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标题:【猎头职位】高薪诚聘ASP .net 高级开发工程师 工作地点:天津
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Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:4
注 册:2011-3-28
 问题点数:0 回复次数:1 
【猎头职位】高薪诚聘ASP .net 高级开发工程师 工作地点:天津

Senior .net developer
Key Responsibility

    Design system framework.
    Establish coding rules.
    System coding and testing.
    Analyse business requirements and provide sound system solutions.
    Develop system documentation
    Develop user training materials and work instruction.
    Identify the improvement opportunity and optimize the performance of system.
    Trouble shooting for the issues identified.
    Knowledge transfer to service management team including system, business process, etc..

Main competence requirements
    Around 3 – 5 years of working experience in IT application area in MNC.
    More than 3 years of experience in IT web based application system development project (.Net platform).
    Solid experiences in MS SQL server and web based development with and C# as a must. Experiences and knowledge in other programming languages, i.e. JavaScript, HTML, C++, etc, is a plus.
    Good experiences in WCF/Web services, experience in Web Client Software Factory is a plus.
    Holding MCSD / MCPD certificates is a plus.
    Proved documentation skills including system specification, training material, user manuals, etc., good sense on knowledge management.
    Good communications skills and the ability to work well with people with diverse culture background.
    Strong initiative-taking and follow-through skills, strong ownership and sense of responsibility and be proactive.
    Ability to work effectively in a flexible, changing and challenging environment, manage multiple activities and priorities and work well under pressure.
    Good business acumen and business knowledge in supply chain, working experiences in auto industry is a plus.
    Good learning agility.
    Good team player.
    Good business writing skills.
    Excellent oral and written English skills
    Bachelor degree.请将简历发送至Eric_ning@  QQ 772829442 格式为 :姓名_工作年限_职位名称
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 工程师 天津 职位 
2011-03-29 14:26
Rank: 2
来 自:四川
等 级:论坛游民
帖 子:62
注 册:2009-1-18
2011-03-29 18:00
快速回复:【猎头职位】高薪诚聘ASP .net 高级开发工程师 工作地点:天津

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