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共有 2797 人关注过本帖
标题:提示错误“在End Sub、 End Function或 End属性后面只能出现注释”
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等 级:新手上路
帖 子:7
注 册:2011-8-2
 问题点数:0 回复次数:1 
提示错误“在End Sub、 End Function或 End属性后面只能出现注释”
这个问题困扰了我好几点,问题主要出现在源代码快写到结尾的“Private Declare Function IcmpCreateFile Lib "icmp.dll" () As Long”
这个源代码开始,我删除一组Private语句,系统就提示下一组Private出错,而且出错都是提示错误“在End Sub、 End Function或 End属性后面只能出现注释”
Public symm As String
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
  Private Type GUID
      Data1   As Long
      Data2   As Integer
      Data3   As Integer
      Data4(7)   As Byte
  End Type
  Private Type RASIPADDR
          a   As Byte
          b   As Byte
          c   As Byte
          d   As Byte
  End Type
  Private Type RASENTRY
          dwSize   As Long
          dwfOptions   As Long
          dwCountryID   As Long
          dwCountryCode   As Long
          szAreaCode(10)   As Byte
          szLocalPhoneNumber(128)   As Byte
          dwAlternateOffset   As Long
          ipaddr   As RASIPADDR
          ipaddrDns   As RASIPADDR
          ipaddrDnsAlt   As RASIPADDR
          ipaddrWins   As RASIPADDR
          ipaddrWinsAlt   As RASIPADDR
          dwFrameSize   As Long
          dwfNetProtocols   As Long
          dwFramingProtocol   As Long
          szScript(259)     As Byte
          szAutodialDll(259)     As Byte
          szAutodialFunc(259)     As Byte
          szDeviceType(16)   As Byte
          szDeviceName(128)   As Byte
          szX25PadType(32)   As Byte
          szX25Address(200)   As Byte
          szX25Facilities(200)   As Byte
          szX25UserData(200)   As Byte
          dwChannels   As Long
          dwReserved1   As Long
          dwReserved2   As Long
          dwSubEntries   As Long
          dwDialMode   As Long
          dwDialExtraPercent   As Long
          dwDialExtraSampleSeconds   As Long
          dwHangUpExtraPercent   As Long
          dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds   As Long
          dwIdleDisconnectSeconds   As Long
          dwType   As Long
          dwEncryptionType   As Long
          dwCustomAuthKey   As Long
          guidId   As GUID
          szCustomDialDll(259)   As Byte
          dwVpnStrategy   As Long
          dwfOptions2   As Long
          dwfOptions3   As Long
          szDnsSuffix(255)   As Byte
          dwTcpWindowSize   As Long
          szPrerequisitePbk(259)   As Byte
          szPrerequisiteEntry(256)   As Byte
          dwRedialCount   As Long
          dwRedialPause   As Long
  End Type
          dwSize   As Long
          dwMask   As Long
          szUserName(256)   As Byte
          szPassword(256)   As Byte
          szDomain(15)   As Byte
  End Type
  Private Declare Function RasSetEntryProperties Lib "rasapi32" Alias "RasSetEntryPropertiesA" (ByVal lpszPhonebook As String, ByVal lpszEntry As String, lpRasEntry As RASENTRY, ByVal dwEntryInfoSize As Long, ByVal lpbDeviceInfo As Long, ByVal dwDeviceInfoSize As Long) As Long
  Private Declare Function RasSetCredentials Lib "rasapi32" Alias "RasSetCredentialsA" (ByVal lpszPhonebook As String, ByVal lpszEntry As String, lpCredentials As RASCREDENTIALS, ByVal fClearCredentials As Long) As Long
Private Sub CmdConnect_Click() '创建拨号连接按钮开始
          'Dim sEntryName     As String, sUsername       As String, sPassword       As String
          sEntryName = TxtLJ.Text
          sUsername = TxtYHM.Text
          sPassword = TxtMM.Text
If Len(TxtYHM.Text) <> 0 And Len(TxtMM.Text) <> 0 Then
          If Create_PPPoE_Connection(sEntryName, sUsername, sPassword) Then
                  MsgBox "连接建立成功!"
                  MsgBox "连接建立失败!"
          End If
MsgBox "用户名或密码为空!", vbOKOnly, "诶,请你认真一点..."

