参考爬http的爬虫代码,只要GET + source + HTTP/1.1 +host ,然后接受返回的消息就是网页内容。
现在很多网站都相机改成https的了,我试了还是用爬http的代码爬了一下https的网站,但是得到的是 Your request has bad syntax or is inherently impossible to satisfy.
三次握手后(应该是connect之后自带的三次握手之后吧?),作为访问端发送的还是第一个包还是 GET / HTTP /1.1\r\n和其他的一些内容。但是这里其他的内容有:Host,Connection,Accept,Upgrade-Insecure-Requests,User-Agent,Referer,Accept-Encoding,Accept-Language,Cookie,udid,_zap,d_c0,l_cap_id(抓的是访问知乎首页的包),服务器返回的是 HTTP/1.1 302 Found 和一些参数包括cookie之类的东西.
然后客户端和服务器互相发了两次TCP包(是不是也是tcp/ip帮我们已经实现的保持通联的或者确认的包?),之后就是client hello 、server hello
三次握手之后,直接就是 client hello和server hello
1、访问https网站到底需不需要先GET。如果需要的话,像访问知乎中Cookie,udid,_zap,d_c0,l_cap_id等参数是怎么确定的?(因为我直接用GET + source + HTTP/1.1 +host,返回的是 Your request has bad syntax or is inherently impossible to satisfy)

//#include <Windows.h> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include "winsock2.h" #include <time.h> #include <queue> #include <hash_set> #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") using namespace std; #define DEFAULT_PAGE_BUF_SIZE 1048576 queue<string> hrefUrl; hash_set<string> visitedUrl; hash_set<string> visitedImg; int depth=0; int g_ImgCnt=1; //解析URL,解析出主机名,资源名 bool ParseURL( const string & url, string & host, string & resource){ if ( strlen(url.c_str()) > 2000 ) { return false; } const char * pos = strstr( url.c_str(), "http://" ); if( pos==NULL ) pos = url.c_str(); else pos += strlen("http://"); char pHost[100]; char pResource[2000]; if( strstr( pos, "/")==0 ) { pResource[0]='/';pResource[1]=0; strcpy(pHost,pos); } else sscanf( pos, "%[^/]%s", pHost, pResource );//以%s的形式读取, %[^a]表示匹配非a的任意字符,直到遇到a停止读入 //这里pHost取“http://”后面到第一个‘/’之间的字符串,从第一个‘/’到结束都传给pResource host = pHost; resource = pResource; return true; } //使用Get请求,得到响应 bool GetHttpResponse( const string & url, char * &response, int &bytesRead ){ string host, resource; if(!ParseURL( url, host, resource )){ cout << "Can not parse the url"<<endl; return false; } //建立socket struct hostent * hp= gethostbyname( host.c_str() ); if( hp==NULL ){ cout<< "Can not find host address"<<endl; return false; } SOCKET sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if( sock == -1 || sock == -2 ){ cout << "Can not create sock."<<endl; return false; } //建立服务器地址 SOCKADDR_IN sa; sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_port = htons( 80 ); //char addr[5]; //memcpy( addr, hp->h_addr, 4 ); //sa.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(hp->h_addr); memcpy( &sa.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, 4 ); //建立连接 if( 0!= connect( sock, (SOCKADDR*)&sa, sizeof(sa) ) ){ cout << "Can not connect: "<< url <<endl; closesocket(sock); return false; }; //准备发送数据 string request = "GET " + resource + " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:" + host + "\r\nConnection:Close\r\n\r\n";//字符串拼接 //发送数据 if( SOCKET_ERROR ==send( sock, request.c_str(), request.size(), 0 ) ){//request.size()=strlen(request.c_str) cout << "send error" <<endl; closesocket( sock ); return false; } //接收数据 int m_nContentLength = DEFAULT_PAGE_BUF_SIZE; char *pageBuf = (char *)malloc(m_nContentLength); memset(pageBuf, 0, m_nContentLength); bytesRead = 0; int ret = 1; cout <<"Read: "; while(ret > 0) { ret = recv(sock, pageBuf + bytesRead, m_nContentLength - bytesRead, 0); if(ret > 0) { bytesRead += ret; } if( m_nContentLength - bytesRead<100) { cout << "\nRealloc memorry"<<endl; m_nContentLength *=2; pageBuf = (char*)realloc( pageBuf, m_nContentLength); //重新分配内存 } cout << ret <<" "; } cout <<endl; pageBuf[bytesRead] = '\0'; response = pageBuf; closesocket( sock ); return true; //cout<< response <<endl; } //提取所有的URL以及图片URL void HTMLParse ( string & htmlResponse, vector<string> & imgurls, const string & host ){ //Sleep(10000); //找所有连接,加入queue中 const char *p= htmlResponse.c_str(); char *tag="href=\"";//href的内容 就是指要跳转的路由 或 方法 const char *pos = strstr( p, tag ); ofstream ofile("url.txt", ios::app);//以追加的方式打开文件 while( pos ) { pos +=strlen(tag); const char * nextQ = strstr( pos, "\"" ); if( nextQ ) { char * url = new char[ nextQ-pos+1 ]; //char url[100]; //固定大小的会发生缓冲区溢出的危险 sscanf( pos, "%[^\"]", url); string surl = url; // 转换成string类型,可以自动释放内存 if( visitedUrl.find( surl ) == visitedUrl.end() ){// visitedUrl.find( surl )=visitedUrl.end() 表示visitedUrl中没有sur1 visitedUrl.insert( surl ); ofile << surl<<endl; hrefUrl.push( surl );//将sur1插到队列末 } pos = strstr(pos, tag ); delete [] url; // 释放掉申请的内存 } } ofile << endl << endl; ofile.close(); tag ="<img "; const char* att1= "src=\"";//规定图像|音视频等的 URL。 