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<TITLE> New Document </TITLE>
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function deleteRow()
function add(){
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if(document.all["HJ"+ j +""].value!="") {
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/* Ex: parent element DIV with a class of tableContainer has an overflow property set to auto */

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/* make the A elements pretty. makes for nice clickable headers */

/* WARNING: swapping the background on hover may cause problems in WinIE 6.x */

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/* define the table content to be scrollable */

/* set TBODY element to have block level attributes. All other non-IE browsers */

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/* Filter out Opera 5.x/6.x and MacIE 5.x */

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height: 100%;

overflow: auto;

width: 100%;


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/* http://www.alistapart.com/articles/zebratables/ */

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/* define width of TH elements: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd respectively. */

/* All other non-IE browsers. Filter out Opera 5.x/6.x and MacIE 5.x */

/* Add 16px to last TH for scrollbar padding */

/* http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/selector.html#adjacent-selectors */

head:first-child+body thead[class].fixedHeader th {

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width: 250px;


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border-right: none;

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width: 316px;

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/* define width of TH elements: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd respectively. */

/* All other non-IE browsers. Filter out Opera 5.x/6.x and MacIE 5.x */

/* Add 16px to last TH for scrollbar padding */

/* http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/selector.html#adjacent-selectors */

head:first-child+body tbody[class].scrollContent td {

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head:first-child+body tbody[class].scrollContent td + td + td {

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width: 300px;

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top: expression(document.getElementById("tableContainer").scrollTop)
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<form method="POST" name="ck" action="jxc_sfkbdc.asp?sfkbz=2">
<table width="100%" height="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#D4D0C8">
<td height="30" colspan="2"><div align="left"><span class="STYLE2">  </span><span class="STYLE5"><span class="STYLE2 STYLE3">销售单</span></span></div></td>
<td height="30"><div align="right"><span style="width:100%">录单时间:</span></div></td>
<td width="960" height="30"><input name="textfield" type="text" class="inputfield" style="width:60%" size="15" readonly="true"></td>
<td height="30"><div align="right"><span style="width:100%">单据编号:</span></div></td>
<td height="30"><input name="textfield4" type="text" class="inputfield" style="width:60%" size="15"></td>

<td width="176" height="30"><div align="right">客户单位:</div></td>
<td width="377" height="30"><a href="">
<input name="textfield3" type="text" class="inputfield" style="width:80%" size="25" readonly="true">
<td width="294" height="30"><div align="right">地址:</div></td>
<td height="30"><input name="textfield5" type="text" class="inputfield" style="width:80%" size="25"></td>
<td width="321" height="30"><div align="right">电话:</div></td>
<td width="688" height="30"><input name="textfield7" type="text" class="inputfield" style="width:60%" size="15"></td>
<td width="176" height="30"><div align="right"><span style="width:100%">经手人:</span></div></td>
<td width="377" height="30"><input name="textfield62" type="text" class="inputfield" style="width:80%" size="25"></td>
<td width="294" height="30"><div align="right">发货仓库:</div></td>
<td height="30" colspan="3"><input name="textfield2" type="text" class="inputfield" size="25" readonly="true"></td>
</fieldset> </td>
<td height="100%" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<div id="tableContainer" class="tableContainer">

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="scrollTable" id="myTable">
<thead class="fixedHeader">
<th width="11%">商品编号</th>
<th width="11%">商品名称</th>
<th width="5%">数量</th>
<th width="6%">单价</th>
<th width="8%">应收金额</th>
<th width="4%">折扣</th>
<th width="9%">实收金额</th>
<th width="10%">备注</th>
<th width="4%">&nbsp;</th>
<tbody class="scrollContent">

<td height="50" bgcolor="#E4F4F8">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#D4D0C8">

<td height="20" colspan="8"><div align="center"><a href="#" onClick="insertRow()">增加行</a></div></td>
<td height="20" colspan="8"><div align="right">合计数量:     
<input name="HJSL" type="text" class="inputfieldtd" id="HJSL" size="10" readonly>    
<input name="HJJE" type="text" class="inputfieldtd" id="HJJE" size="10" readonly>      
<input name="ZQJE" type="text" class="inputfieldtd" id="ZQJE" size="10" readonly>   
<td width="104" height="20"><div align="right">收款方式:</div></td>
<td width="175" height="20"><input name="textfield33" type="text" class="inputfield" style="width:60%" size="25"></td>
<td width="112" height="20"><div align="right">实收金额:</div></td>
<td width="183" height="20"><input name="textfield32" type="text" class="inputfield" style="width:60%" size="25"></td>
<td width="104" height="20">优惠金额:</td>
<td width="183" height="20"><input name="textfield34" type="text" class="inputfield" style="width:60%" size="25"></td>
<td width="179" height="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="188" height="20">&nbsp;</td>
<td height="20" colspan="8"><div align="right">单据过账  存入草稿 放弃退出</div></td>
</fieldset> </td>


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注 册:2007-9-23
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一条马路,越走越宽,最后不知道前进的方向! 《妈妈宝宝》杂志社(www.
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