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Dim SchCnd As String  '查询条件
Dim nDepId As Long   '部门编号
Public TmpOk As Boolean

Private Sub Refresh_Check()
  If Trim(ComboDep.Text) = "" Then
    SchCnd = ""
    SchCnd = " And e.DepId=" + Trim(Str(nDepId))
  End If
  lblDate.Caption = DtCheckDate.Value
  Adodc1.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" _
          + App.Path + "\生产管理信息库.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" & ";Jet OLEDB:Database password=800622lx"
  Adodc2.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" _
          + App.Path + "\生产管理信息库.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" & ";Jet OLEDB:Database password=800622lx"
  If CurDep.Describes = "制剂车间" Then
  lbl_biaoti.Caption = "制剂车间生产日报(加工部分)"
  lbl_biaoti2.Caption = "制剂车间生产日报(包装部分)"
  lbl_biaoti2.Visible = True
  DataGrid2.Visible = True
    Jgbf = "SELECT d.DepName As 部门, e.hl as 含量, e.EmpName As 产品名称, e.jx as 剂型, " _
            + " c.yy1mc as 原药1名称, c.yy1yl As 原药1用量, c.yy1pc as 原药1批次, c.yy2mc as 原药2名称, " _
            + " c.yy2yl As 原药2用量, c.yy2pc as 原药2批次, c.yy3mc as 原药3名称, c.yy3yl As 原药3用量, c.yy3pc as 原药3批次, c.jgl As 加工量, " _
            + " c.pc_jg as 加工批次, c.Memo1 As 备注" _
            + " FROM Departments d, Employees e, Checkin c" _
            + " WHERE c.CheckDate='" + Trim(Format(DtCheckDate.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd")) _
            + "' And e.EmpId=c.EmpId And e.DepId=d.DepId " + SchCnd + " ORDER BY d.DepId, e.EmpId"
    Bzbf = "SELECT d.DepName As 部门, e.hl as 含量, e.EmpName As 产品名称, e.jx as 剂型, " _
            + " c.bzgg as 包装规格, c.ylpc As 用料批次, c.rcl as 日产量, c.rkl As 入库量, " _
            + " c.rkpc as 入库批次, c.Memo2 As 备注" _
            + " FROM Departments d, Employees e, Checkin c" _
            + " WHERE c.CheckDate='" + Trim(Format(DtCheckDate.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd")) _
            + "' And e.EmpId=c.EmpId And e.DepId=d.DepId " + SchCnd + " ORDER BY d.DepId, e.EmpId"
    Adodc1.RecordSource = Jgbf
    Adodc2.RecordSource = Bzbf
     With DataGrid1
  .Columns(0).Width = 1200
  .Columns(1).Width = 1000
  .Columns(2).Width = 1000
  .Columns(3).Width = 1000
  .Columns(4).Width = 1200
  .Columns(5).Width = 1200
  .Columns(6).Width = 1200
  .Columns(7).Width = 1200
  .Columns(8).Width = 1200
  .Columns(9).Width = 1200
  .Columns(10).Width = 1200
  .Columns(11).Width = 1200
  .Columns(12).Width = 1200
  .Columns(13).Width = 1000
  .Columns(14).Width = 1000
  .Columns(15).Width = 1200
  End With
     With DataGrid2
  .Columns(0).Width = 1200
  .Columns(1).Width = 1000
  .Columns(2).Width = 1000
  .Columns(3).Width = 1000
  .Columns(4).Width = 1000
  .Columns(5).Width = 1000
  .Columns(6).Width = 1000
  .Columns(7).Width = 1000
  .Columns(8).Width = 1000
  .Columns(9).Width = 1200
  End With

End If
    If CurDep.Describes = "合成车间" Then
    lbl_biaoti2.Visible = False
    DataGrid2.Visible = False
    lbl_biaoti.Caption = "合成车间生产日报"
  Scbf = "SELECT d.DepName As 部门, e.hl as 含量, e.EmpName As 产品名称, e.jx as 剂型," _
            + " c.tlpc as 投料批次, c.clpc as 出料批次, c.cll as 出料量, c.clhl as 出料含量, c.clsl as 出料收率, c.Memo3 As 备注 " _
            + " FROM Departments d, Employees e, Checkin c" _
            + " WHERE c.CheckDate='" + Trim(Format(DtCheckDate.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd")) _
            + "' And e.EmpId=c.EmpId And e.DepId=d.DepId " + SchCnd + " ORDER BY d.DepId, e.EmpId "
  Adodc1.RecordSource = Scbf
     With DataGrid1
  .Columns(0).Width = 1200
  .Columns(1).Width = 1000
  .Columns(2).Width = 1000
  .Columns(3).Width = 1000
  .Columns(4).Width = 1000
  .Columns(5).Width = 1000
  .Columns(6).Width = 1000
  .Columns(7).Width = 1000
  .Columns(8).Width = 1000
  .Columns(9).Width = 1200
     End With
  End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
StB1.Panels(3) = Date
StB1.Panels(4) = Time
End Sub

