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我在vb6.0里使用一个函数来实现在普通打印机上打印条码(呵呵,代码大部份是借鉴internet),当我打出来时,用条码扫描器扫描此条码(用的是A4纸),但怎么扫也扫不出来,请问各位这是什么原因呢?  代码如下:
Private Sub PrintBarCode( _

  ByVal strBarCode As String, _

  Optional ByVal intXPos As Integer = 0, _

  Optional ByVal intYPos As Integer = 0, _

  Optional ByVal intPrintHeight As Integer = 10, _

  Optional ByVal bolPrintText As Boolean = True _


' 参数说明:

' strBarCode    - 要打印的条形码字符串

' intXPos, intYPos - 打印条形码的左上角坐标(缺省为(0,0),坐标刻度为:毫米)

' intHeight     - 打印高度(缺省为一厘米,坐标刻度为:毫米)

' bolPrintText   - 是否打印人工识别字符(缺省为true)

' "0"-"9","A-Z","-","%","$"和"*" 的条码编码格式,总共 40 个字符

Static strBarTable(39) As String

' 初始化条码编码格式表

  strBarTable(0) = "001100100"   ' 0

  strBarTable(1) = "100010100"   ' 1

  strBarTable(2) = "010010100"   ' 2

  strBarTable(3) = "110000100"   ' 3

  strBarTable(4) = "001010100"   ' 4

  strBarTable(5) = "101000100"   ' 5

  strBarTable(6) = "011000100"   ' 6

  strBarTable(7) = "000110100"   ' 7

  strBarTable(8) = "100100100"   ' 8

  strBarTable(9) = "010100100"   ' 9

  strBarTable(10) = "100010010"  ' A

  strBarTable(11) = "010010010"  ' B

  strBarTable(12) = "110000010"  ' C

  strBarTable(13) = "001010010"  ' D

  strBarTable(14) = "101000010"  ' E

  strBarTable(15) = "011000010"  ' F

  strBarTable(16) = "000110010"  ' G

  strBarTable(17) = "100100010"  ' H

  strBarTable(18) = "010100010"  ' I

  strBarTable(19) = "001100010"  ' J

  strBarTable(20) = "100010001"  ' K

  strBarTable(21) = "010010001"  ' L

  strBarTable(22) = "110000001"  ' M

  strBarTable(23) = "001010001"  ' N

  strBarTable(24) = "101000001"  ' O

  strBarTable(25) = "011000001"  ' P

  strBarTable(26) = "000110001"  ' Q

  strBarTable(27) = "100100001"  ' R

  strBarTable(28) = "010100001"  ' S

  strBarTable(29) = "001100001"  ' T

  strBarTable(30) = "100011000"  ' U

  strBarTable(31) = "010011000"  ' V

  strBarTable(32) = "110001000"  ' W

  strBarTable(33) = "001011000"  ' X

  strBarTable(34) = "101001000"  ' Y

  strBarTable(35) = "011001000"  ' Z

  strBarTable(36) = "000111000"  ' -

  strBarTable(37) = "100101000"  ' %

  strBarTable(38) = "010101000"  ' $

  strBarTable(39) = "001101000"  ' *

  If strBarCode = "" Then Exit Sub ' 不打印空串

  ' 保存打印机 ScaleMode

  Dim intOldScaleMode As ScaleModeConstants

  intOldScaleMode = Printer.ScaleMode

  ' 保存打印机 DrawWidth

  Dim intOldDrawWidth As Integer

  intOldDrawWidth = Printer.DrawWidth

  ' 保存打印机 Font

  Dim fntOldFont As StdFont

  Set fntOldFont = Printer.Font

  Printer.ScaleMode = vbTwips ' 设置打印用的坐标刻度为缇(twip=1)

  Printer.DrawWidth = 1   ' 线宽为 1

  Printer.FontName = "宋体" ' 打印在条码下方字符的字体和大小

  Printer.FontSize = 10

  Dim strBC As String     ' 要打印的条码字符串

  strBC = Ucase(strBarCode)

  ' 将以毫米表示的 X 坐标转换为以缇表示

  Dim x As Integer

  x = Printer.ScaleX(intXPos, vbMillimeters, vbTwips)

  ' 将以毫米表示的 Y 坐标转换为以缇表示

  Dim y As Integer

  y = Printer.ScaleY(intYPos, vbMillimeters, vbTwips)

  ' 将以毫米表示的高度转换为以缇表示

  Dim intHeight As Integer

  intHeight = Printer.ScaleY(intPrintHeight, vbMillimeters, vbTwips)

  ' 是否在条形码下方打印人工识别字符

  If bolPrintText = True Then

    ' 条码打印高度要减去下面的字符显示高度

    intHeight = intHeight - Printer.TextHeight(strBC)

  End If

  Const intWidthCU As Integer = 30 ' 粗线和宽间隙宽度

  Const intWidthXI As Integer = 10 ' 细线和窄间隙宽度

  Dim intIndex As Integer      ' 当前处理的字符串索引

  Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer  ' 循环控制变量

  ' 添加起始字符

  If Left(strBC, 1) <> "*" Then

    strBC = "*" & strBC

  End If

  ' 添加结束字符

  If Right(strBC, 1) <> "*" Then

    strBC = strBC & "*"

  End If

  ' 循环处理每个要显示的条码字符

  For i = 1 To Len(strBC)

    ' 确定当前字符在 strBarTable 中的索引

    Select Case Mid(strBC, i, 1)

    Case "*"

      intIndex = 39

    Case "$"

      intIndex = 38

    Case "%"

      intIndex = 37

    Case "-"

      intIndex = 36

    Case "0" To "9"

      intIndex = CInt(Mid(strBC, i, 1))

    Case "A" To "Z"

      intIndex = Asc(Mid(strBC, i, 1)) - Asc("A") 10

    Case Else

      MsgBox "要打印的条形码字符串中包含无效字符!当前版本只支持字符 '0'-'9','A'-'Z','-','%','$'和'*'"

    End Select

    ' 是否在条形码下方打印人工识别字符

    If bolPrintText = True Then

      Printer.CurrentX = x

      Printer.CurrentY = y intHeight

      Printer.Print Mid(strBC, i, 1)

    End If

    For j = 1 To 5

      ' 画细线

      If Mid(strBarTable(intIndex), j, 1) = "0" Then

        For k = 0 To intWidthXI - 1

          Printer.Line (x k, y)-Step(0, intHeight)

        Next k

        x = x intWidthXI

      ' 画宽线


        For k = 0 To intWidthCU - 1

          Printer.Line (x k, y)-Step(0, intHeight)

        Next k

        x = x intWidthCU

      End If

      ' 每个字符条码之间为窄间隙

      If j = 5 Then

        x = x intWidthXI * 3

        Exit For

      End If

      ' 窄间隙

      If Mid(strBarTable(intIndex), j 5, 1) = "0" Then

        x = x intWidthXI * 3

      ' 宽间隙


        x = x intWidthCU * 2

      End If

    Next j

  Next i

  ' 恢复打印机 ScaleMode

  Printer.ScaleMode = intOldScaleMode

  ' 恢复打印机 DrawWidth

  Printer.DrawWidth = intOldDrawWidth

  ' 恢复打印机 Font

  Set Printer.Font = fntOldFont

End Sub
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 条码 打印机 ByVal Optional Integer 
2008-03-06 11:27

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