End If

End Sub '创建拨号连接按钮结束

  Function Create_PPPoE_Connection(ByVal sEntryName As String, ByVal sUsername As String, ByVal sPassword As String) As Boolean '创建宽带连接
          Create_PPPoE_Connection = False
          Dim re     As RASENTRY
          Dim sDeviceName     As String, sDeviceType       As String
          sDeviceName = "WAN   微型端口   (PPPOE)"
          sDeviceType = "PPPoE"
          With re
                  .dwSize = LenB(re)
                  .dwCountryCode = 86
                  .dwCountryID = 86
                  .dwDialExtraPercent = 75
                  .dwDialExtraSampleSeconds = 120
                  .dwDialMode = 1
                  .dwEncryptionType = 3
                  .dwfNetProtocols = 4
                  .dwfOptions = 1024262928
                  .dwfOptions2 = 367
                  .dwFramingProtocol = 1
                  .dwHangUpExtraPercent = 10
                  .dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds = 120
                  .dwRedialCount = 3
                  .dwRedialPause = 60
                  .dwType = 5
                  CopyMemory .szDeviceName(0), ByVal sDeviceName, Len(sDeviceName)
                  CopyMemory .szDeviceType(0), ByVal sDeviceType, Len(sDeviceType)
          End With
          Dim rc     As RASCREDENTIALS
          With rc
                  .dwSize = LenB(rc)
                  .dwMask = 11
                  CopyMemory .szUserName(0), ByVal sUsername, Len(sUsername)
                  CopyMemory .szPassword(0), ByVal sPassword, Len(sPassword)
          End With
          Dim rtn     As Long
          If RasSetEntryProperties(vbNullString, sEntryName, re, LenB(re), 0, 0) = 0 Then
                  If RasSetCredentials(vbNullString, sEntryName, rc, 0) = 0 Then
                          Create_PPPoE_Connection = True
                  End If
          End If
  End Function

Private Sub Command2_Click() '开始拨号按钮开始
'Dim recAdConn&

If Len(TxtYHM.Text) <> 0 And Len(TxtMM.Text) <> 0 Then

recAdConn = AddConnection(TxtLJ.Text, "", "", TxtYHM.Text, TxtMM.Text, "")


MsgBox "用户名或密码为空!", vbOKOnly, "诶,请你认真一点..."

End If

End Sub '开始拨号按钮结束

Private Sub Command3_Click() '断开网络按钮开始
End Sub '断开网络按钮结束

Private Sub Command4_Click() '退出按钮开始
Unload Me
End Sub '退出按钮结束

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Move (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2, (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
End Sub

Function EncodeUser(UserName As String) As String
If Len(UserName) > 0 Then
Dim outstr As String
Dim DicStr As String
DicStr = "9012345678abcdeABCDEFGHIJKLMNfghijklmnUVWXYZxyzuvwopqrstOPQRST"
Dim DicA() As String
ReDim DicA(Len(DicStr) - 1)
Dim ff As Long
For ff = 0 To Len(DicStr) - 1
DicA(ff) = Mid(DicStr, ff + 1, 1)
Dim DicB(15) As Byte
DicB(0) = &H11
DicB(1) = &H34
DicB(2) = &HC9
DicB(3) = &H23
DicB(4) = &H75
DicB(5) = &H18
DicB(6) = &HD7
DicB(7) = &HE2
DicB(8) = &H12
DicB(9) = &H35
DicB(10) = &H29
DicB(11) = &H2B
DicB(12) = &HEC
DicB(13) = &HB6
DicB(14) = &H23
DicB(15) = &H19

Dim inputstr As String
inputstr = "123456"
inputstr = UserName
Dim InputStrArray() As String
ReDim InputStrArray(Len(inputstr) - 1)
Dim OutPutArray() As String
ReDim OutPutArray(500)
For ff = 0 To Len(inputstr) - 1
InputStrArray(ff) = Mid(inputstr, ff + 1, 1)
Dim i As Long
i = 0
Dim j As Long
j = 0
Dim num4 As Long: num4 = &H25
Dim di As Long
Dim var2 As Long
Dim index As Long
Dim var3 As Long: var3 = 0
For i = 0 To Len(inputstr) - 1
For j = 0 To Len(DicStr) - 1
If InputStrArray(i) = DicA(j) Then
If i >= &H10 Then
di = DicB(i Mod &H10)
di = DicB(i)
End If
var2 = num4 * 3
index = (((di Xor var2) Xor var3) + j) Mod &H3E
OutPutArray(i) = DicA(index)
var2 = index
num4 = num4 Xor (var2 + &H24D9)
End If
Next j
If OutPutArray(i) = "" Then
OutPutArray(i) = InputStrArray(i)
End If
var3 = var3 + 5
Next i
Dim kk As Long
For kk = 0 To UBound(OutPutArray)
If OutPutArray(kk) <> "" Then
outstr = outstr + OutPutArray(kk)
End If
outstr = "1:" + outstr
EncodeUser = outstr
EncodeUser = UserName
End If
End Function

