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link error: unable to find input file  ' cos.obj '

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2008-01-22 09:20
Rank: 2
等 级:论坛游民
帖 子:13
注 册:2010-3-24
???????????????????? Call of non-function
???????????????????? 调用非函数
???????????????? Call of clipper procedure of function
???????????????????? 调用的函数没有原型
???????????????? Call of function 'xxxx' with no prototype
???????????????????? 调用的函数 'xxx' 没有原型
???????????????? Can't cast objects as "far"
???????????????????? "far" 关键字不能用在类型强制转换中
???????????????? Can't cast objects as "near"
???????????????????? "near" 关键字不能用在类型强制转换中
???????????????? Cannot find file
???????????????????? 无法找到该文件
???????????????? Cannot generate COM file :
?????????????????? data below initial CS:IP defined
???????????????????? 无法生成 COM 文件,初始CS:IP已定义过
???????????????? Cannot generate COM file :
?????????????????? invalid initial entry piont address
???????????????????? 无法生成 COM 文件,初始入口点地址无效
???????????????? Cannot generate COM file :
?????????????????? program exceeds 64K
???????????????????? 无法生成 COM 文件,程序超过了64K
???????????????? Cannot generate COM file :
?????????????????? segment-relocatable items present
???????????????????? 无法生成 COM 文件
???????????????? Cannot generate COM file :
?????????????????? stack segment present
???????????????????? 无法生成 COM 文件
???????????????? Cannot grow LE/LIDATA record buffer
???????????????????? 不能建立 LE/LIDATA 记录缓冲区
???????????????? Cannot have mulitiple paths for implicit rule
???????????????????? 在隐式规则中,不能有多个路径
???????????????? Cannot have path list for target
???????????????????? 不能有目标路径表
???????????????? Cannot initialize indetiifer skip to
???????????????????? 这里无法初始化一个类成员
???????????????? Cannot modfiy a const object
???????????????????? 不能修改一个 const 目标
???????????????? Cannot overload /main/
???????????????????? main 主函数不能重载
???????????????? Cannot use reserved DOS device name for file????????????????
???????????????????? 不能使用保留的 DOS 设备名
???????????????? Cannot use tiny or luge memory model with windows
?????????????????? 不能使用小或大的内存模式窗口
???????????????? Cannot write GRPOEF list,extended dictionary aborted
???????????????????? 不能写GRPOEF 列表,扩展字典中断
???????????????? Case bypasses initialization of a local variable
???????????????????? 跳过局部变量初始化是非法的
???????????????? Case expression not constant
???????????????????? case 语句的表达式不是常量
???????????????? Case expression not integral
???????????????????? case 语句的表达式不是整型
???????????????? Case of "viiod" term to non-viod
???????????????????? viod 类型不能被强制转换成任何其他类型
???????????????????????????????? Case outside of switch
???????????????????? case 或 case 语句在 switch 语句外面
???????????????? Case statement missing ':'
???????????????????? case 语句缺少 ':'
???????????????? Case syntax error
???????????????????? case 语法错
???????????????? Case to array type is illegal
???????????????????? 不能被强制转换为数组类型
???????????????? Case to function returning... is illegal
???????????????????? 不能被强制转换为函数类型
???????????????? Case value "n" already used
???????????????????? case 情况值 n 已使用过
???????????????? Character already used
???????????????????? 指定的关键字表标识符已经在使用
???????????????? Character constant must be one or two character long
???????????????????? 字符常量须是一个或两个字符长
???????????????? Character constant too long
???????????????????? 字符常量太长
???????????????? Character 'K' and 'k' cannot be used
???????????????????? 不能使用字符 'K' 和 'k'
???????????????? Circular dependency exists in makefile
???????????????????? 在 makefile 中已存在循环依赖
???????????????? Class may not contain pure function
???????????????????? (class) 类不可以包含纯函数
???????????????? Class member declared outside its class
???????????????????? (case) 类成员函数不能在类说明里说明
???????????????? Code has no effect
???????????????????? 操作符代码无用
???????????????? Colon expected ':'
???????????????????? 需要 ':'
???????????????? Command argument too long
???????????????????? 命令参数太多
???????????????? Command syntax error
???????????????????? 命令语法错误
???????????????? Compiler could not generate Copy constructor for Class
???????????????????????????????????? 编译器不能生成所需的拷贝构造函数
???????????????? Compiler could not generate Default constructor for Class
