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Microsoft VBScript 运行时错误 错误 '800a0009'

下标越界: 'UBound(...)'

/admin/inc.asp,行 158 FileExt = LCase(fileExt_a(UBound(fileExt_a))) 程序运行后出现以上的提示,代码就是下面的,提示错误的行就是上面的那一行, 请大家帮助看一看。

<% Response.Expires = 0 Response.expiresabsolute = Now() - 1 Response.addHeader "pragma", "no-cache" Response.addHeader "cache-control", "private" Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Response.Buffer = True Response.Clear Server.ScriptTimeOut=999999999 '*************************************************************** '* 定义 Function 函数 '*************************************************************** Function GetPage(url) Set Retrieval = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") With Retrieval .Open "Get", url, False, "", "" .Send GetPage = BytesToBstr(.ResponseBody) End With Set Retrieval = Nothing End Function

Function BytesToBstr(body) dim objstream set objstream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") objstream.Type = 1 objstream.Mode =3 objstream.Open objstream.Write body objstream.Position = 0 objstream.Type = 2 objstream.Charset = "GB2312" BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadText objstream.Close set objstream = nothing End Function

Function GetContent(str,start,last,n) If Instr(lcase(str),lcase(start))>0 then select case n case 0 '左右都截取(都取前面)(去处关键字) GetContent=Right(str,Len(str)-Instr(lcase(str),lcase(start))-Len(start)+1) GetContent=Left(GetContent,Instr(lcase(GetContent),lcase(last))-1) case 1 '左右都截取(都取前面)(保留关键字) GetContent=Right(str,Len(str)-Instr(lcase(str),lcase(start))+1) GetContent=Left(GetContent,Instr(lcase(GetContent),lcase(last))+Len(last)-1) case 2 '只往右截取(取前面的)(去除关键字) GetContent=Right(str,Len(str)-Instr(lcase(str),lcase(start))-Len(start)+1) case 3 '只往右截取(取前面的)(包含关键字) GetContent=Right(str,Len(str)-Instr(lcase(str),lcase(start))+1) case 4 '只往左截取(取后面的)(包含关键字) GetContent=Left(str,InstrRev(lcase(str),lcase(start))+Len(start)-1) case 5 '只往左截取(取后面的)(去除关键字) GetContent=Left(str,InstrRev(lcase(str),lcase(start))-1) case 6 '只往左截取(取前面的)(包含关键字) GetContent=Left(str,Instr(lcase(str),lcase(start))+Len(start)-1) case 7 '只往右截取(取后面的)(包含关键字) GetContent=Right(str,Len(str)-InstrRev(lcase(str),lcase(start))+1) case 8 '只往左截取(取前面的)(去除关键字) GetContent=Left(str,Instr(lcase(str),lcase(start))-1) case 9 '只往右截取(取后面的)(包含关键字) GetContent=Right(str,Len(str)-InstrRev(lcase(str),lcase(start))) end select Else GetContent="" End if End function

