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标题:请问那位可以把 c 的qq的TEA加解密函数转成delphi??
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注 册:2005-9-14
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请问那位可以把 c 的qq的TEA加解密函数转成delphi??

请问那位可以把c的qq的TEA加解密函数转成delphi版? /* * qq decrypt functions, Tencent never modify it since 2001 * original code from pure(青衣~ shadow in silence)'s post at * Crack@bbs.tsinghua.edu.cn * Copyright (c) 2001 Shellcode@sina.com.cn * edited by doublelee@etang.com */

#include "qqcrypt.h"

unsigned int swapu32(unsigned int n) { // In fact htonl() return it! return(((n & 0xff000000) >> 24) | ((n & 0x000000ff) << 24) | ((n & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((n & 0x0000ff00) << 8)); }

unsigned short swapu16(unsigned short n) { // In fact swab() return it! return(((n & 0x00ff) << 8) | ((n & 0xff00) >> 8)); }

// added by doublelee; void decrypt_tea_16(unsigned long *in, unsigned long *key, unsigned long *out) { // Their is some difference between it and the original TEA routine // code by David Wheeler and Roger Needham, which can be found on // http://www.ftp.cl.cam.ac.uk/ftp/papers/djw-rmn/djw-rmn-tea.html

unsigned long code[4]; register unsigned long n=16, sum, y, z, delta = 0x9E3779B9; sum = delta << 4; y = swapu32(in[0]); z = swapu32(in[1]); code[0] = swapu32(key[0]); code[1] = swapu32(key[1]); code[2] = swapu32(key[2]); code[3] = swapu32(key[3]); while(n-->0) { z -= ((y>>5)+code[3])^((y<<4)+code[2])^(sum+y); y -= ((z>>5)+code[1])^((z<<4)+code[0])^(sum+z); sum -= delta; } out[0] = swapu32(y); out[1] = swapu32(z); }

void decrypt_qword(unsigned long *in, unsigned long *key, unsigned long *out) {

decrypt_tea_16(in, key, out); // following are pure's code, it is exactly a 16-round TEA /* unsigned long code[4]; register unsigned long i=16, j=0xe3779B90, m, n; m = swapu32(in[0]); n = swapu32(in[1]); code[0] = swapu32(key[0]); code[1] = swapu32(key[1]); code[2] = swapu32(key[2]); code[3] = swapu32(key[3]); while(i-- >0) { n -= ((m>>5)+code[3])^((m<<4)+code[2])^(j+m); m -= ((n>>5)+code[1])^((n<<4)+code[0])^(j+n); j += 0x61C88647; } out[0] = swapu32(m); out[1] = swapu32(n); */ }

int decrypt_msg(unsigned char *in, int inlen, unsigned long *key, unsigned char *out, unsigned long *outlen) { unsigned char q[8], mkey[8], *q1, *q2, *outp; register int count, i, j, p; if (inlen%8 || inlen<16) return 0; /* get basic information of the packet */ decrypt_qword((unsigned long *)in, key, (unsigned long *)q); j = q[0]&0x7; count = inlen - j - 10; // if (*outlen < count || count < 0) return 0; //?????*outlen if (count < 0) return 0; *outlen = count; memset(mkey, 0, 8); q2 = mkey; i = 8; p = 1; q1 = in+8; j ++; while (p <= 2) { //0x004576af if (j < 8) { //0x00457648 j ++; p ++; } else if (j == 8) { q2 = in; for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++ ) { if (i + j >= inlen) return 0; q[j] ^= q1[j]; } decrypt_qword((unsigned long *)q, key, (unsigned long *) q); i += 8; q1 += 8; j = 0; } } outp = out; while(count !=0) { if (j < 8) { outp[0] = q2[j] ^ q[j]; outp ++; count --; j ++; } else if (j == 8) { q2 = q1-8; for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++ ) { if (i + j >= inlen) return 0; q[j] ^= q1[j]; } decrypt_qword((unsigned long *)q, key, (unsigned long *) q); i += 8; q1 += 8; j = 0; } } for (p = 1; p < 8; p ++) { if (j < 8) { if (q2[j]^q[j]) return 0; j ++; } else if (j == 8 ) { q2 = q1; for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++ ) { if (i + j >= inlen) return 0; q[j] ^= q1[j]; } decrypt_qword((unsigned long *)q, key, (unsigned long *) q); i += 8; q1 += 8; j = 0; } } return 1; }

int simple_decrypt(unsigned char *in, unsigned long *key) { // code following comes from qq.asm and pure's code // do a quick decryption for QQ key checking, for efficiency of // bruteforce cracking // assume *in has a length of 16, we try to decrypt it with the key 'key'

unsigned char out[20]; unsigned char q[8], mkey[8], *q1, *q2, *outp; register int count, i, j, p; int inlen = 16; /* get basic information of the packet */ decrypt_tea_16((unsigned long *)in, key, (unsigned long *)q); j = q[0]&0x7; count = inlen - j - 10; if (count) return 0; //mostly it will return here, so make it quick when cracking than decrypt_msg().

memset(mkey, 0, 8); q2 = mkey; i = 8; p = 1; q1 = in+8; j ++; while (p <= 2) { if (j < 8) { j ++; p ++; } else if (j == 8) { q2 = in; for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++ ) { if (i + j >= inlen) return 0; q[j] ^= q1[j]; } decrypt_tea_16((unsigned long *)q, key, (unsigned long *) q); i += 8; q1 += 8; j = 0; } } outp = out; while(count !=0) { if (j < 8) { outp[0] = q2[j] ^ q[j]; outp ++; count --; j ++; } else if (j == 8) { q2 = q1-8; for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++ ) { if (i + j >= inlen) return 0; q[j] ^= q1[j]; } decrypt_tea_16((unsigned long *)q, key, (unsigned long *) q); i += 8; q1 += 8; j = 0; } } for (p = 1; p < 8; p ++) { if (j < 8) { if (q2[j]^q[j]) return 0; j ++; } else if (j == 8 ) { q2 = q1; for (j = 0; j < 8; j ++ ) { if (i + j >= inlen) return 0; q[j] ^= q1[j]; } decrypt_tea_16((unsigned long *)q, key, (unsigned long *) q); i += 8; q1 += 8; j = 0; } } return 1; }

// encryption code omitted. we just never use it!

2005-09-14 23:33
Rank: 4
等 级:业余侠客
威 望:3
帖 子:695
注 册:2005-9-25

代做各种vb/ / vc小程序
群号 11619730
2005-09-25 14:43
Rank: 8Rank: 8
等 级:蝙蝠侠
威 望:3
帖 子:658
注 册:2005-3-17
网上没有现成的 DELPHI 版的吗?
看你的代码,翻成 DELPHI 没有问题,就是很烦!
2005-10-05 22:16
快速回复:请问那位可以把 c 的qq的TEA加解密函数转成delphi??

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