用法 二叉树

#include "stdlib.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "winsock2.h" #include "mysql.h" #pragma comment(lib, "libmysql.lib") typedef struct url_node{ char url[128]; int count; url_node *pleft; url_node *pright; }url_node_t; url_node *create_node(char *url); url_node *add_node(char *url, url_node *pNode); void freenodes(url_node *pNode); int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 8) { printf("argument is less than given"); return -1; } char *devid; char *domain; char *start; char *end; char *table; char *pTable[1024] = {NULL}; char sqlBuf[1024]; char mini[64]; int iTableNum; int iStart; int iLimit; devid = argv[1]; domain = argv[2]; start = argv[3]; end = argv[4]; table = argv[5]; iStart = atoi(argv[6]); iLimit = atoi(argv[7]); MYSQL mysql; MYSQL_RES *result; MYSQL_ROW row; my_ulonglong num; if (mysql_init(&mysql) == NULL){ printf("%s", mysql_error(&mysql)); return -1; } if (mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "localhost", "root", "", "", 3306, 0, 0)== NULL){ printf("%s", mysql_error(&mysql)); return -1; } char *p; int i; i = 0; iTableNum = 0; // Divide strTable p = strtok(table, "/"); while (p != NULL){ pTable[iTableNum++] = p; p = strtok(NULL, "/"); } if (! strcmp(domain, "none")) domain = ""; url_node *proot = NULL; char *url = NULL; for (i = 0; i < iTableNum; i++) { sprintf(sqlBuf," select DEVID, HOST" " FROM %s where ACCTIME between" " %u and %u and HOST like '%%%s%%'" " and DEVID = %d", pTable[i], atol(start), atol(end), domain, atoi(devid)); if (mysql_query(&mysql, sqlBuf)) { if (1146 == mysql_errno(&mysql)) continue; } if ((result = mysql_store_result(&mysql)) == NULL) continue; while (row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) { url = row[1]; /* establish tree */ /* if root is null */ if (proot == NULL) proot = create_node(url); else /* else add a node */ add_node(url, proot); } /* free result resource */ mysql_free_result(result); } mysql_close(&mysql); return num; } url_node *create_node(char *url) { /* alloc memory for a new node */ url_node *pNode = (url_node *)malloc(sizeof(url_node)); strcpy (pNode->url, url); pNode->count = 1; pNode->pleft = pNode->pright = NULL; return pNode; } url_node *add_node(char *url, url_node *pNode) { /* if root node is null and create*/ if (pNode == NULL) { pNode = create_node(url); return pNode; } /* if url equal pnode's value */ if (! strcmp(pNode->url, url)) { ++pNode->count; return pNode; } /* if url is min than pnode left */ if (strcmp(pNode->url, url) < 0) { if (pNode->pright == NULL) { pNode->pright = create_node(url); return pNode->pright; }else return add_node(url, pNode->pright); } /* if url is max than pnode left */ if (strcmp(pNode->url, url) > 0) { if (pNode->pleft == NULL) { pNode->pleft = create_node(url); return pNode->pleft; }else return add_node(url, pNode->pleft); } } void freenodes(url_node *pNode) { if (pNode == NULL) return; if (pNode->pleft != NULL) freenodes(pNode->pleft); if (pNode->pright != NULL) freenodes(pNode->pright); freenodes(pNode); }