function GetPyChar(Char) tmp=65536+asc(Char) if(tmp>=45217 and tmp<=45252) or (tmp=65601) or (tmp=65633) or (tmp=37083) then GetPyChar= "A" elseif(tmp>=45253 and tmp<=45760) or (tmp=65602) or (tmp=65634) or (tmp=39658) then GetPyChar= "B" elseif(tmp>=45761 and tmp<=46317) or (tmp=65603) or (tmp=65635) or (tmp=33405) then GetPyChar= "C" elseif(tmp>=46318 and tmp<=46930) or (tmp>=61884 and tmp<=61884) or (tmp=65604) or (tmp>=36820 and tmp<=38524) or (tmp=65636) then GetPyChar= "D" elseif(tmp>=46931 and tmp<=47009) or (tmp=65605) or (tmp=65637) or (tmp=61513) then GetPyChar= "E" elseif(tmp>=47010 and tmp<=47296) or (tmp=65606) or (tmp=65638) or (tmp=61320) or (tmp=63568) or (tmp=36281) then GetPyChar= "F" elseif(tmp>=47297 and tmp<=47613) or (tmp=65607) or (tmp=65639) or (tmp=35949) or (tmp=36089) or (tmp=36694) or (tmp=34808) then GetPyChar= "G" elseif(tmp>=47614 and tmp<=48118) or (tmp>=59112 and tmp<=59112) or (tmp=65608) or (tmp=65640) then GetPyChar= "H" elseif(tmp=65641) or (tmp=65609) or (tmp=65641) then GetPyChar="I" elseif(tmp>=48119 and tmp<=49061 and tmp<>48739) or (tmp>=62430 and tmp<=62430) or (tmp=65610) or (tmp=65642) or (tmp=39048) then GetPyChar= "J" elseif(tmp>=49062 and tmp<=49323) or (tmp=65611) or (tmp=65643) then GetPyChar= "K" elseif(tmp>=49324 and tmp<=49895) or (tmp>=58838 and tmp<=58838) or (tmp=65612) or (tmp=65644) or (tmp=62418) or (tmp=48739) then GetPyChar= "L" elseif(tmp>=49896 and tmp<=50370) or (tmp=65613) or (tmp=65645) then GetPyChar= "M" elseif(tmp>=50371 and tmp<=50613) or (tmp=65614) or (tmp=65646) then GetPyChar= "N" elseif(tmp>=50614 and tmp<=50621) or (tmp=65615) or (tmp=65647) then GetPyChar= "O" elseif(tmp>=50622 and tmp<=50905) or (tmp=65616) or (tmp=65648) then GetPyChar= "P" elseif(tmp>=50906 and tmp<=51386) or (tmp>=62659 and tmp<=63172) or (tmp=65617) or (tmp=65649) then GetPyChar= "Q" elseif(tmp>=51387 and tmp<=51445) or (tmp=65618) or (tmp=65650) then GetPyChar= "R" elseif(tmp>=51446 and tmp<=52217) or (tmp=65619) or (tmp=65651) or (tmp=34009) then GetPyChar= "S" elseif(tmp>=52218 and tmp<=52697) or (tmp=65620) or (tmp=65652) then GetPyChar= "T" elseif(tmp=65621) or (tmp=65653) then GetPyChar="U" elseif(tmp=65622) or (tmp=65654) then GetPyChar="V" elseif(tmp>=52698 and tmp<=52979) or (tmp=65623) or (tmp=65655) then GetPyChar= "W" elseif(tmp>=52980 and tmp<=53688) or (tmp=65624) or (tmp=65656) then GetPyChar= "X" elseif(tmp>=53689 and tmp<=54480) or (tmp=65625) or (tmp=65657) then GetPyChar= "Y" elseif(tmp>=54481 and tmp<=62383 and tmp<>59112 and tmp<>58838) or (tmp=65626) or (tmp=65658) or (tmp=38395) or (tmp=39783) then GetPyChar= "Z" elseif(tmp=65584) then GetPyChar="0-9" elseif(tmp=65585) then GetPyChar="0-9" elseif(tmp=65586) then GetPyChar="0-9" elseif(tmp=65587) then GetPyChar="0-9" elseif(tmp=65588) then GetPyChar="0-9" elseif(tmp=65589) then GetPyChar="0-9" elseif(tmp=65590) then GetPyChar="0-9" elseif(tmp=65591) then GetPyChar="0-9" elseif(tmp=65592) then GetPyChar="0-9" elseif(tmp=65593) then GetPyChar="0-9" else GetPyChar="0-9" end if end function

function GetPy(Str) for i=1 to len(Str) GetPy=GetPy&GetPyChar(mid(Str,i,1)) next end function

Function GenerateRandomFileName2(szFilename)

fileExt_a = Split(szFilename, ".") FileExt = LCase(fileExt_a(UBound(fileExt_a))) GenerateRandomFileName2 = FileExt End Function

'************************************************************************************************************************ Function GetPage(url) on error resume next dim oSend set oSend=createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") oSend.open "GET",url,false oSend.send() if oSend.readystate<>4 then exit function GetPage = BytesToBstr(oSend.responseBody) set oSend=nothing if err.number<>0 then err.Clear End Function

Function BytesToBstr(body) dim objstream set objstream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream") objstream.Type = 1 objstream.Mode =3 objstream.Open objstream.Write body objstream.Position = 0 objstream.Type = 2 objstream.Charset = "GB2312" BytesToBstr = objstream.ReadText objstream.Close set objstream = nothing End Function

Function Nonbsp(fString) if fString<>"" and not isnull(fstring) then fString = Replace(fString, "&nbsp;", "") Nonbsp=fString else Nonbsp="" end if End Function


搜索更多相关主题的帖子: ASP 越界 运行 
2005-10-09 16:16
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:129
注 册:2005-8-22

,\'\'\',\'\'\', ,\'\'\',\'\'\', \',波波 ,\' \',荟荟 ,\' \' , \' \' , \'
2005-10-09 17:11
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:2
注 册:2005-10-9
2005-10-09 17:23

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