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来 自:江苏昆山
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注 册:2011-4-17
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#include <string.h>
struct zhigong
  unsigned number;
  char name[15];
  char sex;
  int age[2];
  char xueli;
  int gongzi[6];
  char dizhi[100];
  int phone[15];
  struct zhigong *next;

struct zhigong *adds()
{ struct zhigong *yuangong=(struct zhigong *)malloc(sizeof(struct zhigong));
  {   printf("Please input the number:");
      printf("Please input the name:");
      printf("Please input the sex(M or W):");
      printf("Please input the age:");
      printf("Please input a degree(zhongzhuan(Z)dazhuan(D)benke(B)shushi(S)poshi(P):");
      printf("Please input the wage:");
      printf("Please input the address:");
      printf("Please input the phone:");

void add(struct zhigong **yuangong)
{   struct zhigong*yuangongs=adds();
    if(yuangongs!= NULL)

struct zhigong *yuangong()
{return NULL;

void save(struct zhigong*yuangong)

 {unsigned char filename[13];
 printf("Please input the filename:");
 FILE *filesave;               /*错误点1*//*错误点2*/
 if((filesave=fopen("filename", "wb"))==NULL)    /*错误点3*/
      printf("Cannot open file %s!\n", filename);
  puts("Saveing ...");
        fwrite(yuangong,sizeof(struct zhigong),1,filesave);
  puts("Saveing is finished!");
void load(struct zhigong *yuangong)
{char filename[13];
  printf("Please input the filename:");
  FILE *fileload;                                      /*错误点4*//*错误点5*/
  if((fileload=fopen("filename","rb"))==NULL)                          /*错误点6*/
 {printf("Cannot open file %s !\n", filename);

void main()
{char key;
 int num;
 char tiaojian;
 struct zhigong *yuangong;
  {case'a':case'A':add(&yuangong);printf("Input success\n");getchar();break;
   default: puts("Error command!");

编译环境:wintc     真心求教高手  

错误1: typedef 符号使用不当在 save 函数中

错误2: 未定义的符号'filesave'在 save 函数中

错误3: typedef 符号使用不当在 load 函数中

错误4: 未定义的符号'fileload'在 load 函数中

错误5: 指针必需在 -> 的左侧在 load 函数中

错误6: 构造或联合语法错误在 load 函数中

错误7: 表达式语法错在 main 函数中

搜索更多相关主题的帖子: yuangong include number 
2011-06-29 18:30

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