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共有 815 人关注过本帖
标题:初学无知 求助各位大侠!!!!
只看楼主 加入收藏
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:5
注 册:2008-5-4
 问题点数:0 回复次数:1 
初学无知 求助各位大侠!!!!
struct excursions{signed int direction;         
                  int remove;                                       
} excursions;

struct deflexion{signed int direction;           
                  int angle;   
} deflexion;

struct body_coordinates{
signed long int right_x_coordinates;        
signed long int right_y_coordinates;      
int x_coordinates_increment;               
int y_coordinates_increment;            
} body_coordinates;

 struct swy_body_property{
   struct body_coordinates body_coordinates;
  float showy_body_direction;

  float swy_a;
  float swy_a_direction;

  float swy_v;
  float swy_v_direction;
  struct excursions swy_displacement;
  struct deflexion swy_angle;
  } swy_body_property;

void body_adjust(int a,struct swy_body_property* current_property)
case 0x7777:
          * current_property->swy_displacement->direction=0;
        * current_property->swy_displacement->remove=0;
          * current_property->swy_angle->direction=0;
          * current_property->swy_angle->angle=0;

case 0x7377:
          * current_property->swy_displacement->direction=1;
           * current_property->swy_displacement->remove=remove1;
          * current_property->swy_angle->direction=1;
          * current_property->swy_angle->angle=l_angle8;
case 0x7773:  
          * current_property->swy_displacement->direction=-1;
          * current_property->swy_displacement->remove=remove1;
          * current_property->swy_angle->direction=-1;
          * current_property->swy_angle->angle=l_angle8;
case 0x7767:  
          * current_property->swy_displacement->direction=1;
           * current_property->swy_displacement->remove=remove1;
          * current_property->swy_angle->direction=-1;
          * current_property->swy_angle->angle=l_angle8;
case 0x6777:  
          * current_property->swy_displacement->direction=-1;
           * current_property->swy_displacement->remove=remove1;
          * current_property->swy_angle->direction=-1;
          * current_property->swy_angle->angle=l_angle8;
"functions_source.c", line 177: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 178: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 179: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 180: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 194: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 195: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 196: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 197: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 203: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 204: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 205: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 206: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 211: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 212: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 213: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 214: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 219: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 220: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 221: error: expression must have pointer type
"functions_source.c", line 222: error: expression must have pointer type
20 errors detected in the compilation of "functions_source.c".
初学者 无知 敬请各位大侠指教
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: coordinates int 大侠 signed struct 
2008-05-04 03:07
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:3
注 册:2008-5-5
去掉* 试试
2008-05-05 18:28
快速回复:初学无知 求助各位大侠!!!!

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