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共有 2393 人关注过本帖
标题:vs2013 部署出现这样的问题
只看楼主 加入收藏
Rank: 3Rank: 3
等 级:论坛游侠
帖 子:56
注 册:2010-7-17
已结贴  问题点数:20 回复次数:4 
vs2013 部署出现这样的问题
------ 已启动全部重新生成:  项目: HMS, 配置: DVD-5 ------
Created release folders
AdminExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdminUISequence table successfully built
AdvtExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdvtUISequence table successfully built
InstallExecuteSequence table successfully built
InstallUISequence table successfully built
Directory table successfully built
Feature table successfully built
FeatureComponents table successfully built
Component table successfully built
Loading File table
Building File table
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ClientInfo, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ConsumeItem, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file DepotMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file EmployeeInfo, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file EmpPerformMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ExitSaleMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file MemType, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ProviderInfo, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file PwdChange, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file SaleMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ServiceItemMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file StockApply, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file VIPCardMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file WorkType, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ClientInfo, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ConsumeItem, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ControlPanleMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file DepotMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file EmployeeInfo, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file EmpPerformMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ExitSaleMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file MemType, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ProviderInfo, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file PwdChange, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file SaleMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file SaleReportMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ServiceItemMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file SignInOut, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file SQL, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file StockApply, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file TrunTable, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file UserLimit, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file VIPCardMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file WorkType, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file Main, or one of its dependencies of component NewHMS.exe
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ClientInfo, or one of its dependencies of component SaleMan.exe
File table successfully built
Building MsiFileHash table
MsiFileHash table successfully built
Class table successfully built
Extension table successfully built
ActionText table successfully built
AppSearch table successfully built
CCPSearch table successfully built
Condition table successfully built
AppId table successfully built
Started signing A795.tmp ...
Property table successfully built
Binary table successfully built
CompLocator table successfully built
ControlCondition table successfully built
ControlEvent table successfully built
CreateFolder table successfully built
CustomAction table successfully built
Error table successfully built
DrLocator table successfully built
DuplicateFile table successfully built
Environment table successfully built
EventMapping table successfully built
Font table successfully built
ProgId table successfully built
ISIISItem table successfully built
ISIISProperty table successfully built
ISSelfReg table successfully built
IniFile table successfully built
IniLocator table successfully built
LaunchCondition table successfully built
MIME table successfully built
MoveFile table successfully built
MsiAssembly table successfully built
MsiAssemblyName table successfully built
MsiDigitalCertificate table successfully built
MsiDigitalSignature table successfully built
MsiPackageCertificate table successfully built
MsiPatchCertificate table successfully built
MsiShortcutProperty table successfully built
PatchPackage table successfully built
PublishComponent table successfully built
RegLocator table successfully built
Registry table successfully built
RemoveFile table successfully built
RemoveIniFile table successfully built
RemoveRegistry table successfully built
ReserveCost table successfully built
SelfReg table successfully built
ServiceControl table successfully built
ServiceInstall table successfully built
Started signing A8C0.tmp ...
Started signing A8D2.tmp ...
Shortcut table successfully built
Signature table successfully built
TextStyle table successfully built
TypeLib table successfully built
UIText table successfully built
Upgrade table successfully built
Verb table successfully built
_Validation table successfully built
Searching project for extract-at-build components...
Building scanned MsiAssembly records
Building scanned MsiAssemblyName records
Validating Custom Action sequencing
Embedding manifest SetupExe.Invoker.manifest into setup.exe
Dialog AdminChangeFolder for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog AdminNetworkLocation for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog AdminWelcome for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog CancelSetup for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog CustomSetup for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog CustomSetupTips for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog CustomerInformation for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog DatabaseFolder for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog DestinationFolder for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog DiskSpaceRequirements for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog FilesInUse for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog InstallChangeFolder for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog InstallWelcome for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog LicenseAgreement for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog MaintenanceType for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog MaintenanceWelcome for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog MsiRMFilesInUse for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog OutOfSpace for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog PatchWelcome for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog ReadmeInformation for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog ReadyToInstall for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog ReadyToRemove for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog SetupCompleteError for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog SetupCompleteSuccess for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog SetupError for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog SetupInitialization for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog SetupInterrupted for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog SetupProgress for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog SetupResume for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog SetupType for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Dialog SplashBitmap for language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Resolving strings...
Language Chinese (Simplified): 中文(简体) built
Files built
Media table successfully built
Setup.exe created
Automatic update notification disabled
Express\DVD-5 - 0 error(s), 36 warning(s)
Log file has been created: <file:F:\Solution\NewHMS\HMS\HMS\Express\DVD-5\LogFiles\9-13-2014 10-28-02 下午.txt>
========== 全部重新生成:  成功 1 个,失败 0 个,跳过 0 个 ==========
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: release 项目 
2014-09-13 22:31
Rank: 19Rank: 19Rank: 19Rank: 19Rank: 19Rank: 19
来 自:淮河河畔
等 级:贵宾
威 望:61
帖 子:2392
注 册:2013-3-3
========== 全部重新生成:  成功 1 个,失败 0 个,跳过 0 个  不是成功了啊

2014-09-14 10:08
Rank: 3Rank: 3
等 级:论坛游侠
帖 子:56
注 册:2010-7-17
ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ClientInfo, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ConsumeItem, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file DepotMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file EmployeeInfo, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file EmpPerformMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ExitSaleMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file MemType, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ProviderInfo, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file PwdChange, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file SaleMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ServiceItemMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file StockApply, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file VIPCardMan, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file WorkType, or one of its dependencies of component ControlPanleMan.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ClientInfo, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ConsumeItem, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ControlPanleMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file DepotMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file EmployeeInfo, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file EmpPerformMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ExitSaleMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file MemType, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ProviderInfo, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file PwdChange, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file SaleMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file SaleReportMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ServiceItemMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file SignInOut, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file SQL, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file StockApply, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file TrunTable, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file UserLimit, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file VIPCardMan, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file WorkType, or one of its dependencies of component Main.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file Main, or one of its dependencies of component NewHMS.exe
 ISEXP : warning : -6248: Could not find dependent file ClientInfo, or one of its dependencies of component SaleMan.exe

2014-09-14 14:16
Rank: 3Rank: 3
来 自:China
等 级:论坛游侠
威 望:5
帖 子:82
注 册:2014-9-7

2014-09-14 17:11
Rank: 2
等 级:论坛游民
威 望:1
帖 子:7
注 册:2014-9-16
2014-10-15 23:33
快速回复:vs2013 部署出现这样的问题

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