]要求如下:Write a program for playing chess. Program stores information about each chess piece in an array of
pieces. There are total of 32 pieces in initial setup.
Description Type and/or size
name of pice string
colour string
coordinates integer (1 - 8)
coordinates char or integer (a - h)
The program must have (at least) following commands:
1. start a new game (initialize board to start setting)
2. save game state to disk
3. read game state from disk
4. move chess piece (ask which piece to move and where to move)
5. print game state (list pieces that are still on the board: colour, name, coordinates)
white king 5 1
white queen 4 1
white rook 1 1
white rook 8 1
white knight 2 1
white knight 7 1
white bishop 3 1
white bishop 6 1
white pawn 1 2
white pawn 2 2
white pawn 3 2
white pawn 4 2
white pawn 5 2
white pawn 6 2
white pawn 7 2
white pawn 8 2
black king 5 8
black queen 4 8
black rook 1 8
black rook 8 8
black knight 2 8
black knight 7 8
black bishop 3 8
black bishop 6 8
black pawn 8 7
black pawn 7 7
black pawn 6 7
black pawn 5 7
black pawn 4 7
black pawn 3 7
black pawn 2 7
black pawn 1 7

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include <conio.h> #define MY_FILENAME "chess.txt" #define INITIAL_FILE "data.txt" struct chess { char name[10]; char colour[10]; int x; int y; }pieces[32]; void output(struct chess pieces[32]); void fileprint(struct chess pieces[32]); void fileread(struct chess pieces[32]); void initialread(struct chess pieces[32]); void menu(void); void data(struct chess pieces[32]); int main() { struct chess pieces[32]; int i,j; int xaxis=0; int yaxis=0; int xchess=0; int ychess=0; char colourold[10]; int check=0; int checkblank=0; int choice=0; data(pieces); while (1) { menu(); do { printf("Please enter number from 1-6.\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); fflush(stdin); } while (choice!=1&&choice!=2&&choice!=3&&choice!=4&&choice!=5&&choice!=6); if (choice==1) { system("cls"); initialread(pieces); printf("Initializing completed...\n"); } else if (choice==2) { fileprint(pieces); system("cls"); printf("Save successfully!\n"); } else if (choice==3) { fileread(pieces); system("cls"); printf("Load successfully!\n"); } else if (choice==4) { system("cls"); printf("Please enter the coordinate of the piece you want to move!\n\n"); do { printf("what is the x?(input a number between 1-8)\n"); scanf("%d",&xchess); fflush(stdin); } while (xchess>8||xchess<1); do { printf("what is the y?(input a number between 1-8)\n"); scanf("%d",&ychess); fflush(stdin); } while (ychess>8||ychess<1); for (i=0;i<32;i++)/*check if the piece exists.*/ { if ((pieces[i].x==xchess) && (pieces[i].y==ychess)) { printf("the piece you want is %6s %6s \n",pieces[i].colour,pieces[i].name); strcpy(colourold,pieces[i].colour); check=1;/*piece exists*/ } } if (check==1) { printf("To which coordinate you want it to move?\n\n"); do { printf("what is the x?(input a number between 1-8)\n"); scanf("%d",&xaxis); fflush(stdin); } while (xaxis>8||xaxis<1); do { printf("what is the y?(input a number between 1-8)\n"); scanf("%d",&yaxis); fflush(stdin); } while (yaxis>8||yaxis<1); for (j=0;j<32;j++) { if ((pieces[j].x==xchess) && (pieces[j].y==ychess)) { for (i=0;i<32;i++) { if ((pieces[i].x==xaxis) && (pieces[i].y==yaxis))/*if move to piece coordinate*/ { if (strcmp(pieces[i].colour,colourold)!=0) { memset(pieces[i].colour,0,sizeof(pieces[i].colour)); memset(pieces[i].name,0,sizeof(pieces[i].name)); printf("%d %d\n",pieces[i].x,pieces[i].y); pieces[i].x=0;/*if removed,shows '0' !*/ pieces[i].y=0 ;/*if removed,shows '0' !*/ pieces[j].x=xaxis; pieces[j].y=yaxis; printf("Eat successfully!\n\n"); break; } else { printf("Cant eat yourself!\n\n"); break; } } else if ((pieces[i].x!=xaxis) || (pieces[i].y!