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注 册:2008-1-3
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It was in the Pacific Cinema _______ they had seen this movie last spring.


 in which
He is too weak to _______ the heavy box.

The chairperson _______ the gold cup to the youngest winner in the history of the game.


Lily had hardly said a word since supper, _______.                    

 nor had her husband
 neither her husband had
 so had her husband
 her husband had not said neither
The police investigation discovered that two young men were _______ in the robbery.

George wanted his bike _______ but his wife would rather have it _______ off.


 fixed; throwing
 to be fixed; be thrown
 fixed; thrown
 to be fixed; to be thrown
It was suggested that the journey _______ off because of SARS.

 to call
 should call
 to be called
 be called
I _______ of his course of action, so I told him to go ahead.

 _______ a reply, he decided to write again.

 Not receiving
 Receiving not
 Not having received
 Having not received
 The headmaster _______ us that the school would be closed for one day next week.

Now Many people spend a lot of money _______ the poor children go to school.

 to help
 to helping
That T-shirt was so tight that he decided to have it _______.

 be enlarged
 to enlarge
She made up her mind _______ back home in spite of the heavy rain.

 to go
_______ at such a time, his work attracted much attention.

 To publish
 To be published
Computer technology has a great _______ on people’s way of living and working.

Football did not _______ Jim Thorpe with his finest hour though he was fond of this game so much.

In a second-hand bookshop, Billy came across a book which he thought was certainly a _______ edition.


I am afraid I won’t have any influence over my 15-year-old daughter _______ her mind is made up.

She had _______the main points of the lesson in three sentences.

 summed into
 amount to
 summed up
 summoned up
If the weather had been good, the children _______out for a walk.

 had gone
 would go
 could have gone
Cancer is the _______ killer among elders in this city.

The boss was _______ by one of the employees’ impoliteness.

We failed in our _______ to climb the mountain.

Please stop _______. It cannot help the situation.

 to shout
 to speak
The mistake was _______ by the carelessness of the assistant.

_______ in the factory, he was an advanced worker.

 To work
She decided to _______ the history course at the local evening school.

 enroll in
 enroll to
 enroll with
 enroll away
Agricultural products are so important _______ we cannot live without them.

_______ the days went on, the weather got worse.

The girl _______ work got the prize is the youngest in her class.

 for whom
搜索更多相关主题的帖子: 英语 词汇 结构 
2008-01-03 20:34
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注 册:2007-7-16
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2008-01-04 22:51
Rank: 1
等 级:新手上路
帖 子:13
注 册:2011-7-12
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2011-08-29 17:09

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