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标题:[转贴]认识VF--Visual FoxPro 漫谈_8
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[转贴]认识VF--Visual FoxPro 漫谈_8

选择Visual FoxPro

者是一名程序员,不是搞行政的、做推销的,说话办事总讲个实在、一就是一、虚夸是不喜欢的。说心里话,Visual FoxPro在它的应用领域既不像那些大吹大擂的人说的那样神奇、世界第一,更不像社会上那些一知半解、不懂装懂的人讲的那样不济,我的观点是用好 Visual FoxPro足以与任何当前流行的开发工具抗衡,其中关键是:您是不是高手,您是不是把Visual FoxPro用在了它合适的领域。

我们为什么选择Visual FoxPro作为我们的开发工具,因为他对我们有用,别的工具对我们来说用的没有它的得心应手,用了Visual FoxPro我们能够开发出经得起比较、经得起市场风浪、经得起生产实践考验的系统,这对我们来说就足够了!!!

在本文的即将结束之际,笔者想让大家看看用亚马逊网站(www.amazon.com)Visual FoxPro 7的一段英文介绍,虽然有广告色彩,这段文字却真实、全面的概括了 Visual FoxPro 的特色、用途:

Microsoft Visual FoxPro 7.0 enables you to build high-performance desktop, client/server, and Web database applications with its database development system. Employ its powerful data engine to manage large volumes of data, its object-oriented programming to reuse components across applications, and its built-in XML support to quickly manipulate data. Visual FoxPro 7.0 provides the tools and powerful data engine developers need to manage large volumes of data, whether they are organizing tables of information, running queries, or building full-featured database applications for end users. It helps developers achieve maximum productivity through a powerful development environment and easy-to-use visual design tools, and provides the flexibility to build all types of database applications, and to build and consume COM+ components and Web Services.

Make applications accessible to third-party tools, such as screen readers, voice-recognition devices, and automated test harnesses. You can also make Visual FoxPro data easily accessible to non-Visual FoxPro-based clients. Build interoperable applications and components through the ability to represent Visual FoxPro data as XML and to import XML data into Visual FoxPro tables. Control user actions with code that executes when databases are opened, closed, or modified. You will reduce coding time by obtaining powerful, extensible language assistance as you type. View and quickly navigate to procedures, functions, and methods in source code, dock common tools such as command, data session, and debug windows. You can create setups for your custom applications using a special version of the popular InstallShield Express developed exclusively for Visual FoxPro. The enhanced code editor reduces coding time with support for bookmarks and shortcuts, find capabilities, and case conversion.

最后,我想告诉大家一个好消息:2001924,微软的CEO Steve Ballmer 发表了关于 Visual FoxPro 7.0的讲话。他除了介绍Visial FoxPro 7的新特性之外,还代表微软承诺:微软将继续推动Visual FoxPro的发展,为全球开发人员提供更好的支持!


Hi, I'm Steve Ballmer from Microsoft, and it's my great pleasure to be able to talk to you about a newly released version 7 of Visual FoxPro. Visual FoxPro 7 is a great tool for building database solutions of all sizes. From multi-tiered database applications, to data-intensive COM components, and XML Web services.

I hope you've heard by now about .NET, Microsoft's platform for next generation XML Web services. Visual FoxPro 7's support for XML standards, such as SOAP and WSDL, make it easy to create .NET Web services in the same environment you know and love today.

Along with full support for WindowsXP, Visual FoxPro 7's XML support allows integration with .NET Enterprise Servers such as SQL Server 2000 and our BizTalk Server. And XML support in OfficeXP makes it easier than ever for Visual FoxPro 7 developers to import and export spreadsheets. Microsoft is committing to improve Visual FoxPro and continue to serve the needs of FoxPro developers worldwide.

The developer community is core of us. We value the bet you're making on us. The time and energy you put into building great Visual FoxPro applications for Windows, and we won't let you down.

We're committed to continually improving our tools to match your evolving demands as application builders. We think we've got exactly the right line up with Visual FoxPro and Visual Studio .NET, allowing you to continue to innovate and do incredible things for the customers we all serve.

I hope you agree with us that Visual FoxPro 7 is an exciting release. And I hope you join me in supporting Ken Levy and the rest of the Fox team here at Microsoft as we build a bigger, and better, and a more successful FoxPro developer community. Thanks a lot.

因此,我们的看法是:如果你想开发出色的应用程序并想保护你的投资,那么选用Visual FoxPro准没错。

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: FoxPro Roman Times 
2007-10-28 21:33
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:14
注 册:2007-10-28
2007-10-28 22:21
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