Private Sub Cmd_Add_Click()
  If Trim(ComboDep.Text) = "" Then
    MsgBox "请选择部门"
    Exit Sub
  End If
  Dim mm As Integer
  编辑车间生产日报.lblDate = Format(DtCheckDate.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd")
  编辑车间生产日报.ComboEmp.Text = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy1yl = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy2yl = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy3yl = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtjgl = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyll = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtrcl = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtrkl = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtMemo1 = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbz_jg = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbzh_jg = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy1mc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy2mc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy3mc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy1pc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy2pc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy3pc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txttlpc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtclpc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtcll = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtclhl = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtclsl = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtpc_jg = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbz_sc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbzh_sc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbz_bz = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbzh_bz = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtmemo2 = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtmemo3 = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtryys = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtsbys = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtwlys = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtzdys = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txthjys = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbzgg = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtylpc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.txtrkpc = ""
  编辑车间生产日报.Show 1
  If 编辑车间生产日报.TmpOk = True Then
    ComboDep.Text = CurDep.DepName
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub Cmd_Back_Click()
  Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub Cmd_Modi_Click()
  编辑车间生产日报.lblDate = Format(DtCheckDate.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd")    '日报日期
  编辑车间生产日报.OriEmpId = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(1)                '产品编号
  UpperEmp.EmpId = 编辑车间生产日报.OriEmpId
  UpperEmp.GetInfo (UpperEmp.EmpId)                                 '读取选择产品的信息
  编辑车间生产日报.ComboEmp.Text = UpperEmp.EmpName                       '产品名称
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy1yl.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(3)             '原药1用量
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy2yl.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(4)             '原药2用量
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy3yl.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(5)             '原药3用量
  编辑车间生产日报.txtjgl.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(6)               '加工量
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyll.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(7)               '用料量
  编辑车间生产日报.txtrcl.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(8)               '日产量
  编辑车间生产日报.txtrkl.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(9)               '入库量
  编辑车间生产日报.txtMemo1.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(10))      '备注
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbz_jg.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(11))      '加工班组
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbzh_jg.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(12))     '加工班长
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy1mc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(13))      '原药1名称
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy2mc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(14))      '原药2名称
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy3mc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(15))      '原药3名称
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy1pc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(16))      '原药1批次
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy2pc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(17))      '原药2批次
  编辑车间生产日报.txtyy3pc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(18))      '原药3批次
  编辑车间生产日报.txtpc_jg.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(19))      '加工批次
  编辑车间生产日报.txttlpc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(20))       '投料批次
  编辑车间生产日报.txtclpc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(21))       '出料批次
  编辑车间生产日报.txtcll.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(22)              '出料量
  编辑车间生产日报.txtclhl.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(23)             '出料含量
  编辑车间生产日报.txtclsl.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(24))       '出料收率
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbz_sc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(25))      '生产班组
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbzh_sc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(26))     '生产班长
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbz_bz.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(27))      '包装班组
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbzh_bz.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(28))     '包装班长
  编辑车间生产日报.txtmemo2.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(29))      '包装备注
  编辑车间生产日报.txtmemo3.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(30))      '生产备注
  编辑车间生产日报.txtryys.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(31))       '人员因素
  编辑车间生产日报.txtsbys.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(32))       '设备因素
  编辑车间生产日报.txtwlys.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(33))       '物料因素
  编辑车间生产日报.txtzdys.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(34))       '制度因素
  编辑车间生产日报.txthjys.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(35))       '环境因素
  编辑车间生产日报.txtbzgg.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(36))       '包装规格
  编辑车间生产日报.txtylpc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(37))       '用料批次
  编辑车间生产日报.txtrkpc.Text = Trim(Adodc1.Recordset.Fields(38))       '入库批次
  编辑车间生产日报.Show 1
  If 编辑车间生产日报.TmpOk = True Then
    ComboDep.Text = CurDep.DepName
  End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmd_SumCheck_Click()
  If Trim(ComboDep.Text) = "" Then
    MsgBox "请选择部门"
    Exit Sub
  End If
  生产统计.OriDepId = nDepId
  生产统计.lblMonth = Left(Format(DtCheckDate.Value, "yyyy-mm-dd"), 7)
  生产统计.lblDep = ComboDep.Text
  生产统计.Show 1
End Sub

