程序的来源是《c primer plus》第十一章第10题,这里面我不懂的是if ( gets(str[n]) == NULL ) break;后为什么不直接使用输入的str[]字符串,而是现将str[]地址赋给p[],p[]=str[]; 求指教!!! 部分程序如下:

int main(void) { char str[10][81]; char *p[10]; char command[10]; int n; while(1) { n = 0; puts("input no more than 10 strings finished by EOF (^Z):"); do { if ( gets(str[n]) == NULL ) break; p[n] = str[n]; n++; } while( n<10 ); puts("select:"); puts("a. put originally"); puts("b. put in order of ascii"); puts("c. put in order of string's length"); puts("d. put in order of first word's length"); puts("e. input strings again"); puts("q. quit"); do { gets(command); switch(command[0]) { case 'a': puts("put originally:"); origin_put(p,n); break; case 'b': puts("put in order of ascii:"); ascii_put(p,n); break; case 'c': puts("put in order of string's length:"); length_put(p,n); break; case 'd': puts("put in order of first word's length:"); word_put(p,n); break; case 'e': break; default : puts("Quit."); return 0; } } while( command[0] != 'e' ); } }