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/*    二叉树后序遍历--源代码及关键源代码注解如下:*/

// FileName: treemain.cpp .                        
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include "tree.h"

/********** Checks if expression is ok *********/
bool isok(string exp)
    char check;
    int error=0;
    int lb=0;
    int rb=0;
    for(int m=0;m < exp.size(); m++)
        check = exp[m];

        else if(IsOperator(check))
            if(check == ')')
                if(IsOperator(exp[m+1]) && (exp[m+1]=='+' || exp[m+1]=='-' || exp[m+1]=='*'
|| exp[m+1]=='/' || exp[m+1]=='^' || exp[m+1]==')'))
                    if(exp[m] == ')')
                else if(IsOperator(exp[m+1]))
            else if(check == '(')
                if(IsOperator(exp[m+1]) && exp[m+1] =='(')
                else if(IsOperator(exp[m+1]))
                if(IsOperator(exp[m+1]) && exp[m+1] == '(')
                else if(IsOperator(exp[m+1]))

    if(error == 0 && lb==rb)
void main()
    binary_tree etree;
    stack<binary_tree> NodeStack;
    stack<char> OpStack;
    string infix;
        char choice = 'y';
    char c;
    while(choice == 'y' || choice == 'Y')
        cout << "\n\nIntroduce the Expression (no spaces): ";
        cin >> infix;
        cout << "----------------------------------------------" << endl;
        cout << "Expression:   " << infix << endl;
            for(int i=0; i < infix.size(); i++)
                c = infix[i];
                if(IsOperand(c)) //if operand, create tree and push into NodeStack
                    string tempstring;
                    tempstring = tempstring + c;
                    if(i+1 < infix.size() && IsOperand(infix[i+1]))
                        while(i+1 < infix.size() && IsOperand(infix[i+1]))
                            tempstring = tempstring + infix[++i];
                    binary_tree temp;
                    temp.root = build_node(tempstring);
                //Else if Operator, check precedence and push into OpStack
                else if(c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/' || c == '^')
                    else if(OpStack.top() == '(')
                    else if(TakesPrecedence(c, OpStack.top()))
                        while(!OpStack.empty() && TakesPrecedence(OpStack.top(), c))
                            binary_tree temp_tree;
                            string thisstring="";
                            thisstring = thisstring + OpStack.top();
                            etree.root = build_node(thisstring);
                            etree.root->right_child = temp_tree.root;
                            temp_tree.root = NULL;
                            etree.root->left_child = temp_tree.root;
                            temp_tree.root = NULL;
                            copy(temp_tree.root, etree.root);
                            etree.root = NULL;
                else if(c == '(')
                else if(c == ')')
                    while(OpStack.top() != '(')
                        binary_tree temp_tree;
                        string thisstring="";
                        thisstring = thisstring + OpStack.top();
                        etree.root = build_node(thisstring);
                        etree.root->right_child = temp_tree.root;
                        temp_tree.root = NULL;
                        etree.root->left_child = temp_tree.root;
                        temp_tree.root = NULL;
                        copy(temp_tree.root, etree.root);
                        etree.root = NULL;
            } // end of for loop
            while(!OpStack.empty()) //While OpStack not empty, pop that stack
                                    //and create tree
                binary_tree temp_tree;
                string thisstring="";
                thisstring = thisstring + OpStack.top();
                etree.root = build_node(thisstring);
                etree.root->right_child = temp_tree.root;
                temp_tree.root = NULL;
                etree.root->left_child = temp_tree.root;
                temp_tree.root = NULL;
                copy(temp_tree.root, etree.root);
                    etree.root = NULL;
            cout << "Postfix traversal: ";
            cout << endl;
            cout << "Result: " << etree.root->data << endl;
            cout << "----------------------------------------------" << endl;
            cout << "\n\nRun Program again? Enter <y/n> : ";
            cin >> choice;
} //end of main
// FileName: tree.h  By: Musawir Ali Shah
#ifndef _TREE_H_
#define _TREE_H_

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

// Overloaded function, checks a string for an operator
bool IsOperator(string mystring)
    if(mystring == "-" || mystring == "+" || mystring == "/" || mystring == "*" || mystring == "^")

// Overloaded function, checks a character for an operator
bool IsOperator(char ops)
    if(ops == '+' || ops == '-' || ops == '*' || ops == '/' || ops == '^' || ops == '(' || ops == ')')

//Binary Tree Definition and Implementation
class node_type
    string data;
    node_type *left_child;
    node_type *right_child;
    node_type(string k)
        left_child = NULL;
        right_child = NULL;

class binary_tree
    node_type *root;
    void print(node_type *r); // Postfix traversal
    binary_tree(void) { root = NULL;}
    void print(void) {print (root);}
    void evaluate()
    void evaluate(node_type* prt) //recursive trea evaluation
        if(IsOperator(prt->data) && !IsOperator(prt->left_child->data) && !IsOperator(prt->right_child->data))
        {    if(prt->data==" ")
                    int num = 0;
                    int num1=atoi(prt->left_child->data.c_str());
                    int num2=atoi(prt->right_child->data.c_str());
                    if(prt->data == "+")
                        num = num1 + num2;
                    else if(prt->data == "-")
                        num = num1 - num2;
                    else if(prt->data == "*")
                        num = num1 * num2;
                    else if(prt->data == "/")
                        num = num1 / num2;
                    else if(prt->data == "^")
                        num = pow(num1,num2);
                    stringstream bob;
                    bob << num;
                    string suzzy(bob.str());
                    prt->data = suzzy;
                    prt->left_child = NULL;
                    prt->right_child = NULL;
        else if(prt->left_child == NULL && prt->right_child == NULL);
    void clear_help(node_type* rt) // destructor
        if( rt != NULL )
            clear_help( rt->left_child);
            clear_help( rt->right_child);
            delete rt;
    void clear()


node_type *build_node(string x) //build a new node for the tree
    node_type *new_node;
    new_node = new node_type(x);

void binary_tree::print(node_type *p) //postfix traversal
        /*else if (p->data =="-")
        else if (p->data =="/")
        else if (p->data =="+")

bool IsOperand(char ch) //Checks for character to be an operand
   if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9'))
      return true;
      return false;

//Checks Precedence, returns true of A is higher precendence over B
bool TakesPrecedence(char OperatorA, char OperatorB)
   if (OperatorA == '(')
      return false;
   else if (OperatorB == '(')
      return false;
   else if (OperatorB == ')')
      return true;
   else if ((OperatorA == '^') && (OperatorB == '^'))
      return false;
   else if (OperatorA == '^')
      return true;
   else if (OperatorB == '^')
      return false;
   else if ((OperatorA == '*') || (OperatorA == '/'))
      return true;
   else if ((OperatorB == '*') || (OperatorB == '/'))
      return false;
      return true;

//Creates a copy of a tree passes the roots of the 2  trees, r1 being the root of the tree to be copied to
// and r2 being the root of the tree being copied.
void copy(node_type *&r1, node_type *r2)
    if(r2 == NULL)
        r1 = NULL;
        if(r1 == NULL)
            r1 = build_node(r2->data);
            copy(r1->left_child, r2->left_child);
            copy(r1->right_child, r2->right_child);
            r1 = build_node(r2->data);
            copy(r1->left_child, r2->left_child);
            copy(r1->right_child, r2->right_child);

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 遍历 运算 输出 
2008-09-29 10:07
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来 自:幻想世界
等 级:贵宾
威 望:16
帖 子:1227
注 册:2007-7-23

2008-09-29 11:05
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
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注 册:2008-9-29
回复 2# blueboy82006 的帖子
2008-09-29 14:42

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