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注 册:2007-11-25
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Unicode Controls and Classes for Visual Basic 6
ctlColorXP         Unicode button used to store a color
ctlImageBag         ImageList clone
ctlNumIncXP         Numeric field with arrows
ctlProgressVista         Very nice progress bar with advanced graphical styles
ctlProgressXP         Very nice progress bar with advanced graphical styles
ctlUniButtonImageXP         Unicode Text/Image Button
ctlUniButtonXP         Unicode Text Button
ctlUniCanvas         Unicode PictureBox-Like Control
ctlUniCheckXP         Unicode CheckBox
ctlUniComboBoxXP         Unicode ComboBox - OwnerDrawn
ctlUniComboImageXP         Unicode Image Combo ListBox - OwnerDrawn
ctlUniDriveBoxXP         Unicode Drive Combo ListBox - OwnerDrawn
ctlUniFileBoxXP         Unicode File/Dir Box - OwnerDrawn
ctlUniFormCaption         Unicode Title support for VB6 forms, Beta
ctlUniFrameXP         Unicode Frame
ctlUniGrid         Unicode Grid
ctlUniImage         Image with Unicode Tip
ctlUniLabel         Unicode Label
ctlUniLink         Unicode Link
ctlUniListBoxExXP         Unicode Image Listbox - OwnerDrawn
ctlUniListBoxXP         Unicode Listbox - OwnerDrawn
ctlUniMDITabs         Unicode MDI tabulator
ctlUniRadioXP         Unicode Radio Button
ctlUniStatusBar         Unicode Status Bar
ctlUniStyler         Change the look&feel of your app with one line of code
ctlUniTabbedXP         Unicode Tabulator
ctlUniTextBoxXP         Unicode TextBox, Can trap Tabulators
ctlUniToolBarXP         Toolbar with Unicode tooltips, very powerful and customizable
ctlUniToolTipManager         Unicode Tooltip manager
ctlUTF8Menu         Unicode Icon Menu - OwnerDrawn - Fully compatible with MDI windows
ucTreeView         Unicode Treeview Control
                                Support Classes:
clsClipboard         Unicode Clipboard Manager
clsCommonDialogs         Unicode Common Dialogs Wrapper
clsCommonWrapper         Wrapper class for the controls common module, Unicode MessageBox, Ansi/Unicode conversion functions, etc...
clsDIBSection         API Device Context manager for DIB sections
clsFileIni         UniCode .Ini File Manager
clsFileIniEx         UniCode .Ini File Manager
clsMemDC         API Device Context manager
clsMultiLngSupport         Multilanguage manager to turn your application UNICODE in a fast way
clsPalette         Support class for the clsDIBSection class
clsSearchFiles         An Extremely powerful class for Unicode file searching
clsScreens         A class that permits you to manage Multi-Monitor environments
clsShellLink         Manage Unicode Shell Links
clsSpecialFolders         Manage Unicode Shell Paths
clsSystemMetrics         System Metrics helper class
clsUniFile         An Extremely powerful class for Unicode file management open / save / move / rename/ ect..., supports extended Windows path up to 32000 chars long! Completely replaces every VB6 file access ANSI routine
cStringBuilder2         Fast String Builder for VB6
cUniSubClass         module-less, IDE safe, machine code subclassing thunk
cUniTimer         module-less, IDE safe, machine code timer thunk
cUniWindow         class for creating Unicode API windows


If you are a Visual Basic 6 Developer you probably already know that internal VB6 controls and classes are not Unicode. This is a big problem when you need to get Unicode data from people who use your programs (for example Chinese, Japanese, Romanian, Arabic, Greek, etc...), when you want to put Unicode strings into your applications or when you want to open a file with an Unicode name and path.

With Visual Basic 6 you CANNOT:
? Use Unicode strings into Controls (Button, List, Combo, Menu, ect...)
? Receive Unicode data from Controls (Text, Combo, Picture, List, ect...)
? Use Unicode Tooltips in your application
? Use a new modern Interface
? Access/View files with Unicode name and path
? Copy/Paste Unicode strings to the system clipboard
? Show Unicode MessageBox
? Manage Unicode/Ansi links

如果您是Visual.basic 6 开发,您大概已经知道, 内部VB6 控制和类不是Unicode 。这是一个大问题当您需要得到Unicode 数据从使用您的项目的人(例如汉语, 日语, 罗马尼亚语, 阿拉伯, 希腊语, 等...),你要支持这种语言的话,你一定要选择它,


搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 控件 语言 全球 超级 
2008-01-21 16:06
Rank: 2
来 自:广东省
等 级:新手上路
威 望:3
帖 子:120
注 册:2008-2-16

2008-02-27 19:58

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