[推荐]C++ Builder的快捷键
F1 帮助Alt+F2 终止程序运行(特别是调试时很有用)
F3 查找下一个结果(和Ctrl+F配合使用)
F5 设置/取消断点
Ctrl+F5 设置Watch变量
F7 跟踪(进入子程序)
F8 单步(不进入子程序)
F9 运行
Ctrl+F9 编译但不运行
F11 切换对象观察器(Object Inspector)
F12 切换Form和代码编辑窗口
Ctrl+F 搜索
Ctrl+R 替换
Ctrl+K+B Marks the beginning of a block
Ctrl+K+C Copies a selected block
Ctrl+K+H Hides/shows a selected block
Ctrl+K+I Indents a block by the amount specified in the Block Indent combo box on the General page of the Editor Options dialog box.
Ctrl+K+K Marks the end of a block
Ctrl+K+L Marks the current line as a block
Ctrl+K+N Changes a block to uppercase
Ctrl+K+O Changes a block to lowercase
Ctrl+K+P Prints selected block
Ctrl+K+R Reads a block from a file
Ctrl+K+T Marks a word as a block
Ctrl+K+U Outdents a block by the amount specified in the Block Indent combo box on the General page of the Editor Options dialog box.
Ctrl+K+V Moves a selected block
Ctrl+K+W Writes a selected block to a file
Ctrl+K+Y Deletes a selected block
Ctrl+O+C Turns on column blocking
Ctrl+O+I Marks an inclusive block
Ctrl+O+K Turns off column blocking
Ctrl+O+L Marks a line as a block
Shift+Alt+arrow Selects column-oriented blocks
Click+Alt+mousemv Selects column-oriented blocks
Ctrl+Q+B Moves to the beginning of a block
Ctrl+Q+K Moves to the end of a block
Clipboard control (default)
Ctrl+Ins Edit|Copy
Shift+Del Edit|Cut
Shift+Ins Edit|Paste
Ctrl+C Edit|Copy
Ctrl+V Edit|Paste
Ctrl+X Edit|Cut
Debugger (default, classic, Brief, Epsilon, and Visual Studio)
Breakpoint view
Ctrl+V View Source
Ctrl+S Edit Source
Ctrl+E Edit Breakpoint
Enter Edit Breakpoint
Ctrl+D Delete Breakpoint
Del Delete Breakpoint
Ctrl+A Add Breakpoint
Ins Add Breakpoint
Ctrl+N Enable Breakpoint
Call stack view
Ctrl+V View Source
Ctrl+S Edit Source
Space View Source (Epsilon only)
Ctrl+Enter Edit Source (Epsilon only)
Message view
Ctrl+V View Source
Space View Source
Ctrl+S Edit Source
Ctrl+Enter Edit Source
Watch view
Ctrl+E Edit Watch
Enter Edit Watch
Ctrl+A Add Watch
Ins Add Watch
Ctrl+D Delete Watch
Del Delete Watch
Editor (default)
Shortcut Action or command
F1 Help|Topic Search
Ctrl+F1 Help|Topic Search
F3 Search|Search Again
Ctrl+E Search|Incremental Search
Ctrl+F Search|Find
Ctrl+I Inserts a tab character
Ctrl+j Templates pop-up menu
Ctrl+N Inserts a new line
Ctrl+P Causes next character to be interpreted as an ASCII sequence
Ctrl+R Search|Replace
Ctrl+S File|Save
Ctrl+T Deletes a word
Ctrl+Y Deletes a line
Ctrl+Z Edit|Undo
Ctrl+<space bar> Code Completion pop-up window
Ctrl+Shift+I Indents block
Ctrl+Shift+U Outdents block
Ctrl+Shift+Y Deletes to the end of a line
Ctrl+Shift+Z Edit|Redo
Ctrl+Shift+<space bar> Code Parameters pop-up window
Alt+[ Finds the matching delimiter (forward)
Alt+] Finds the matching delimiter (backward)
End Moves to the end of a line
Home Moves to the start of a line
Enter Inserts a carriage return
Ins Turns insert mode on/off
Del Deletes the character to the right of the cursor
Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
Tab Inserts a tab
Space Inserts a blank space
Left Arrow Moves the cursor left one column, accounting for the autoindent setting
Right Arrow Moves the cursor right one column, accounting for the autoindent setting
Up Arrow Moves up one line
Down Arrow Moves down one line
Page Up Moves up one page
Page Down Moves down one page
Ctrl+Left Arrow Moves one word left
Ctrl+Right Arrow Moves one word right
Ctrl+Tab Moves to the next code page (or file)
Ctrl+Shift+Tab Moves to the previous code page (or file)
Ctrl+Backspace Deletes the word to the right of the cursor
Ctrl+Home Moves to the top of a file
Ctrl+End Moves to the end of a file
Ctrl+Del Deletes a currently selected block
Ctrl+Space Inserts a blank space
Ctrl+PgDn Moves to the bottom of a screen
Ctrl+PgUp Moves to the top of a screen
Ctrl+Up Arrow Scrolls up one line
Ctrl+Down Arrow Scrolls down one line
Ctrl+Enter Opens file at cursor
Shift+Tab Moves the cursor to the left one tab position
Shift+Backspace Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
Shift+Left Arrow Selects the character to the left of the cursor
Shift+Right Arrow Selects the character to the right of the cursor
Shift+Up Arrow Moves the cursor up one line and selects from the left of the starting cursor position
Shift+Down Arrow Moves the cursor down one line and selects from the right of the starting cursor position
Shift+PgUp Moves the cursor up one screen and selects from the left of the starting cursor position
Shift+PgDn Moves the cursor down one line and selects from the right of the starting cursor position