const char* att2="lazy-src=\"";//lazy_src=还是lazy-src= const char *pos0 = strstr( p, tag ); while( pos0 ) { pos0 += strlen( tag ); const char* pos2 = strstr( pos0, att2 ); if( !pos2 || pos2 > strstr( pos0, ">") ) { pos = strstr( pos0, att1);//非延迟加载项 if(!pos) { pos0 = strstr(att1, tag ); continue; } else { pos = pos + strlen(att1); } } else //如果是延迟加载项 { pos = pos2 + strlen(att2); } const char * nextQ = strstr( pos, "\""); if( nextQ ) { char * url = new char[nextQ-pos+1]; sscanf( pos, "%[^\"]", url); cout << url<<endl; string imgUrl = url; if( visitedImg.find( imgUrl ) == visitedImg.end() ) { visitedImg.insert( imgUrl ); imgurls.push_back( imgUrl );//imgurls作为模板队列,push_back的参数由单个字符变成string类型 } pos0 = strstr(pos0, tag ); delete [] url; } } cout << "end of Parse this html"<<endl; } //把URL转化为文件名 string ToFileName( const string &url ){ string fileName; fileName.resize( url.size()); int k=0; for( int i=0; i<(int)url.size(); i++){ char ch = url[i]; if( ch!='\\'&&ch!='/'&&ch!=':'&&ch!='*'&&ch!='?'&&ch!='"'&&ch!='<'&&ch!='>'&&ch!='|') fileName[k++]=ch; } return fileName.substr(0,k) + ".txt";//从第0位开始,长度为k的字符串 + .txt } //下载图片到img文件夹 void DownLoadImg( vector<string> & imgurls, const string &url ){ //生成保存该url下图片的文件夹 string foldname = ToFileName( url ); foldname = "./img/"+foldname; if(!CreateDirectory( foldname.c_str(),NULL )) cout << "Can not create directory:"<< foldname<<endl; char *image; int byteRead; for( int i=0; i<imgurls.size(); i++) { //判断是否为图片,bmp,jgp,jpeg,gif string str = imgurls[i]; int pos = str.find_last_of(".");//返回值为相对于起点的偏移位 if( pos == string::npos ) continue; else { string ext = str.substr( pos+1, str.size()-pos-1 ); if( ext!="bmp"&& ext!="jpg" && ext!="jpeg"&& ext!="gif"&&ext!="png") continue; } //下载其中的内容 if( GetHttpResponse(imgurls[i], image, byteRead)) { if ( strlen(image) ==0 ) { continue; } const char *p=image; const char * pos = strstr(p,"\r\n\r\n")+strlen("\r\n\r\n"); int index = imgurls[i].find_last_of("/"); if( index!=string::npos ) { string imgname = imgurls[i].substr( index , imgurls[i].size() ); ofstream ofile( foldname+imgname, ios::binary ); if( !ofile.is_open() ) continue; cout <<g_ImgCnt++<< foldname+imgname<<endl; ofile.write( pos, byteRead- (pos-p) ); ofile.close(); } free(image); } } } //广度遍历 void BFS( const string & url ){ char * response; int bytes; // 获取网页的相应,放入response中。 if( !GetHttpResponse( url, response, bytes ) ){ cout << "The url is wrong! ignore." << endl; return; } string httpResponse=response; free( response ); string filename = ToFileName( url ); ofstream ofile( "./html/"+filename ); if( ofile.is_open() ){ // 保存该网页的文本内容 ofile << httpResponse << endl; ofile.close(); } vector<string> imgurls; //解析该网页的所有图片链接,放入imgurls里面 HTMLParse( httpResponse, imgurls, url ); //下载所有的图片资源 DownLoadImg( imgurls, url ); } void main() { //初始化socket,用于tcp网络连接 WSADATA wsaData; if( WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData) != 0 ){ return; } // 创建文件夹,保存图片和网页文本文件 CreateDirectory( "./img",0); CreateDirectory("./html",0); //string urlStart = "http://hao."; // 遍历的起始地址 // string urlStart = "http://www.wmpic.me/tupian"; //string urlStart = "http://item.&id=36366887850&ns=1#detail"; string urlStart = "www."; // 使用广度遍历 // 提取网页中的超链接放入hrefUrl中,提取图片链接,下载图片。 BFS( urlStart ); // 访问过的网址保存起来 visitedUrl.insert( urlStart ); while( hrefUrl.size()!=0 ){ string url = hrefUrl.front(); // 从队列的最开始取出一个网址 cout << url << endl; BFS( url ); // 遍历提取出来的那个网页,找它里面的超链接网页放入hrefUrl,下载它里面的文本,图片 hrefUrl.pop(); // 遍历完之后,删除这个网址 } WSACleanup(); system("pause"); return; }