Private Sub ComboDep_GotFocus()
  部门管理控件.Show 1
  ComboDep.Text = CurDep.DepName
  nDepId = CurDep.DepId
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
CommonDialog1.flags = cdlPDHidePrintToFile
Printer.Orientation = 2   '横向
End Sub

Private Sub DtCheckDate_Change()

End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
  Me.Top = 0
  Me.Width = Screen.Width
  Me.Height = Screen.Height
  Dim yy, mm As Integer
  DtCheckDate.Value = Date
  ComboDep.Text = ""
  If CurUser.User_type = 4 Then  '不是制剂车间管理员权限则不显示添加、修改、删除。
     Cmd_Add.Visible = True
     Cmd_Modi.Visible = True
     Cmd_Del.Visible = True
  End If
 If CurUser.User_type = 1 Then
 Cmd_Add.Visible = True
 Cmd_Modi.Visible = True
 Cmd_Del.Visible = True
 End If
End Sub
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 类型 数据 保存 
2010-05-05 13:38
Rank: 8Rank: 8
等 级:蝙蝠侠
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帖 子:228
注 册:2009-4-24

护肤小店 http://mina2010.
靓装小店 http://liangliyizu2010.
2010-05-05 14:03
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:62
注 册:2007-8-29

Private Sub Cmd_OK_Click()
  If UpperEmp.EmpId <= 0 Then
    MsgBox "请选择产品"
    Exit Sub
  End If
  With MyCheck
  .CheckDate = lblDate                       '日报日期
  .EmpId = UpperEmp.EmpId                    '产品编号
  .yy1yl = Val(txtyy1yl.Text)                '原药1用量
  .yy2yl = Val(txtyy2yl.Text)                '原药2用量
  .yy3yl = Val(txtyy3yl.Text)                '原药3用量
  .jgl = Val(txtjgl.Text)                    '加工量
  .yll = Val(txtyll.Text)                    '用料量
  .rcl = Val(txtrcl.Text)                    '日产量
  .rkl = Val(txtrkl.Text)                    '入库量
  .Memo1 = MakeStr(txtMemo1)                 '备注
  .bz_jg = MakeStr(txtbz_jg)                 '加工班组
  .bzh_jg = MakeStr(txtbzh_jg)               '加工班长
  .yy1mc = MakeStr(txtyy1mc)                 '原药1名称
  .yy2mc = MakeStr(txtyy2mc)                 '原药2名称
  .yy3mc = MakeStr(txtyy3mc)                 '原药3名称
  .yy1pc = MakeStr(txtyy1pc)                 '原药1批次
  .yy2pc = MakeStr(txtyy2pc)                 '原药2批次
  .yy3pc = MakeStr(txtyy3pc)                 '原药3批次
  .pc_jg = MakeStr(txtpc_jg)                 '加工批次
  .tlpc = MakeStr(txttlpc)                   '投料批次
  .clpc = MakeStr(txtclpc)                   '出料批次
  .cll = Val(txtcll.Text)                    '出料量
  .clhl = Val(txtclhl.Text)                  '出料含量
  .clsl = Val(txtclsl.Text)                  '出料收率
  .bz_sc = MakeStr(txtbz_sc)                 '生产班组
  .bzh_sc = MakeStr(txtbzh_sc)               '生产班长
  .bz_bz = MakeStr(txtbz_bz)                 '包装班组
  .bzh_bz = MakeStr(txtbzh_bz)               '包装班长
  .memo2 = MakeStr(txtmemo2)                 '包装备注
  .memo3 = MakeStr(txtmemo3)                 '生产备注
  .ryys = MakeStr(txtryys)                   '人员因素
  .sbys = MakeStr(txtsbys)                   '设备因素
  .wlys = MakeStr(txtwlys)                   '物料因素
  .zdys = MakeStr(txtzdys)                   '制度因素
  .hjys = MakeStr(txthjys)                   '环境因素
  .bzgg = MakeStr(txtbzgg)                   '包装规格
  .ylpc = MakeStr(txtylpc)                   '用料批次
  .rkpc = MakeStr(txtrkpc)                   '入库批次
  If .In_DB(lblDate, UpperEmp.EmpId) Then
    Call .Update(lblDate, OriEmpId)
  End If
  End With
  TmpOk = True
  MsgBox "数据保存成功"
  Unload Me
End Sub

2010-05-05 14:13
快速回复:当输入信息后,点保存出现“标准表达式数据类型不匹配”,请高手指点。 ...

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