTone(G4, 100, 50);}
      catch (Exception e) {}
    else if ((keyState & RIGHT_PRESSED) != 0) {
      // Play a sound to indicate movement
      try {Manager.playTone(G4, 100, 50);}
      catch (Exception e) {}
    if ((keyState & UP_PRESSED) != 0) {
      // Play a sound to indicate movement
      try { Manager.playTone(G4, 100, 50); }
      catch (Exception e) { }
    else if ((keyState & DOWN_PRESSED) != 0) {
      // Play a sound to indicate movement
      try {Manager.playTone(G4, 100, 50);}
      catch (Exception e) { }
       ufoYSpeed++; }
    ufoXSpeed = Math.min(Math.max(ufoXSpeed, -8), 8);
    ufoYSpeed = Math.min(Math.max(ufoYSpeed, -8), 8);
    // Move the UFO sprite
    ufoSprite.move(ufoXSpeed, ufoYSpeed);
    // Update the roid sprites
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      // Move the roid sprites
      roidSprite[i].move(i + 1, 1 - i);
     // Increment the frames of the roid sprites
      if (i == 1)
      // Check for a collision between the UFO and roids
      if (ufoSprite.collidesWith(roidSprite[i], true)) {
        // Play a collision sound
        try {Manager.playTone(ToneControl.C4 - 12, 500, 100);}
  catch (Exception e) {}
        // Reset the sprite positions and speeds
        ufoSprite.setPosition((getWidth() - ufoSprite.getWidth()) / 2,
          (getHeight() - ufoSprite.getHeight()) / 2);
        ufoXSpeed = ufoYSpeed = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
          roidSprite[j].setPosition(0, 0);
       // No need to continue updating the roid sprites
        break; }}}
  private void draw(Graphics g) {
    // Clear the display
    g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
    // Draw the UFO sprite
    // Draw the roid sprites
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    // Flush the offscreen graphics buffer
    flushGraphics(); }
 private void checkBounds(Sprite sprite) {
    // Wrap the sprite around the screen if necessary
    if (sprite.getX() < -sprite.getWidth())
      sprite.setPosition(getWidth(), sprite.getY());
    else if (sprite.getX() > getWidth())
      sprite.setPosition(-sprite.getWidth(), sprite.getY());
    if (sprite.getY() < -sprite.getHeight())
      sprite.setPosition(sprite.getX(), getHeight());
    else if (sprite.getY() > getHeight())
      sprite.setPosition(sprite.getX(), -sprite.getHeight()); }
 private void initTune() {
    byte tempo = 30; // 120bpm
    byte d4 = 16;    // 1/4 note
    byte d2 = 32;    // 1/2 note
    byte C4 = ToneControl.C4;
    byte A6 = (byte)(C4 + 21);
    byte B6 = (byte)(C4 + 23);
    byte G5 = (byte)(C4 + 19);
    byte G4 = (byte)(C4 + 7);
    byte D5 = (byte)(C4 + 14);
    byte rest = ToneControl.SILENCE;
    byte[] encountersSequence = {
      ToneControl.VERSION, 1,
      ToneControl.TEMPO, tempo,
      ToneControl.BLOCK_START, 0,
      A6,d4, B6,d4, G5,d4, G4,d4, D5,d2, rest,d2,
      ToneControl.BLOCK_END, 0,
      ToneControl.PLAY_BLOCK, 0,
      ToneControl.PLAY_BLOCK, 0, };
      try {
      // Create the tone player
      tonePlayer = Manager.createPlayer(Manager.TONE_DEVICE_LOCATOR);
     // Create the tone control and set the tone sequence
      ToneControl toneControl = (ToneControl)tonePlayer.getControl("ToneControl");
    catch (IOException ioe) {}
    catch (MediaException me) {}}
    private void playTune() {
    try {
      // Play the tone sequence
      tonePlayer.start(); }
    catch (MediaException me) { }}
private void cleanupTune() {
    // Close the tone player
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: UFO 手机游戏 改进 
2010-04-18 18:21

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