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标题:串的基本操作演示 能能帮忙调试下,有2个小错误一直解决不了
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串的基本操作演示 能能帮忙调试下,有2个小错误一直解决不了
typedef struct{
 char *ch;
 int length;
}  HString;
#define TRUE   1
#define FALSE  0
#define OK     1
#define ERROR  0
#define INFEASIBLE  -1
#define OVERFLOW    -2
typedef  int  Status;

Status Assign(HString *,char *);
Status StrCopy(HString *, HString *);
Status StrEmpty(HString *);
int StrCompare(HString *, HString *) ;
int StrLength(HString *) ;
Status ClearString(HString *);
HString Concat(HString  *, HString *, HString *) ;
HString SubString(HString  *, HString *,int ,int ) ;
int Index(HString * , HString *,int ) ;
Status Replace(HString  *, HString *, HString *) ;
Status StrInsert(HString  *,int , HString *) ;
/*在串S中的第pos 个字符之前插入串T。*/
Status StrDelete(HString  *,int ,int );
/*从串S中删除第pos 个字符起长度为len的子串。*/
Status DestroyString(HString  *);
    int k;char ch;HString *T,*S,*S1,*S2,*V,*Sub;  char  a[30],b[30],c[30];  
     printf("            String basic operation demo\n");
     printf("\n1. Generate a string:");
     printf("\n2. Copy a string to another:");
     printf("\n3. Determine whether a string is empty:");
  printf("\n4. Compare a string to another:");
     printf("\n5. Caculate the length of a string ");
     printf("\n6. Clear a string:");
     printf("\n7. Concat a String to another:");
     printf("\n8. Return the substring of the string S:");
     printf("\n9. Return the location of the substring's first appearing:");
     printf("\n10.Replace a string  with another:");
     printf("\n11.Insert a string before pos:");
     printf("\n12.Delete a substrig whose length is len:");
     printf("\n13.Destroy string :");
     printf("\n0. exit.");
 switch (k)
     case 1:
         {    printf("Input string T:\n");
             printf("The string you generate is :    T=%s",T->ch);
     case 2:
             printf("Input string T:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    T=%s",T->ch);
             printf("Input string S:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    S=%s",T->ch);
     case 3:
         {    printf("Input string T:\n");
     case 4:
         {        printf("Input string S:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    S=%s",T->ch);
             printf("Input string T:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    T=%s",T->ch);
     case 5:
        {       int i;
            printf("Input string T:\n");
             printf("The string you generate is :    T=%s",T->ch);
             printf("the length of the string T is:    %d",i);
                      break;    }
     case 6:
             printf("Input string T:\n");
             printf("The string you generate is :    T=%s",T->ch);
     /*case 7:
             printf("Input string T:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    T=%s",T->ch);
             printf("Input string S:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    S1=%s",T->ch);
             printf("Input string S:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    S2=%s",T->ch);
             printf("after the connection ,the string is T=%s",T->ch);
     case 8:
         { int pos,len;
             printf("Input string T:\n");
             printf("The string you generate is:    S=%s",S-ch);
                 printf("Input the value of pos:");
                 printf("Input the value of len:");
     case 9:
        {int i;  int pos;
             printf("Input string S:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    S=%s",T->ch);
             printf("Input string T:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    T=%s",T->ch);
             printf("The location of the substring's first appearing is:        %d",i);             
     case 10:
         {        printf("Input string S:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    S=%s",S->ch);
             printf("Input string T:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    T=%s",T->ch);
             printf("Input string V:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    V=%s",V->ch);
             printf("The string which has been replaced is:    S=%s",S->ch);
     case 11:
             int pos;
             printf("Input string S:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    S=%s",T->ch);
             printf("Input string T:");
             printf("The string you generate is :    T=%s",T->ch);
             printf("Input the value of pos:");
             printf("The new string is:    S=%s",S->ch);
     case 12:
        {       int pos,len;
            printf("Input string S:\n");
             printf("The string you generate is :    S=%s",S->ch);
             printf("Input the value of pos:");
                 printf("Input the value of len:");
     case 13:
         {    printf("Input string S:\n");
             printf("The string you generate is :    S=%s",S->ch);
          case 0: exit(0);*/
     default:printf("unknown operator\n");
 printf("\npress any key to continue...");
Status StrAssgn(HString  *T,char *chars)
int i,j;char *c;
if(T->ch)  free(T->ch);  /*释放T原有空间*/
   if(!(T->ch=(char *)malloc (i*sizeof(char))))
  return OK;
Status StrCopy(HString   *T, HString *S)
int i;
  if(T->ch)  free(T->ch);
      if(!(T->ch = (char *)malloc (S->length*sizeof(char))))
          return OK;
Status StrEmpty(HString *S)
return TRUE;
int StrCompare(HString *S, HString *T)
 int i;
for (i=0;i<S->length &&i<T->length;i++)
 if(S->ch[i]!=T->ch[i])  return S->ch[i]-T->ch[i];
 return S->length-T->length;
int     StrLength(HString *S)
return S->length;
Status ClearString(HString   *S)
 return OK;
Status Concat0(HString  *T, HString *S1, HString *S2)
{  int i,j;
  if(T->ch)  free(T->ch);
  if(!(T->ch=(char *)malloc((S1->length+S2->length)*sizeof(char))))
  for (i=0;i<S1->length;i++)
  for (j=0;j<S2->length;j++)
  return OK;
Status SubString0(HString  *Sub, HString *S,int pos,int len)
{ int i;
 if(pos <1||pos >S->length||len<0||len>S->length-pos +1)
   return ERROR;
  if(Sub->ch) free (Sub->ch);
  if ( !len)
   Sub->ch=(char *)malloc (len *sizeof (char));
   for (i=0;i<=len-1;i++)
   Sub->length = len;
  return OK;
int Index(HString *S, HString *T,int pos)
     int i=pos;int j=1;
    while (i<=S->length &&j<=T->length)
          if( S->ch[i]==T->ch[j]) {++i;++j;}
              else {i=i-j+2;j=1;}
        if(j>T->length)  return i-T->length;
            else  return 0;
Status Replace(HString  *S, HString *T, HString *V)
 int pos;
 pos = Index (S,T,1);
 StrDelete (S,pos,T->length);
 Replace (S,T,V);
/*在串S中的第pos 个字符之前插入串T。*/
Status StrInsert(HString  *S,int pos, HString *T)
int i;
    if(pos < 1|| pos >S->length+1) return ERROR;
        if (T->length)
                 if(!(S->ch = (char *)realloc (S->ch,(S->length+T->length)*sizeof (char))))
                    exit (OVERFLOW);
            for (i=S->length-1;i>=pos -1;--i)
               S->ch[i+T->length] = S->ch[i];
              for (i=pos ;i<=pos +T->length-1;i++)
               S->ch[i+pos - 1]=T->ch[i];    
/*从串S中删除第pos 个字符起长度为len的子串。*/
Status StrDelete(HString  *S,int pos,int len)
{ int i;
       return ERROR;
     for (i=pos+len-1;i<S->length;i++)
          for (i=(S->length-len);i<S->length;i++)
           free (S->ch);
Status DestroyString(HString  *S)
    if(S->ch) {free(S->ch);S->ch=NULL;}
        return OK;
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 调试 演示 
2008-06-25 21:08
快速回复:串的基本操作演示 能能帮忙调试下,有2个小错误一直解决不了

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