???????????????????? 编译器不能生成所需的缺省构造函数
???????????????? Compiler could not generate oprator = for Class
???????????????????? 编译器不能生成所需的赋值运算符
???????????????? Compiler error (assertion) :
?????????????????? filename,line n source = filename
???????????????????? 编译程序错误(一致性)文件名,文件,行号,源=文件名
???????????????? Compiler error (code engenration)
???????????????????? 编译程序错误(代码不能生成)
???????????????? Compiler limit too many actual parameters for macro
???????????????????? 编译程序限制 : 宏的实参数太多
???????????????? Compiler limits : Initializers too deeply nested
???????????????????? 编译程序限制 : 初始值镶嵌太深
???????????????? Compiler limit : struct / union nesting
???????????????????? 编译程序限制 : 结构/联和嵌套
???????????????? Compiler table limit exceeded
???????????????????? 编译器内部表之一溢出
???????????????????????????????? Compound statement missing }
???????????????????? 编译器一直到文件结束也没找到 }
???????????????? Compound statement missing '}'
???????????????????? 复和语句缺少 }
???????????????? Condition is always false
???????????????? Condition is always true
???????????????????? 条件总是假或条件总是真
???????????????? Conflicting type modfilers
???????????????????? 类型修饰符相冲突
???????????????? Const expression required
???????????????????? 数组长度须用常量定义
???????????????? Constant expression is not integral
???????????????????? 此处需要一个整数型常量表达式
???????????????? Constant expression required
???????????????????? 要求常量表达式
???????????????? Constant is long
???????????????????? 常量太长
???????????????? Constant member in class without constructors
???????????????????? 类的常量成员没有包含用户的构造函数
???????????????? Constant member is not initialized
???????????????????? 常量成员没有被出始化
???????????????? Constant out of range in comparision
???????????????????? 在比较中常数超界
???????????????????? 常量表达式超出了比较的范围
???????????????? Constant variable must be initialized
???????????????????? 可变常数须出始化
???????????????? Constructor cannot be declared const or volatile
???????????????????? 不能把构造函数说明为 const 或 volatile
???????????????? Constructor cannot have a return type specification
???????????????????? 构造函数不能有一个返回类型说明
???????????????? Constructor is not a base class of class
???????????????????? constructor 不是 class 的一个基类
???????????????? Context member already used in \[MAP]\ section
???????????????????? 上下文号在 \[MAP]\ 节中被使用
???????????????? Context string name already assigned an alias
???????????????????? 指定的上下文串已被加了别名
???????????????? Context string already used in file
???????????????????? 上下文串在文件内已使用过
???????????????? Context string cannot be used alias
???????????????????? 别名字符串不能使用上下文件字符串
???????????????? Context string defined for index topic is unresolved
???????????????????? 为索引标题定义的上下文串是不可分解的
???????????????? Context string identifier already defined in topic
?????????????????? of
???????????????????? 上下文串标识符在文件主题中已被定义过
???????????????? Context sting in MAP section not defined in any topic
???????????????????? 主题内定义 MAP 节的上下文串
???????????????? Context string missing
???????????????????? 丢失了上下文串
???????????????? Conversion may lose significant digits
???????????????????? 转换操作可能丢失了有效值
???????????????? Conversion operator canot have a reutrn type specification
???????????????????? 转换运算符不能有返回类型说明
???????????????? Conversion to type will fail for members of virtual base
???????????????????? 没有成员指针的类包含虚拟基,转换为另一类型将失败
???????????????? Could not allocate memory for per module data
???????????????????? 不能为每一个模块数据分配内存
???????????????? Could not create list file
???????????????????? 不能创建列表文件
???????????????? Could not find a match for argument(s)
???????????????????? 不能找到与提供的参数相匹配的函数
???????????????? Could not fined 'xxx.xxx'
???????????????????? 不能找到文件 'xxx.xxx'
???????????????? Could not found file
???????????????????? 不能找到命令行里给出的文件
???????????????? Could not write executable
???????????????????? 不能写输出文件
???????????????? Couldn't get LE/LIDTA record buffer
???????????????????? 不能找到 LE/LIDTA 记录缓冲区
???????????????? Coversion may lose significance digit bit
???????????????????? 转换可能丢失有效数据位
???????????????? Current font range overlaps previosly defined range
???????????????????? 当前字体范围覆盖了前面定义过的范围??????
2010-04-01 20:53
Rank: 2
等 级:论坛游民
帖 子:13
注 册:2010-3-24
2010-04-01 22:02

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