=yaxis)) { checkblank=2; } } } } if (checkblank==2) { for (i=0;i<32;i++) { if ((pieces[i].x==xchess) && (pieces[i].y==ychess)) { pieces[i].x=xaxis; pieces[i].y=yaxis; printf("Move successfully to %d %d\n",pieces[i].x,pieces[i].y); } } } } else { printf("The piece doestn't exit!!\n\n"); } } else if (choice==5) { output(pieces); } else if (choice==6) { exit(0); } check=0; } return 0; } void data(struct chess pieces[32]) { int i; for (i=0;i<16;i++) { strcpy(pieces[i].colour,"white"); } for (i=16;i<32;i++) { strcpy(pieces[i].colour,"black"); } strcpy(pieces[0].name,"king"); strcpy(pieces[1].name,"queen"); strcpy(pieces[2].name,"rook"); strcpy(pieces[3].name,"rook"); strcpy(pieces[4].name,"knight"); strcpy(pieces[5].name,"knight"); strcpy(pieces[6].name,"bishop"); strcpy(pieces[7].name,"bishop"); strcpy(pieces[8].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[9].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[10].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[11].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[12].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[13].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[14].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[15].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[16].name,"king"); strcpy(pieces[17].name,"queen"); strcpy(pieces[18].name,"rook"); strcpy(pieces[19].name,"rook"); strcpy(pieces[20].name,"knight"); strcpy(pieces[21].name,"knight"); strcpy(pieces[22].name,"bishop"); strcpy(pieces[23].name,"bishop"); strcpy(pieces[24].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[25].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[26].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[27].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[28].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[29].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[30].name,"pawn"); strcpy(pieces[31].name,"pawn"); pieces[0].x=5; pieces[1].x=4; pieces[2].x=1; pieces[3].x=8; pieces[4].x=2; pieces[5].x=7; pieces[6].x=3; pieces[7].x=6; pieces[8].x=1; pieces[9].x=2; pieces[10].x=3; pieces[11].x=4; pieces[12].x=5; pieces[13].x=6; pieces[14].x=7; pieces[15].x=8; pieces[16].x=5; pieces[17].x=4; pieces[18].x=1; pieces[19].x=8; pieces[20].x=2; pieces[21].x=7; pieces[22].x=3; pieces[23].x=6; pieces[24].x=8; pieces[25].x=7; pieces[26].x=6; pieces[27].x=5; pieces[28].x=4; pieces[29].x=3; pieces[30].x=2; pieces[31].x=1; for (i=0;i<8 ;i++ ) { pieces[i].y=1; } for (i=8;i<16 ;i++ ) { pieces[i].y=2; } for (i=16;i<24 ;i++ ) { pieces[i].y=8; } for (i=24;i<32 ;i++ ) { pieces[i].y=7; } } void initialread(struct chess pieces[32]) { FILE *my_file; my_file=fopen(INITIAL_FILE,"r"); int i; for (i=0;i<32;i++) { fscanf(my_file,"%6s %6s %2d %2d ",pieces[i].colour,pieces[i].name,&pieces[i].x,&pieces[i].y); } fclose(my_file); } void fileread(struct chess pieces[32]) { FILE *my_file; my_file=fopen(MY_FILENAME,"r"); int i; for (i=0;i<32;i++) { fscanf(my_file,"%6s %6s %2d %2d ",pieces[i].colour,pieces[i].name,&pieces[i].x,&pieces[i].y); } fclose(my_file); } void fileprint(struct chess pieces[32]) { FILE *my_file; my_file=fopen(MY_FILENAME,"w"); int i; for (i=0;i<32;i++) { fprintf(my_file,"%-6s %-6s %-2d %-2d \n",pieces[i].colour,pieces[i].name,pieces[i].x,pieces[i].y); } fclose(my_file); } void output(struct chess pieces[32]) { int i; printf("colour name x y \n\n"); for (i=0;i<32 ;i++ ) { printf("%-6s %-6s %-2d %-2d ",pieces[i].colour,pieces[i].name,pieces[i].x,pieces[i].y); fflush(stdin); printf("\n"); } } void menu(void) { printf("GAME MENU\n1.Start a new game.\n"); printf("2.Save game state to disk.\n"); printf("3.Read game stae from disk.\n"); printf("4.Move chess piece\n"); printf("5.Print game state.\n"); printf("6.Exit\n"); }
[ 本帖最后由 Timber 于 2010-5-27 02:46 编辑 ]

But here I am