Private Sub mimasz1_Click()
    If mimasz1.Value = True Then
            mmyhmsw.Enabled = True
            mima1.Enabled = False
            symm = Right(dzhname, 6) 'symm = Right(dzhname, CInt(mmyhmsw.Text))
            mmyhmsw.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub mimasz2_Click()
    If mimasz2.Value = True Then
            mmyhmsw.Enabled = False
            mima1.Enabled = True
            symm = mima1.Text
            mmyhmsw.Enabled = False
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub tingzhi_Click() '停止按钮
End Sub

Option Explicit
Private Const WS_VERSION_REQD As Long = &H101
Private Const INADDR_NONE As Long = &HFFFFFFFF
Private Const MAX_WSADescription As Long = 256
Private Const MAX_WSASYSStatus As Long = 128
Private Const PING_TIMEOUT As Long = 500

  Ttl             As Byte
  Tos             As Byte
  Flags           As Byte
  OptionsSize     As Byte
  OptionsData     As Long
End Type

  Address         As Long
  status          As Long
  RoundTripTime   As Long
  DataSize        As Long
  DataPointer     As Long
  Data            As String * 250
End Type
Private Type WSADATA
  wVersion As Integer
  wHighVersion As Integer
  szDescription(0 To MAX_WSADescription) As Byte
  szSystemStatus(0 To MAX_WSASYSStatus) As Byte
  wMaxSockets As Long
  wMaxUDPDG As Long
  dwVendorInfo As Long
End Type



Option Explicit
Private Const WS_VERSION_REQD As Long = &H101
Private Const INADDR_NONE As Long = &HFFFFFFFF
Private Const MAX_WSADescription As Long = 256
Private Const MAX_WSASYSStatus As Long = 128
Private Const PING_TIMEOUT As Long = 500

  Ttl             As Byte
  Tos             As Byte
  Flags           As Byte
  OptionsSize     As Byte
  OptionsData     As Long
End Type

  Address         As Long
  status          As Long
  RoundTripTime   As Long
  DataSize        As Long
  DataPointer     As Long
  Data            As String * 250
End Type
Private Type WSADATA
  wVersion As Integer
  wHighVersion As Integer
  szDescription(0 To MAX_WSADescription) As Byte
  szSystemStatus(0 To MAX_WSASYSStatus) As Byte
  wMaxSockets As Long
  wMaxUDPDG As Long
  dwVendorInfo As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function IcmpCreateFile Lib "icmp.dll" () As Long

Private Declare Function IcmpCloseHandle Lib "icmp.dll" (ByVal IcmpHandle As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function IcmpSendEcho Lib "icmp.dll" (ByVal IcmpHandle As Long, _
    ByVal DestinationAddress As Long, ByVal RequestData As String, ByVal RequestSize As Long, _
    ByVal RequestOptions As Long, ReplyBuffer As ICMP_ECHO_REPLY, ByVal ReplySize As Long, _
    ByVal Timeout As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal wVersionRequired As Long, _
Private Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long

Private Declare Function gethostname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal szHost As String, _
    ByVal dwHostLen As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function gethostbyname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal szHost As String) As Long

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
    (xDest As Any, xSource As Any, ByVal nbytes As Long)
Private Declare Function inet_addr Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal s As String) As Long





[ 本帖最后由 swn2008 于 2011-8-20 21:22 编辑 ]
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 源代码 而且 如何 
2011-08-20 21:19
Rank: 8Rank: 8
等 级:蝙蝠侠
威 望:4
帖 子:190
注 册:2009-10-3
   private declare function ...
   private declare sub.....
本文来自: 中国自学编程网(www.) 详细出处参考:http://www.
2011-08-21 08:15
快速回复:提示错误“在End Sub、 End Function或 End属性后面只能出现注释”

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